Eric & Noah 2 Zianourry<3

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Hey guys! So this one shot poured out of me. Don't even know how it happened. And this was a request from @LittleMissMalik. And dear. Thank you so much for requesting this, because I had a blast writing it. So I hope you enjoy this sequel to Eric & Noah. Love those two. But anyway bye!





Twelve years later. Twelve amazing years. Happily married to my four hisbands whom I love more than words can express. And I've watched my sons grow up to be two womderful boys. But. The catch here is. Eric and Noah, don't speak. They go seperate ways. They haven't spoken to each other in almost two years. That goes to say without me having to force them together. When they turned fourteen it was like they couldn't be seen together, because they-. I can't say they. Noah, he's the shy lovable type who keeps to himself. And reminds me so much of Liam and Niall put together. But Eric. Eric is the exact opposite. He's the popular boy who wears the letterman's, has all the girls, the cheeky personality, and can sass you into next week if you dared speak to him in the wrong tone. So basically, Zayn, Louis, and I put together in one boy. Sometimes I wish he wasn't like us at all. As soon as they turned fourteen and hit grade nine. Things changed drastically. I remember this, because one day Noah came home and it was only Nialler and I at home, he looked upset and I wondered why. So I talked to him, and he told me that Eric left him to go hang out with his new friends. My heart broke for my poor baby. I could see how much Noah was in love with Eric he was. He hugged me so tight that day. And I think we both knew why. Because that day was the last day they were going to hang out.

"Harry? Love, why are you sitting all by yourself?" Louis asked. I sighed, and patted the seat next to me. He came and sat down. I wrapped my arm around him and kissed his head. He sighed.

"Eric will grow out of it. He's sixteen. He's going to be a brat." Louis said.

"True. But it hurts to watch my baby, sit alone waiting for the day when Eric finds him good enough to talk to again. Noah is helplessly in love with Eric, Lou. And we can't do anything about it. It just kills me to sit back and watch." I whispered. Louis hugged me.

"Aw how cute." Eric said. I smiled slightly, but it dropped. I had to do something. Louis let go, and kissed my forehead. He got up and left the room. I waved Eric over and he collapsed on my lap. I groaned.

"You are a muscled sixteen year old who almost weighs 200 pounds please for the love of god, get off me Eric." I said.

"But dad! You always used to sit me on your lap when I was little!" Eric whined. I groaned.

"Ugh, please Eric. You're killing me." I said.

"Fine." He said. He got off my lap and sat next to me. Then I had an idea.

"Eric. Go get your daddy Nialler and your brother and come back here." I said. He grumbled.

"Eric. It won't kill you to sit here with your parents and brother. Just please do this for me." I said. He softened and nodded.

"NOAH YOU FREAK!! GET DOWN HERE! Daddy!" He called. Niall came running.

"What's wrong?" He asked. Eric shrugged. He was wearing on my last nerve.

"Hey daddy." Noah said. I smiled at the blonde haired boy. He reminded me so much of Niall. He sat next to me and cuddled into me. I kissed his head.

"I'm sorry." I whispered. He sighed.

"You didn't force him to be rude and hurtful to me. It isn't your fault. And besides I'm the idiot who fell in love with him." Noah said. I lifted his head and kissed his forehead.

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