Me Plus You Lustin<3

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Hi guys! I know I made you cry your eyes out last time but, I have an alternate ending I'm gonna post after this. But first here is a Lustin. Liam and Justin. I hope you like it!





I couldn't help it. I knew I shouldn't like him. But he was the guy everyone had a crush on. The light brown hair. That gorgeous smile. He was beautiful. I bit my lip watching him and Niall laugh over some dirty joke Harry had just said.

"Liam. If you don't look away you'll get a boner." Louis said. Oh jeez.

"Louis. You are a pig." I said.

"Well I'm not the one eye fu-." Louis tried.

"Don't you dare finish that sentence." I said.

"Stop being a prude Liam." Zayn said. I rolled my eyes. Of course Zayn would step in.

"Exactly. Listen to Zayn. Stop being a prude and go make your move." Louis said.

"Oh! That rhymed!" Louis cried happily. Zayn smiled and kissed his head.

"Nevermind Dj Malik, your Dj Tommo." Zayn said. Louis nodded, feeling proud of himself. Oh my god.

"Hey guys I'm hungry, I'm gonna go get something to eat, you want anything?" Justin asked. Louis and Zayn looked at each other mischievously.

"Yeah. Hey, Li, why don't you go with him? You know what we eat. And you can help him bring all the food back." Louis suggested. I swallowed. Oh dear.

"Yeah that's cool. Come on Liam." Justin said. He walked toward the door. I glared at Zayn and Louis. I walked to the door after Justin and we went to the parking lot.

"So we're taking my car?" Justin asked. I smiled slightly.

"Uh, yeah. I can't drive yet." I said. I felt really nervous around him.

"So, let's get some McDonalds. I know Niall likes Nandos, but we don't have one around here." Justin said. It seemed as if he was trying to make keep my attention. He seemed eager to talk to me. It made my heart soar.

"Yeah sure. As long as we get him chicken nuggets, I think he'll be fine." I said with a chuckle. Justin smiled at me. I smiled and looked away. We got to his car and got in. I was still not used to sitting on the right side of the car. I usually sit on the left side. America is so weird.

"How do you like L.A.?" Justin asked.

"It's very sunny and warm. But the way you drive is weird." I said. Justin smiled.

"The way you drive is weird. The passenger's seat is on the left and you drive on the left side of the road." He said. He chuckled.

"That's not weird." I said. He laughed.

"To you maybe. You're used to living in London, like I'm used to living in L.A." He said. I nodded.

"Hey Liam, can I ask you a question?" He asked.

"Sure." I said.

"What's it like.. Ya know, being in a band with four other guys?" He asked. I smiled.

"It's great actually. Because we all go through everything together. Whenever one of us has a problem, there's always someone there for you. Through the successes and the failures. I've always got four best friends to turn to." I said. It was quiet. I looked over and he had this strange look on his face.

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