Chapter 10: Back to one's Roots

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Brace for impact boys and girls this is gonna be a long one


No one's P.O.V.

Ash could not believe it. He could not believe that he was hearing that voice. Despite it being 5 years since they last eachother, he could still recognise that soft voice. He turned around and saw what he needed to. He was standing face-to-face with a girl with honey-blonde hair and cerulean blue eyes. Even though the hair was cut and her appearance had turned upside down, there was no mistaking it. He was right in front of Serena.

The reactions from Serena were similar. Despite having seen Ash just 5 minutes ago on the battlefield, this was the first time in 5 years she had been close too him. In these 5 years so much had changed about Ash, yet so much had stayed similar. Ash was still that same old reckless and selfless boy she had known all the way back but he looked and felt so much mature.

Neither of them could help it, they both rushed towards eachother and pulled eachother to a light hug.
"Serena!" Ash exclaimed. "You're back. It's been so long."
"Yeah," Serena said. "I know. I missed you so much."

Ash P.O.V.
"How did you know I was here," I asked, looking at the smiling honey-blonde breaking away from the hug.
"I saw your battle." she replied.
"You saw my battle!"
"Yes, and Mr. Kechum here not only did not notice me but also forgot his backpack."
"Wait, I did," noticing Serena carrying my bagpack on her shoulder. "Thanks for bringing it here."

Then I remembered that Serena probably saw my battle and how easily I got destroyed. I face and spirits fell. Serena's sharp eyes noticed this, however.
"Is everything wrong?" she asked me.
"No, everything is fine," I lied.
"I know that face all too well," she told me, much to my horror. "It's about the gym battle, isn't it."

"Yeah," I said. "Even after I made all this far, I still cannot win a league. Look at you all, you won the Grand Festival. While I am still struggling to win a league."
"Hey," she told me. "Never bring yourself down. Isn't that what you taught me. And hey, not like you haven't made any progress. I saw the Unova league finals. I saw your pokemon gave it their all. I saw the battle Ash. You're an amazing pokemon trainer, far better than what you were in Kanto

Serena P.O.V.
I was blushing throughout the entirety of this speech, but mercifully, Ash did not notice it. This boy is just as dense as he was before, despite turning 16.
"But we have so many things to counter," Ash said, a little bit more livelihood in his voice. "The ice battlefield, the gust and so many more."
"I can help you," I said.

"Alright, Clefable, I choose you," Serena said.
"Clefairy you evolved!" I exclaimed.
"(Yup, yes I did. Good to see you again, Ash and Pikachu.)" Clefable said.
"Now, Clefable, could you please use Ice Beam on the ground (yes Clefable learns ice beam, don't ask me why)."

Clefable launched a beam of ice into the ground freezing it imediately. The field was not basically a ring for ice skating. 
"Thanks Serena!" he said, fervently. "Thanks a lot."
"Anything for you," I smiled, cheeks turning red yet again.
"Alright, I will go and get Froakie," he said. "Want to come with?"
"Is that even a question?"

Clemont P.O.V.
Me and Bonnie were next to the Pokemon Centre when we saw Ash return. We were about to go towards him but we then noticed that girl, Serena was with him. She was well-grown for her age, about the height of myself. We went towards them.

"Oh, hi Clemont," Serena told me.
"You guys already met?" Ash asked her.
"Yes, I watching the battle beside them, remember?"
"Oh right."
"So, Ash," I said, wondering how he and Serena seemed like on really good terms. "Do you two know eachother?"

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