Chapter 25: A Four-Way Battle for the Lumiose Crown

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Serena P.O.V.

"Here we are," Shauna said excitedly.
The group was staring at the Lumiose City Showcase Hall. Compared to the one in Coumarine City, this one was much grander in size and design. It made sense after all, that the biggest city in Kalos would have the biggest showcase hall.
"Wow, it's....amazing," I said. 

"I'm sorry Serena but, I am not going to let you win that easy," Shauna said.
"Neither am I, Shauna. Neither am I," I said.
"We'll be cheering both of you on," said Ash.

The group accompanying me which consisted of Ash, Clemont and Bonnie, now joined by Tierno and Shauna  entered the showcase building. Suddenly, a certain figure came into my attention.  She had short blue hair, and had on a green vest. She had a pale blue flue-sleeved shirt alongside blue shirts.

"Miette!" Serena couldn't help but exclaim, seeing the girl a few feet ahead of her. Miette turned back and gave a smile towards me.
"Nice to see you too," she said.

"So, that's how you two met," said Shauna. "You two went to a Pokepuff baking contest but neither ended up winning."
"That's about it," I said.

"Contestant Shauna and Serena," the clerk at the desk said. "You are batch number 2 and batch number 5 respectively."
"Oh, I'm last," I said. That meant I would be more mentally prepared than my competition since I would have an idea of the topic. 

"The first round will begin at 2 PM, 90 minutes from now, good luck to all participants," the clerk said.
"I'm in Batch 1," Miette said. "I'm going to the training area, what about you?"
"We'll join you," I said. "What about you guys?" I turned to Ash and the rest.
"We'll watch you," said Ash. "Good luck to all of you."

"I am up against that brat girl!" Jessie said, in her usual Jessilee costume. "Perfect timing. I will show her just what it is to be a performer. Even if I couldn't show those other two what contesting was all about."
"Jessie's off again," Meowth stated.
"What can we do with her anyway," James said in defeat. 


A car drove up near the showcase. An old-ish woman walked out of the car very haughtily. She was someone of great standard and she knew it. She proudly walked up to the showcase, with at least 10 journalists surrounding her. Even the manager himself came up to her.

"We're glad you could make it, Miss Palermo," he said. "We have several young bright competitors today. I'm sure you would be interested in seeing them."
Palermo stayed quiet until she reached the door for her V.I.P. room. When she entered it, she spoke a few quiet words to the manager.
"The art of pokemon performing is an old tradition in Kalos, far older than any other such replicas. This was developed as a way for maidens to make people smile with their glorious performances. With that, I know just the person who will become the next Kalos Queen."


"Ladies and gentlemen," said Pierre. "Welcome to the Lumiose City Showcase. I'm Monsieur Pierre. The winner of this showcase will receive a Princess Key. The owner of 4 princess keys will advance on to the master class and have a shot to become the next Kalos Queen. Today, we have a special guest. Everyone please welcome, the last Kalos Queen on the scene, Performer Palermo."

The spotlights fell on Palermo who looked unimpressed. The crowd gazed at her. Almost everyone in Kalos was in awe of her.

"Today's theme performance will be based on Poffles! Performers wil try to win over their jury with the delicious Poffles they will make. The one with the most delicious poffles will move on to the free performances. Please welcome the first set of participants to participate."

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