Chapter 9: Ash vs Viola

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"Santalune City!" a girl said, coming along with a Eevee next to her. 


Ash, on his way to the Santalune Gym along with Clemont and Bonnie had caught a wild Fletchling. While Clemont had caught a Dedenne for Bonnie. Dedenne was to be taken care of Bonnie as in a preparation for being a future trainer. Now, they have reached Santalune City, location of Ash's first gym battle.

Ash P.O.V.

"So, this is the Santalune Gym," I said, seeing the familiar logo on the building. "Time to get our first badge."
"Looks like someone is already here," a female voice said.
"Alexa!" I said, going upto her.
"My sister is here, right this way," Alexa said.

We followed Alexa to the interior of the building as the battleground was probably backyard. I saw a young lady about the age Alexa appear. She had on a white top and baggy greenish trousers along with her blond hair.
"Ash, meet my sister Viola," Alexa introduced me to Viola.
"Hello, Viola," I said.
"My sister told me about you," Viola said. "I can't wait to battle you."
"Me neither."


"The battle between the gym leader Viola and the challenger Ash kechum will now begin," Alexa announced. "Both sides will be limited to the usage of 2 pokemon each and the battle will end when all pokemon on either side will be unable to battle. Furthermore, only the challenger may substitute his pokemon. Now, battle begin."

"Surskit, I choose you," Viola shouted.
"Froakie, I choose you," I replied.

"Two water types facing off against eachother. THis will be interesting," Clemont said.

"Froakie use Bubble," I commanded the water type.
"Surskit use Ice beam on the ground," Viola countered back.
"Why?" I thought out why she would do that, confused as Surskit got hit by the bubble attack taking minimal damage, but damage nonetheless while Surskit launched a beam of ice at the ground. Soon, the entire battlefield was blue, covered in ice.

"The whole battlefield is covered in ice!" I said. "But no matter. Froakieb use Pound."
Froakie charged towards Surskit but something happened. Froakie slipped on the field and fell down.
"Now's our chance Surskit use Signal Beam," Viola commanded. Surskit launched a beam of light towards Froakie, landing a direct hit."
"Now use Bubble Beam," Viola commanded.

A plethora of bubble were shot at Froakie, doing hefty damage.
"If we can't move across the field, we'll just attack from a distance," I said. "Froakie use Water Pulse."

"Surskit dodge it," Viola said.
Surskit effortlessly skated across the field with its thin legs and dodges the attack cleanly.
"Time to finish it, use Signal Beam."

A beam of light was shot at Froakie, doing lethal damage to the water type. When the smoke from the attack cleared, Froakie was unconcscious.

"Froakie is unable to battle! Surskit is the winner"


"So this is the gym," the girl thought to herself.
"Fletchling, I choose you," a voice came from inside.
"Ok, I'm going in," she thought to herself.

Bonnie P.O.V.

I was sad at seeing Ash lose badly. It wasn't like him. Despite knowing him for only 4 days, it didn't feel like him. Ash had just sent out his 2nd pokemon to beat Viola's Surskit, and that was not going to well. 

But then suddenly I saw someone entering the gym battlefield. And wow, it was probably one of the prettiest girls I have ever seen. She had short honey blonde hair along with cerulean blue eyes. She had on a pink dress which was covering a black top. To top it all off she had a pink fedora on her head.

"Wow, she is so pretty," I thought. "Can't wait to ask her to take care of her brother."
"Now, now Bonnie," my conscience said. "Patience."
"Believe me you'll find a lot better things to do ewith her."
"Alright, I am listening to you, just this once."

The girl came up to us, a rather worried look on her face.
"Hello," I greeted her.
"Hi," she said, rather nervously.
"You came to see the battle?" I asked.
"Yes," she said. "The challenger just knocked out an opposing pokemon didn't he?"
"Yes, he did," I said. "But he is not in too great shape. His last pokemon is already heavily wounded."
"Don't worry," she said. "I'm sure he'll pull through."
"What is your name?" I asked.
"It's Serena."

Ash P.O.V.

"Vivillon, use Solar Beam!" Viola commaded.
"Fletchling use Peck and finish it before Solar Beam is charged," I said, desperate by now. The battle was going badly.
Fletchling scored a direct hit on Vivillon but to no avail. Vivillon was barely fazed and its Solar Beam hit Fletchling hard. Mercifully, Fletchling was still flying, although barely.

"The Fletchling is strong but its over," Viola said. "Use Psychic to slam it into the ground."
Vivillon slammed Fletchling into the ground, and it was obvious to everyone watching that the  tinbattle was over. Fletchling was defeated.

"Fletchling is unable to battle. Vivillon is the winner. And with that, the winner of the battle is Viola."

"Fletchling!" I shouted, rushing towards tiny bird pokemon. It was severely wounded after being thrashed to the ground. I returned it to its pokeball and looked up at Viola.
"I'm sorry but I can't give you your badge just yet," Viola said. "However, I will be eagerly awaiting your rematch."

"Don't worry I'll get my badge," I said. "Then, with my wounded pokemon I rushed out of the gym towards the Pokemon Centre.
"Ash wait for us," Bonnie shouted.
"Sorry we have to leave suddenly," Clemont apologized to Serena. "Ash, we're coming."

Serena P.O.V.

I looked across the field and saw Ash's bag lying down next to the tree. Oh, boy, he was so engrossed in his battle that he didn't even notice me or remember to take his bag. How like him. It's clear that in these 5 years, he still hasn't changed much. I took the bag and followed them to the Pokemon Centre.

I reached the Pokemon Centre but upon reaching there I saw no Ash. Just Clemont and Bonnie. I decided to ask a leading question.
"Hello," I said.
"Oh, Serena wasn't it?" Clemont asked.
"I just wanted to return the bagpack to Ash," I said.
"Oh, he went outside," Clemont said. "I think he needs some alone time."
"Oh," I said. "Ok, I'll return it later."

I had no intention in returning it later. I just went straight towards where I thought Ash would be. Not far in the distance I saw Ash sitting under a tree, pondering over the battle, I presume. Pikachu was near him, looking about the same. I just went towards him.

Ash P.O.V.
"Pikachu, we got destroyed in that battle," I told my partner. "How do i beat Viola. We have so many things to counter. The ice battlefield, the sticky web, the psychic and the gust. How do we counter all these things."
"Well, you know," came a voice from behind me. "Just how you always do. Go for broke until you find a way."
I couldn't believe my ears at the sound of that voice. No way


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