The Babysitter Lilo/Zianourry;)

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Hello! So I have a few things to say. One: Thank you to all my fans, who have read and voted. And to all my fans that have requested. I appreciate all your kind words. Especially @necciboo



@ChayChayx3 and last but not least my new buddy @LittleMissMalik

Secondly: this one I had a hard time classifying as either a Lilo, or Zianourry. So you read and decide. And that's all!

Thirdly: I put a heart next to all my innocent and loved filled fluffy one shots, and a winky face next to all the naughty one shots which @necciboo is good for requesting lol. That's all so bye guys!

Oh! And Brain makes a guest appearance here. She just has a 'mind' of her own. But anyway bye.





I walked up to the front door and knocked. There was some shuffling and then the door was pulled open. It was Liam the kid I was supposed to be babysitting. He smiled up at me. I smiled back at him. He was a bit shorter than me due to the fact that he was only 14. To be quite honest, he was a very fit 14 year old.

"Hi Louis." He said.

"Hey Liam." I said with a wink. A shade of pink tinted his cheeks. I chuckled and walked inside.

"Ahh. Hello Louis. Thank you for this. Geoff and I should be back around eleven. We'll pay you when we get home. Geoff! We're going to be late!" Karen called.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." Geoff said, trudging down the stairs.

"Hello Louis. Thank you once again. We'll see you in a bit." He said patting my back and taking his wife's hand. They left and shut the door behind them. I looked at Liam and he blushed and looked everywhere but at me.

"Uhm, I will be upstairs, like always. So uh, bye." He said. He turned quickly and ran up the stairs. I looked around and noticed that Ruth and Nicola weren't home, and usually we would hang out. I shrugged and flopped down onto the couch, pulling out my laptop. I turned it on and looked around twitter for a bit, before Harry, Zayn, and Niall beeped in, wanting to do a webcam. I accepted all three and the lads popped up onto the screen.

"Hello lads. Lovely seeing you- three hours later!" I said sarcastically. Niall chucked me the bird and I laughed.

"So I bet you're pissed it's a Friday and you're stuck watching that kid, huh?" Zayn asked. I rolled my eyes.

"Oh as I see it's so much better staying at home and looking at myself in the mirror and masturbating every other hour hmm?" I sassed Zayn.

"Fuck off you twat." Zayn said. Harry and Niall laughed. I smiled and blew Zayn a kiss. We chatted for an hour or two before Liam walked down the stairs. I wonder what he wanted?


I ran up the stairs, surely looking like a loon. And went inside my room closing the door and sliding down it. I bet he thinks I'm so stupid. He smiled at me though. He smiled at me. Louis Tomlinson one of the most popular boys at my school, smiled at me. I giggled. He was so gorgeous and fit. Oh my gosh his biceps were huge. Oh how I want to feel them. Grab them wearily as he pou-. AHHH NO LIAM! EW! You're such a damn pervert! Why would you even think of that yet?! You're only 14! 14 Liam! You can't be thinking of dirty things so young. You've got the longest time to do those kinds of things... True, but not the rest of your life to do them with Louis Tomlinson. Oh gosh. As if Louis would ever want to do that with me. I mean look at me. I've got brown eyes and straight hair. What's so amazing about me? I mean he and Harry are so much better for each other. Harry is cheeky, has beautiful green eyes, curly soft hair. And I'm just boring. And young. Louis's 17. Three years older than me. And I'm inexperienced. I bet Harry isn't inexperienced. I bet Harry would be so much better than I would be. I mean how would that even work? Would he be the top? Or would I? I don't even know how to... You know.. suck. I've never done it before. I sighed. Why do I have to crush on Louis? He's so beautiful, and I'm so weird. OI LIAM STOP FEELING SORRY FOR YOURSELF! Brain don't yell at me! I'm in a very vulnerable place right now. FUCK YOU AND YOUR VULNERABLE PLACE YOU PANSY BITCH! Okay now you're just being hostile.. SHUT UP! Sorry. IF YOU WANT THAT FINE PIECE OF ASS DOWNSTAIRS GO GET HIM! But- BUT NOTHING GET YOUR SEXY 14 YEAR OLD ASS DOWN THEM STAIRS AND FUCK LOUIS TOMLINSON! Okay! I'll do it! GOOD! I took in a deep breath and stood up. I grabbed the door handle and twisted it slowly. I opened it and walked down the stairs. My heart was pounding. What if he rejected me? What if he laughed at me? I would die from embarrassment. I took one last deep breath before I walked into the lounge. I built up the courage and walked in.

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