Enter Team Rocket

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No One's P.O.V.

Ash kept rushing to Viridian, with Pikachu in his arms. After what felt like ages, Ash finally reached the city. It was huge, one of the biggest in Kanto falling short of Celadon and Saffron. Suddenly, a woman wearing a blue outfit came in front of him. To his relief, Ash found a police badge on the person's vest.
"Woah, hold it!" said the woman. It was obvious she was scrutinising Ash, suspicious because of the wounded Pikachu he was holding. However, he saw the bruises on Ash himself, so she decided to take the investigation furthur.

"What happened to you two?" she said. "You look awful."
"Well you see, we were attacked by a group of wild Spearow," said Ash. "Pikachu tried his best to stop them but he got really hurt in the process. Now, where can I get Pikachu all fixed up?"
"It's that way," the woman said. "Now, hurry."
"Alright," said Ash, running off towards the Pokemon center as fast as it is possible.
"Thanks for the help miss-"
"Officer Jenny," the woman said.
"Thanks Officer Jenny!" said Ash, running off to the Pokemon Centre.

In around 3 minutes, Ash found himself standing in front of a reddish building with the pokeball logo above its door. Clearly, Ash was standing in front of the Pokempn Centre. Not wasting any time, Ash rushed in, anxious to heal Pikachu. In front of his was a counter and Nurse Joy was there, who he had often seen healing others' pokemon.

"Nurse Joy!" he said.
"Hello, welcome to the Pokemon Centre," said Nurse Joy. She analysed Ash a bit then her gaze fell on the wounded Pikachu. "Oh my goodness, your Pikachu is-"
"I know!" said Ash. "Please take care of him."
"On it," said Joy.

Ash sat down on a nearby chair, tired out by his adventure. My, this was a day for him. From getting up late and being woken up by Serena to being chased by Spearow and washing up on Viridian. Speaking of which, where was Serena? Ash hoped she was ok. After all it was his fault for Serena getting hurt. Ash was still in his thoughts when a call came. He got up from his chair to pick it up.

"Hello?" asked Ash. But no sooner had he done this than did his mum's face pop up at the screen, giving Ash one heck of a jumpscare.
"Hello Ash," she said. "So how is my little Pokemon Master doing?"
"Not very good would be putting it kindly while calling terrible and in despair would be harsher but far more accurate," said Ash.
"What happened?" she asked.
"Basically, because of me and my carelessness, I lost Serena and Pikachu got severely wounded," he said.

"Oh, where is Pikachu though?" she asked.
"Nurse Joy is taking care of him at the moment," said Ash. "But I have no idea where Serena is. You have no idea how worried I am about her, especially as it's my fault she got lost."
"So you were worried about me," a voice came from behind.

Ash turned behind at that sudden female voice and saw Serena standing, complete with honey-blonde hair and all.
"Serena, are you alright?"
"Yeah, I am fine," she said. "For some strange reason, the Spearows did not attack me. Looks like they all went for you, judging by your state.
"I'll be fine. Nothing I can't handle," said Ash.
"Expected as much," said Serena.

"Alright, I'll be hanging off, bye Ash!" said Delia.
"Bye, mum!" said Ash.


"So, then. Where do we attack next?" a female with pink hair said.
"Our reputation as Pokemon thieves are through the roofs," a male with purplish-blue hair said.
"How about we snag some pokemon from the Viridian Pokemon Centre," a pale golden feline pokemon backed them up.
"The Pokemon Centre it is," the male confirmed.


"So you saw an unidentified pokemon?" asked Serena. "Why not ask Oak?"
"Was planning on doing that myself," said Ash, taking the phone. "Let me ring him up in a second."
Ash typed in Professor Oak's number on the phone. Within minutes, Professor Oak appaeared in the screen in front of them.

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