Our Little Secret Lirry<3

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Okay! So this isn't the Narry one shot Isaid would be uploaded tonight. Sorry. But it is a lovely Lirry. (<--- see what I did there? ;)) hahaha. Anyway! Here is a Lirry enjoy it and tomorrow there should be the Narry. Bye!





I was taking attendance and noticed the empty seat that would usually hold Harry Styles. My heart dropped seeing that he wasn't here. Although it shouldn't have. Since the beginning of this year I've had a huge crush on Harold. And it isn't healthy. I shouldn't have feelings for any of my students. It's forbidden. But there's something about Harry that I just can't help but want. His curly hair. His beautiful green eyes. And that cheeky smile of his. I went Harold's name and continued taking attendance. I had finished attendance and started teaching the class. About five minutes in, Harry walked in, and my hearbeat thumped quickly. He was drenched in rain and his hair clung to his head. He trudged sadly to my desk. And unfortunately -though not for me- I had to give him detention. This was the third time this week that he was late.

"You're late Harry." I said. He sighed.

"I know. Sorry Mr. Payne." He said. And just hearing his voice made me go crazy.

"Unfortunately Harry I have to give you detention. After school today." I said. He frowned but nodded at me. I felt awful giving the poor kid detention. But if I didn't and reportedthe attendance sheet to the office I'd get in trouble. I went back to teaching class feeling so badly about poor Harold being stuck after school on a Friday afternoon.


I had woken up late this morning and tried hurrying as quickly as possible out of the house. I was making good time, but then it started to pour rain. I groaned. Now my whole outfit is messed up. I dressed specifically like this to impress Liam. Or er, Mr. Payne. I had the hugest crush on him and I knew it was wrong. But he was so tempting to me. His full pink lips, those deeps brown eyes. The way his hair sticks up in that amazing way he fixes it. I sighed sloshing in the rain trying to get to school. I finally made it about ten minutes later and went to my locker. I took of my soaking wet jumper and hung it in my locker which by the end of the day would have a lovely sized puddle. Today was the worst day. I walked to class squeaking in my wet shoes every step of the way and entered. Mr. Payne looked at me and frowned. Oh god I knew I looked like hell. His expression just confirmed it. I walked to his desk.

"You're late Harry." He said. I sighed.

"I know. Sorry Mr. Payne." I said.

"Unfortunately Harry I have to give you detention. After school today." He said. My whole body froze for a second. Oh my god. Detention with Mr. Payne?! I kept a cool composure but inside I was swooning and squealing like a little girl. Which I hated to admit, but it was the truth. Friday afternoon with Mr. Payne. This was going to be amazing.


Class ended and I watched as Harry packed his things into his bag. He had a small litttle smile on his face and I was glad he was feeling better, because earlier he looked so sad. I looked at his appearence and his hair was drying. He looked amazing when his hair was wet. So masculine and handsome. I snapped myself out of my trance in time to wipe the board clean.

"Don't forget Harry, detention today." I called as the curl haired boy walked toward the door.

"Trust me, I won't forget. See ya later Mr. Payne." He said. I furrowed my eyebrows. What did he mean he wouldn't forget? Maybe because this is the second time I've told him? Yeah, that has to be it. I mean it couldn't be because he wanted to be here. Why would he want to be here? He's popular, has loads of friends and plenty of parties he could be getting ready for at that time. I hear all the kids talk about the parties. I hear them talk about a lot of things. Some even ask me to go to the parties, but being the responsible teacher that I am, I always decline. I'm not much older than them. I'm turning 22 in August. I sighed, and shook my head clear of the thoughts. I needed to be a teacher righ now and stop drifting off into my unprofessional thoughts of the lovely Harold. Why are things so complicated?



Finally! It was the end of the day and I was headed to Liam's classroom. Today went by slow enough, so now I was basically running toward his class, just to see his lovely face. I made it with minimal curses by random bystanders that I bumped into. I sighed happily, but before I went in I kept a calm face showing no expressions of happiness. He couldn't know about my feelings for him. I opened the door slowly and saw no one was inside the classroom, except for Mr. Payne. I fought a smile, glad that no one was here but us. And soon the school would calm down and I'd have 25 minutes alone pretending to do homework, while secretly staring at him. His face when he was concentrated gave me chills. I just wanted to call him mine. Have him hold me close. Kiss me at random. Smile at me because he was happy I was his. And I wanted to tell him every chance I got, that I loved him. Because I do. I love him so much. I just wish he felt the same. I felt my eyes start to water and I bit my lip trying to refrain from letting any tears slip, but they did.

"Harry?! Are you alright?" Mr. Payne asked. I shook my head no.

"What's wrong? You can talk to me." He said resting a hand on my shoulder. I looked at him through tears, and hugged him. He froze for a minute but hugged me back. He rubbed my back gently.

"I knew you were having a bad day today. I could tell, by how you walked into my class this morning." He cooed in my ear.

"No, not just a bad day. Everyday is bad." I hiccuped.

"Come here." He said. He walked me over to his chair and sat me down. He pulled up another and sat down in front of me. I was nervous. This was the first contact we've really had, and I felt so strongly for him hat if I let slip I was in love with him and he didn't feel the same, my heart would break and I wouldn't be able to look at him without the pain of rejection completely evident on my face.

"Tell me what's wrong Harry." He said. He looked into my eyes and I melted.

"It's just... I'm in love with someone and it's forbidden, and I don't know how he feels about me. But I bet he doesn't like me that way anyway." I said, softly.

"Well, have you talked to him about your feelings?" Liam asked. I bit my lip and shook my head.

"Then how do you know what he feels Harry?" Liam asked gently.

"Because he's so perfect. And it's forbidden anyway so what's the point in asking him?" I said, cynically. Liam frowned at me.

"Harry you can't give up so easily. If you do, you'll spend the rest of your life wondering what if?" Liam said, he grabbed my hand. Instantly I felt warmth spread through me. I looked at him. His stare was intense.

"Please don't hate me, Liam." I said. I leaned forward and smashed my lips to his. He was shocked, but to my surprise he kissed me back. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me back with as much passion as I gave him. I slipped my arms around his neck and scooted closer to him. He pulled away, but only far enough so we could breathe. His lips still grazed mine and it sent a shiver down my spine.

"So it was me?" He asked. I nodded. He chuckled.

"It always has been you. Ever since I first saw you, I knew I had to get you, whatever the pain." I said. He smiled.

"Harry, I've been so afraid to tell you this because I thought you'd run away and not want to see me again. But I love you. I really do." Liam said. I kissed his lips softly.

"Li. I'm scared. What if people find out?" I asked feeling nervous.

"Shh, don't be afraid. I'll be right beside you." He said caressing my cheek. I smiled.

"What are we going to do?" I asked. He smiled.

"This is between me and you, our little secret." Liam said. I smiled. I liked the sound of that.

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