Chapter 1: Unova League Defeat

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--6 years later--

Ash P.O.V.

"Krookodile use Stone Edge," I shouted, anxious not to give up.
"Sylveon use Moonblast," Virgil shouted from the opposing end.
The two powerful moves crashed at eachother, creating a lot of smoke.
My heart was in my mouth. My 5th league, I could not lose this one. Not again. Not after coming this close. I clenched my fists, fearing the worst. The smoke cleared.

Sylveon, on the other side was very worn down and ready to faint. Almost felt like a breeze too strong would have led to its collapse. On the other side, however, Krookodile was on the ground, the dreaded swirly-eyes on it.
"Krookodile is unable to battle, Sylveon is the winner! And so the winner of the Unova League is Virgil.

I clentched my fists and bit my teeth. Despite how far I have come, it was still to nothing. Despite everything I had worked for, I was still a few steps away. But despite all the frustration in my mind, I was determined to take the defeat graciously. I walked out to Krookodile.

Krookodile looked sad and disappointed in himself
"Way to go, buddy. You tried so hard and even beat his Umbreon before this. Even with the type advantage you went down so strong...I can't be more proud of you buddy. Now, you take a nice long rest.

I took out my pokeball and returned Krookodile to its ball. On the other end I saw Virgil congradulating Eevee. I decided to praise him too. After all, despite the loss, this was still an amazing battle.

"Congradulations at winning the Unova League, Virgil. You deserve it. You and your pokemon worked so hard for this. And you have finally earned it."
Virgil flashed a smile at me. "Don't forget about yourself. You and your pokemon worked equally as hard. And you did make it to finals." 
"Next time we meet, we'll have a battle," I said.
"Looking forward to it," Virgil replied.
"I'm not losing though!" 
"Neither am I!"

"Ash's battles give me an anxiety attack," Iris said from the stands. "And he lost. Despite how far he came. I don't know what I would do if I lost in the finals."
"That was a delicious battle indeed. Now let's meet Ash," Cilan said.

"And with that we wrap up this year's Unova League. What an outstanding final battle. Virgil's Eevee evolving at the last minute to steal victory from the jaws of defeat. Let's congradulate Virgil as the victor of the Unova league!"


A few hours later

"Where's Ash," Alexa said.
"He's just outside on the balcony," Cilan replied. "He'll be here soon. After all, it's Ash. He's not going to skip dinner. We'll wait."
"Yeah, such a little kid...." said you-know-who.

With Ash
I was looking into the night sky, thinking of how beautiful it was. It was similar to the night before my battle with Gary in the Johto league. We promised eachother that we will fulfill our dreams. Yet, after 6 years, I haven't even begun my baby steps towards it.

Ash's Kechum's plight to the Indigo League brought to an end by childhood friend Gary Oak. Massive 6-3 defeat in Quarter Finals.

Harrison's Blaziken and Salamence make quick work of Ash's team. 6-4 defeat to him in the Johto league semi-finals.

Close contest between Ash and Tyson ends in Tyson's favour. 6-5 defeat to end Ash's hopes in the Hoenn league semis.

Despite beating Tobias' Darkrai, noone managed to make it past 2 of Tobias' pokemon. All hopes for Ash's champion end in the Sinnoh League finals.

Virgil's Eevee evolving at the last minute to steal victory from the jaws of defeat. Ash Kechum's victory is robbed away at the Unova League finals

It's been so long, yet still so far away. But, I won't give up. She wouldn't have wanted me to give up. Speaking of her, I wonder where she is or how well she has been doing in contests. It's been almost 5 years since I saw her.

Pikachu suddenly hopped onto my shoulder.

"You miss Eevee too, right buddy," I told my best friend and buddy.
"(You know I do. Ever since the Indigo League, we haven't met eachother.)" Pikachu replied
"I kinda feel ashamed about that, not contacting her. But, Pikachu where do you think we should go next."
"(Anywhere we meet lots of new pokemon and friends and battles.)"
"Took the words right out of my mouth buddy. I think I have just the place in mind."

At the dinner table

"Where is Ash anyway?" Alexa asked.
"I'll go get him," Cilan replied.
"No need for that Cilan, I'm here. Wow, the food looks delicious. Did you make this?" I entered the room
"Yup, it's a gift for you for making it to the Unova league finals. Eat it to your hearts content."
"Well, time to dig in!"

After dinner
"I am stuffed. But I say, Alexa, I have a question?" I asked.
"What is it, Ash?" she answered.
"Sylveon is a fairy type, right?"
"Yes, that is correct."
"And fairy types come mostly from your native region, Kalos, right?"
"Yup. I think I know what you are getting at."
"Yes. Kalos is my next destination!"

"In that case my sister will be more than pleased to take your challenge." Alexa said.
"YOur sister?"
"Yes, my sister, Viola, is the gym leader of Santalune City."
"In that case, I can't wait to go! Come on Pikachu! Onwards to Kalos."

"Where are you going, Ash?" Iris asked.
"To Kalos."
"And how are you going to get there without a plane."
"Oh, right. Sorry. I will need to head back to Pallet Town first too."
"Let's finish our dinner first. Then we can discuss about going back to Kanto." Cilan said. "Desert is here."
"Honestly, Cilan. You are amazing." I said, looking starry eyed at the desert.

Later that night 
"Kalos, I wonder what adventures we will have there. I wonder how it will shape me. Every single one of my journeys has taught me something new. Something tells me that it will be more influential than any other."

A few days later
"Here we are, my last day in this journey." I said, watching the outside scenery. Wasn't it fun guys!"
Pikachu, Dewott, Serperior, Braviary, Scrafty and Krookodile all raise their hands as well.

While inside
"Iris! Will you get my spoon from my tent. Its right next to Ash's sleeping bag. You should find it easily enough." Cilan said.
"Alright. Come on Axew." Iris replied.
Iris carefully entered the tent of the 2 boys. It was messy, as you would expect it to be. Normally Cilan has to do the duty of cleaning up while Ash trains. Iris went up to Ash's bag and took Cilan's shining silver spoon. But while taking it, something caught her attention.

On Ash's bag there was a photo. On it was a young raven-haired boy. He was wearing a medium blue jacket with gold trim, white collar and sleeves, dark cyan T-shirt and blue jeans with light blue cuffs. It took Iris little time to realise that this boy was Ash in the past, when he was around 10. 

However, what caught Iris' attention was not Ash but rather who was standing with him in the photo. Nex to him was a girl, about his own age and height. She had long honey-blonde hair, cerulean blue eyes. She had a black top, long red skirts and long black stockings. Evidently the two were very close.

"I wonder who this is. Kalos, region of love. is Ash really not a little kid anymore?"


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