Chapter 15: Few Squabbles

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This is a special chapters and 1 of my favourites. Read to the end before commenting :p


Ash P.O.V.

I rose up to see I was sleeping in a room, Clemont on the next bed and the other 2 on 2 more. Calem's father had many guests when he stil used to stay here. Now, he was not here apparently, and has not been since there was a lock on a room and it was untouched for months. 

"I wonder if I should get up," I thought. "Better do. Strange that I woke up this early."

I gingerly got out of bed, walking quietly so as to not wake anyone up. I opened the door and got out. A voice came to my ear.
"Chesnaught, use Spiky Shield!"
"Huh," I thought. "Is Calem training already? I gotta check it out."
I stepped out of the backdoor to see Calem training with a Charizard and Chesnaught. Chesnaught was practicing deflecting Charizard's powerful Flare Blitz with its Spiky Shield.

"Up already," Calem said.
"Yes, I am," I said. "You training this early?"
"Indeed." he said. "Me and all my pokemon, we wish to win this year's Kalos League. And for that we need to try as hard as we can."
"Honourable, but you won't win," I said. "Not as long as I am gunning for it."
"You're on!" he said, shaking my hand.


2 hours later
"Hot stew! Eat it while its hot!" Clemont said.
"Thanks Clemont," I said. "Your cooking is amazing!"
"It's nothing," Clemont said, rubbing the back of his hair. "By the way, where is Calem?"
"He is cooking something," Bonnie said.

"It's done!" Calem said, coming out of his kitchen.
"What is it?" Bonnie said.
"A special Kalosian sweet I learned to make from my mum," Calem said, giving the entirety to Serena's plate.

"Hey what about us!" I exclaimed.
"For ladies only," Calem said.
"What about me," Bonnie said.
"Not my fault you decided to gulp down so much of Clemont's stew," Calem said, offhandedly.
"Yeah, Bonnie," Clemont said. "Why did you eat so much?"
Bonnie pouted.

"Wow, Calem," Serena said, much to my dismay. "This is amazing."
"Beautiful dish for a beautiful lady," Calem said.

I don't know what was happening to me. My body raged up and all I felt was anger. I have no idea why but I felt angry at Calem. I did not like the idea of him being too friendly with Serena.

No One's P.O.V.

Another person who was surprisingly worked up about this was Bonnie. Bonnie upon, seeing the scene with Calem and Serena left the room and banged the door.
"What's up with her," Calem said.
"Maybe just angry because you didn't give her the sweet," Clemont said. "Can you make some for her later?"
"No," Calem said. "What it needs is very rare and I don't have any more."
"I understand," Clemont said. "I'll give her something later on."

"Well, I must be off," Serena said, a little uncomfortable. "I'll be seeing around Coumarine City now. Bye!"
Ash got up from the table, seeing a look from Calem which filled him with dread. It was a look of "We are not only rivals in battle anymore."

With Bonnie
"That Calem!" she thought. "First he makes fun of Ash's battling, then he gives the delicious food to only Serena and now he is destroying my OTP. This is not good! I have to stop him.

Bonnie stormed out of the guest room, and searched for Calem. He was nowhere to be found in the house. So, Bonnie used the logical decision of searching for him outside.

Bonnie found him in the garden, alone, sitting under a tree while looking at the sky.
"Dedenne use Nuzzle on him," she whispered to her partner.

Dedenne sneaked up behind Calem and then released all the elctricity from its little sacs to give Calem a monster of a shock.
"AAAAAAAAAAA!" Calem exclaimed, "what happened?"

"That's what you get for attempted destruction of my OTP!" Bonnie said at me, tongue out.
"What do you mean "destruction of your OTP"?" Calem asked, confused.
"You got in between Ash and Serena," Bonnie said.

Calem P.O.V.
I almost laughed out loud at what i heard.
"You have it all misunderstood Bonnie," I said, smile on my face. I whispered what I was planning to Bonnie. Apparently what I said formed a huge, giant smile on her face.

"Commader Calem! Private Bonnie reporting for duty! Give me your orders and I will obey!" was what Bonnie said.


"Phase 2 is ready, you ready for your cue, Bonnie?" I said.
"Roger that!" she said.
"Good," I said.

In the garden all together
"Sorry about this Serena but it must be done," I thought to myself.
"Wow, those flowers there are so pretty," Serena said, going over towards them.
"Chesnaught use Grass Knot," I whispered under my breath.

Suddenly Serena tripped and fell on the grass. Knowing my plan, I rushed over to her, worried look on my face.
"Serena, are you alright!" I exclaimed.
"I am fine, just a little cut," she said.
"I'll bring first aid right now!" Calem said.

With that I went into the building, but not without taking a second's glance at Ash. He was bursting with anger, almost ready to slap at me. I went back outside to see Ash come at me.
"I'll take that please thank you very much," Ash said. "I can help her better."
"It's my first aid toolkit," I said, trying to hold in my laughter. "I think I will be able to handle it better."
"I don't need one," Serena said, standing up. "But thanks for the concern Calem. I will be going inside now. I need to prepare the macarons."

Serena went inside leaving me, Ash, Bonnie and Clemont alone.
"Calem," Ash said, cold look on his face. "I think it's best you stay away from Serena."
"Why is that?" I said, pretending to be confused.
"You have a bad influence on Serena," he said.

"Uhh-what," I said. "How?"
"Y-you just have a bad influence on her," he said.
"What," I said, with a blank face.
"AAAAAAGH!" Ash said, "just stay away from her or else-"

"Woah woah woah, calm down Ash," Clemont came around, worried look on his face. "Why are you so angry?"
"I- I-" Ash said, clearly shocked.

"Let's go inside," Clemont said.

Ash P.O.V.
"Ash, why are you so angry around Calem?" Clemont asked. "Even when other trainers looked down on you, you were never this angry."
"I just don't want him next to Serena," I said, angrily.
"Why is that, he seems like a nice helpful guy?" Clemont said.
"You're dense big brother," Bonnie said. "Ash here is jealous of Calem becausehe has a crush on Serena."

There was mixed responses around the room for this extraordinary statement.
"N-NO I DON'T HAVE A CRUSH!" I bliurted out.
"You two are the reason why I and the viewers are losing hope in humanity," Bonnie said, face-palming.

"Well, judging from Ash's response and his previous behaviour with Calem, I have come to a scientific hypothesis that Ash indeed has a crush on Serena," Clemont said.

"Big brother, nothing here is scientific," Bonnie said.
"Alright, fine, I have a crush," I said, at my wits end, wondering how long Bonnie knew this.

"Good," Bonnie said. "Now step 1 would be to ask Serena out on a date. That way, she will be yours and Calem can't interfere anymore."
"What if she says no?" I said.

"Well the likely consequences would be that you two will feel awkward and your friendship will end," Clemont said. "Oh, and you two won't talk to eachother anymore."
"NOT HELPING, BIG BROTHER!" Bonnie shouted, angrily. "Just ask her out will you?" Bonnie turned to Ash.
"Fine," I said, working up my courage.


Calem P.O.V.
I was clearing my dishes when I saw Serena come toward me with a stern look on her face, a striking constrast to her usual smiley and happy face.
"We need to talk," she said, a tone of anger in her voice.

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