Snowed In Zouis<3

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Hi guys. So this is a one shot that @Kaycee_xxox requested. So thanks love for requesting it! I kinda think this one stinks a little. I felt the way I wrote the beginning was a little off. Bleghh. I hope you like it though! I tried! The end is pretty good I think haha.





"Liam, Harry, and I are driving in tomorrow. You and Zayn have to go tonight and make sure everything's settled." Niall said. I rolled my eyes.

"Why can't Narriam go and see if it's settled?" I sassed.

"Because it's been a week and I'm about to go insane." Niall said.

"Niall!" Liam scolded.

"What?! I'm not lying!" Niall said.

"First off. Gross. Second, I think that either way if we stay or go they'll still be doing it. So I think the safest option to not be completely and utterly devistated for the rest of my life is to go and see if the cabin is settled. If you wanna stay and hear Narriam have sex all night, then be my guest. But I'll be going." Zayn said. I scrunched up my face in distaste.

"And exactly my point. I'll go put the things in the car." Zayn said with a laugh. I watched him leave the room and sighed. If only he knew how much I loved him...

"Okay, so we'll see you tomorrow. What time are you coming again?" I asked.

"Erm, well, I'll need time to get the feeling back into my legs, and I think Niall will too. Soo... Around like, three we should be up, so about like six." Harry said.

"EW HAROLD!" I shouted. He laughed and Liam just chuckled. Niall shrugged.

"C'mon Loueh. We have to go before it get too late." Zayn called.

"GET ME OUT OF HERE IT ALREADY SMELLS LIKE SEX!" I cried flaling my arms and scampering out the door to our house. Why Narriam don't get their own place is beyond me..

I got into the driver's seat as Zayn slipped into the passenger's seat. The drive was about a hour and a half.

"Did you go to the bathroom before we left?" Zayn asked.

"Yes. And even if I didn't I would not go back in there. Not even to save Kevin. He would be stuck with the dirty sounds coming from their room." I said. Zayn laughed. I smiled and drove down the road. It was getting really cold as we drove toward the cabin.

"Oh my gosh Louis. It's freezing!" Zayn cried. I nodded.

"Yeah. I feel like Rudolph. My nose could light up this whole town." I said. He chuckled.

"I'll turn the heater up." I said.

"Boo, I already did." Zayn said. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"But it doesn't even feel like it's on." I said.

"I know!" He cried.

"Here, give me your hand." I said. Zayn slipped his hand into mine and I rubbed over it trying to warm it up. His hand felt like it was meant to be in mine.

"Your hand is so warm Louis. How are you keeping it warm." He asked. I thought about it. I hinestly didn't know why they were so warm.

"I don't know." I said. He chuckled. Thankfully we got to the cabin about a half an hour later. I checked to see what temperature it was and it was only twelve degrees outside. We grabbed all of the bags from the car and hurried inside.

One Direction One-Shots! BoyxBoy {BOOK CLOSED}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora