Chapter 2: Ash vs Alder - Goodbye Unova!

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Hello, guys! Before I start the next chapter I want to thank all you guys for the support lately. I got almost 400 views and 20 votes in 3 days. These categories have doubled ever since my return. I will publish, very quickly during my hols. Time for Chapter 2.


At the breakfast table
Ash P.O.V.

"That was so good, Cilan," I said.
"It's nothing. I had to make something special for our last day in Unova," Cilan said.
"So, Ash. Kalos, regi-" Iris began but was interrupted.

"So, I hear it is your last day here," someone said
Approaching them was the a man with with long flaming red hair tied back in a spiky ponytail, tan skin, and dark eyes. 
"Alder!" all 3 teens shouted.
"So, how was your time here, Ash?" Alder said.
"It was amazing. I met lots of new amazing pokemon and new friends," I replied.
"Sorry about the Unova league. It must be hard to lose after coming so close. Well, I was looking forward for your challenge to the elite four." Alder said.
"It's no biggy. After all, the stronger my opponents are, the stronger we get. And the fact that I made so close to the victory is a sign of how hard my pokemon worked," I replied.
"Well, even if you didn't win the Unova League. Nobody says you can't challenge me," Alder said. "Ash Kechum, I challenge you to a 3 on 3 battle."
The smile on Ash's face was all Alder needed for an answer.

"I'll referee," Cilan said. "The battle between Ash and Alder will now begin. Both sides can use 3 pokemon and the battle ends when all 3 pokemon on either side are unable to battle. Furthermore, no substituions are allowed. Battle begin!

"Bouffalant, let's go,"
"Braviary, I choose you," I sent out my own pokemon.
"Braviary use Aerial Ace," I said.
"Bouffalant use Head Charge," Alder counter-attacked.
The two moves collide and Braviary is sent flying back.
"Bouffalant, keep up the pressure with Stomp." Alder commanded
"Fly up into the air to dodge, Braviary," I shouted back. Braviary got up and flew into the air. "Now, blow Bouffalant back with Brave Bird."
Braviary crept up behind Bouffalant and hit it with a powerful Brave Bird.

"Let's not let him rest, Superpower!" I commanded
Braviary hit Bouffalant with a powerful Superpower jumping back at the rebound. Smoke was created.
When the smoke cleared, Bouffalant was shown to remain standing.
"As expected from the pokemon of a champion," I remarked. "Braviary use Brave Bird again."
"Reply with Head Smash, Bouffalant," Alder said.
"Head Smash!" I said in shock.
Braviary was no match for the super effective move and recoil. The two pokemon collided and Braviary fell to the ground.

"Braviary is unable to battle, Bouffalant is the winner!" Cilan announced.

"Alright, Serperior, I choose you!"
"Why did he send out Serperior. I think he remembers from trip's battle that Bouffalant's ability is Sap Sipper." Iris remarked.
"Well, it's Ash. He must have some plan." Cilan said.

"I think you remember my ability is Sap Sipper," Alder called from the other end.
"I do. That's just what I want. Serperior use Leaf Storm!"
Serperior sent a flurry of leaves at the bull pokemon. The pokemon just stood there and took the attack. Bouffalant's attack power was sharply raised.
"Leaf Storm again!"
The same happened. The flurry of leaves, this time more powerful, went towards Bouffalant. The bull pokemon just took the attack.
"I think we'll end this here," Alder said. "Use Head Charge."
The bull pokemon charged towards Serperior. Ash smirked at seeing that.

"Serperior use Dragon Pulse!" I shouted.
A pulse of dragon like energy was shot at Bouffalant. Bouffalant kept howling in pain.
"How did that do so much damage?" Alder asked.
"Finish it up with a Dragon tail." Serperior used its massive speed to come in close to Bouffalant and smack it with a Dragon Tail.

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