Finding Nialler Zianourry<3

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Hi guys! I have a wicked one shot for you. And this one will have two parts to it. But I have a problem. I forgot who requested this one. It was a request where someone had said, 'a Zianourry where Niall is treated like a baby.' Now whoever requested this let me know so in the next part I can desicate it to you. But anyway, I have a feeling this isn't what the person who requested this had in mind. But my imagination ran wild. But uhm, yeah I'll shut up, and let you read. Hope you like it!





I huffed as I slammed the door, leaving our home. This is fucking ridiculous. All they keep doing is treating me like a child! I'm nineteen! Not fucking five. I trudged down the corridor going to my own flat. Who do they think they are?! I'm my own person!

I can take care of myself! I can't even do one simple thin without a,'Niall! Don't do that! You'll hurt yourself!' Or,'Niall don't! You'll break it!' I paced back and forth inside my flat. I don't understand it. I mean, do they dislike me that much? Do they really not want me doing anything because they think I'll ruin it, that badly? I just want to for once have them trust me enough to do something on my own, without anyone telling me I'll mess it up.

I frowned. I felt my eyes start to water. I never meant to mess things up. I just want to show them that I am capable of being independent. But they never let me be independent. I'm not a baby. Although my facial features may betray me, I am a man.

I decided instead of wallowing in my own self pity, I'd just go for a walk. I left my flat and started to walk down the street. It was late to be out here, but I needed to breathe and get away from all the stress. I was doing fine for a while, until I heard footsteps behind me. I tried to keep calm, but in the inside I was freaking out.

I took a deep breath and cotinued to walk like nothing was wrong. But I knew something was definitely wrong. My stomach flipped when I saw an alley right up ahead. I decided to cross the street. I hoped that the footsteps would just stay on that side of the street. But luck was not on this leprechaun's side tonight. I whimpered inaudibly.

I kept trying to keep up my pace, but it seems as if every fast step I took they were taking the same step. Another alley came up and I wanted to run, but they had already grabbed me. I yelled and kicked, and tried to get someone's attention. But it was late, and no one was on the street. I was stuck.

I whimpered and tried to figure out who was trying to take me, but I couldn't. It was too dark in the alley, and they had blindfolded me. They tied up my hands and feet and duct taped my mouth. I tried struggling so much, that in the end, they just knocked me out.

Right now, I just wish I would have listened to the boys..



"Zayn, it's been a day and a half and Niall isn't home. I'm scared." I said. Zayn looked down at me. He frowned and ran his hand down my cheek.

"He was really angry at us Liam. Maybe he just stayed at his own flat for a while." Zayn suggested.

"No. He would have caved in by now. Something is wrong." Harry said.

"LADS! He's not at his flat. I banged on the door for five minutes straight." Louis said. He looked petrified. I knew something was wrong.

"And I called his mum a half an hour ago and she said she hadn't seen him." Harry said.

"And I called Greg this morning and he hasn't heard from him either." I said.

"Liam what are we gonna do?" Louis whispered, tears filling his eyes. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around the older lad. He nuzzled into me and wrapped his arms around my neck. I rubbed his back soothingly.

"Liam, what if someone took him?" Zayn asked. My eyes widened. I hadn't even thought of that.

"Who would take poor little Nialler? He isn't mean or vicious to anyone! I would suspect me or Louis to be taken!" Harry cried.

"Oi! Harreh!" Louis whined.

"Sorry boo. But you're sassiness tends to aggravate people sometimes." Harry explained.

"I regret nothing." Louis said, raising a hand in the air. I kissed his head and he sniffled and pulled away. I wiped his eyes and kissed his forehead. He smiled weakly at me.

"Oh dear god.." Zayn whispered.

"W-what if-." He cut himself off.

"Zayn, what's wro-." I was cut off by a knocking on our door. I sighed and went to the door. I opened it and some guy was standing there. He shoved a package at me, and walked away.

"How rude you bloody git!" Louis called after the guy. I furrowed my eyes at the package. What was it?

"Li, what is it?" Harry asked.

"Uhm, it's a package. I'm trying to figure out who sent it, but there's no address, or anything." I said. I decided I'd just open it. I ripped open the package and noticed there was a picture, and a letter. I pulled out the picture and it was Niall. He was tied to a chair with a black blindfold over his eyes, and duct tape over his mouth.

"Oh god." Zayn said. I swallowed heavily and opened the letter.

Liam, Louis, Zayn, and Harry,

We've got your little leprechaun.

And you have three hours to find him.

As soon as the clock strikes six,

There will no longer be five boys in

One Direction.

You've gotten everything handed to you.

And we've worked to hard to let you ruin us.

So say goodbye to your little Nialler.

Oh and by the way.

He's a little screamer. ;)

My heart ached, and my blood was boiling. How could anyone hurt Niall like that? He hasn't done anything to anyone.

"Liam! How are we going to find him?!" Harry cried.

"I know who it is already. And I have an idea where they are." I said. It's on like Donkey Kong.

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