Love Me

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Okay so here is another Ziall! It's for Jazy82! And she has another request I'm doing today so it should be up by tonight or tomorrow. So yeah. But go fan her. She's cool. And she's one of the first to request so I love her. :) Request! The one shots will die out if you don't! I'm only one girl! I only have so many one shot ideas! Lol byes





I can do this. I can do this. I can tell Zayn I'm in love with him. I have to. I can't keep this from him. He deserves to know. I paced back and forth in my room. I'm so nervous. I just want him. But I'm so scared to tell him. He's the one. Nobody compares to him. I've never loved anyone like I love Zayn. I could just picture a life with him. That's it. I'm doing it now. I pulled open the door and walked out of my room and down the hall past Liam, and Harry's rooms. I jogged down the stairs and went into the lounge. I saw that he was there watching the telly. I walked over to him and grabbed the remote. He looked up at me and gave me a questioning glance. Louis walked by the door and gave me a thumbs up and a soft smile.

"Zayn we need to talk." I said. He nodded.

"Okay Nialler. Sit. What do we need to talk about?" He asked. I took a deep breath.

"Zayn, please promise me you won't get mad. Please tell me you won't hate me no matter what I have to tell you. Please promise me nothing will change. Promise me these things and I'll tell you what we need to talk about." I said. He looked at me curiously and sat up straight.

"Of course Niall. I could never hate you. Your my little leprechaun." He said caressing my cheek for a second before letting his hand drop. I nodded. My stomach flipped and I felt sick. But I needed to do this. It was for the best.

"Zayn, I. I-I." I couldn't get the words out of my mouth.

"You what Niall?" He asked.

"I.. I." It got stuck in my throat. I was trying, but my body was fightig me every step of the way.

"Niall spit it out." He said.

"Zayn, I. I." There was no turning back from this. I had to do this. For me. For Zayn.

"NIALL!" He yelled.

"I'm in love with you!" I squeaked out, out of being scared. I covered my mouth. He looked at me with a blank expression claiming his face. I was scared now, beyond belief.

"Zayn?" I asked. He was still quiet.

"Zayn please speak to me." He didn't answer again.

"Zayn. Please." I begged. He got up and left. Without a word he left the house. Left me sitting there. Left everything. This. Is why I was scared.


I walked out of the house. I couldn't face him. I didn't have the words to say. I couldn't respond to that. I was still in shock. Niall loved me? Why me? Liam would be a better solution for him. They just work. But us? How would we even work? And wait. Do I even like him? I'm dating Perrie. How can I like Niall if I'm dating Perrie? Before I knew it. My feet took me to Perrie's place. I knocked on her door, and she answered is with a smile.

"Hey babe. Come in." She said. I smiled at her. I flopped down on her couch, and sighed. Things were running through my mind and I was zoning in and out. Perrie just sat there. She had this knowing look on her face and it was driving me nuts, but everything with Niall was more important. And I hadn't had the slightest clue why. I guess I was just dumbfounded on the fact that he was actually in love with me. I mean I understand I'm good looking, and trust me I'm not being conceited. But I couldn't find anythin other than that, that made me so extrordinary to the point where Niall was in love with me. But he, he was someone to be in love with. He had gorgeous bleached blonde hair, a cute face with pink cheeks, a beautiful smile, he thought everything was amazing, and was so bubbly that anyone could fall in love with him. I mean come on. He's just perfect. The way his eyes light up when he sees food or Justin Bieber on the telly. The way he looks when he's asleep. They way he plays guitar. His laugh. It's amazing. It's so contagious. He lights up the room. And he's the one I go to when I need to be cheered up. He always knows how to do it. I smiled at the thought. Or smiled at all my thoughts rather. But this is strange. I never really paid much attention to all these things, until he told me he loved me.

"Dear god Zayn." Perrie said. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at her.

"What?" I asked.

"You are so blind I want to slap you." She said. I frowned.

"Why?" I asked.

"Zayn! You're in love with Niall!" She cried. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I can't be." I said. And even then I didn't believe myself.

"Zayn you are. You don't notice these things but I do. I notice how everytime Niall is mentioned this little smile appears on your face. Or when you two are talking your eyes light up. And when he isn't around you always look for him. He's the one for you Zayn. Go get him." She said. I smiled and stood up, but stopped and ploppped back down onto her couch.

"I can't." I said.

"What do you mean you can't?" She asked.

"Because. Today he told me he loved me and I walked out on him. I didn't even say a word. I just left. And I know he's crushed Perrie. I messed up." I said. She sighed.

"Zayn, it's never too late. Go and try." She said. I looked at her.

"What if he's angry with me? What if he changed his mind?" I asked. I was nervous. I was in love with Niall and I just realized it. If he didn't want me I'd be crushed. I looked to Perrie and she gave me a stern look.

"Zayn he wouldn't change his mind. Love isn't that simple. You can't just change your mind about the people you love." She said. I nodded. I stood again, but before I left I kissed her cheek.

"I'm sorry Perrie." I said. I felt bad.

"Don't be. I'm glad you're happy Zayn." She said. I smiled at her and walked out the door. I needed to get home and tell Niall Iwas sorry and that I love him too. I ran home as quick as I could. I'm coming back for you Niall.


I was in my room curled up in a ball. He left me. I knew I should have just kept the whole thing to myself. It wasn't worth it. All this pain. Tears slipped down my cheeks and I sniffled feeling so hurt and embarrassed. Why did I ever think he could love me? I mean I'm just me. Boring blonde hair and blue eyes. There are billions of people out there like me. But they're probably better than I am. I started to sob uncontrollably. It hurt. And I didn't know what to do. Things would be awkward now. Zayn would hate me and I most likely ruined the band. I heard the downstairs door open and slam quickly. Someone was in a rush. I sniffled and tried to wipe my eyes just in case they came in here. There was more running and it got closer to my room. My door swung open and Zayn came in out of breath. He came to me and smashed his lips on mine. I didn't know how to react, but my body did. My arms slipped around his waist and I kissed him back eagerly. More tears escaped my eyes. He pulled away and held my face to his.

"Niall. I love you too." He said breathless.

"Why? I mean I thought you hated me when you left today." I said trying to turn away, but he kept his hands tightly on my face although it didn't hurt.

"I could never hate you. You are my world, and I'm so sorry. I was too stupid to notice it before, but I love you too. And I'm sorry for walking out earlier I bet you were really nervous and scared and sad." Zayn said. I could see the sadness and regret in his eyes.

"I was. But it doesn't matter now. Cause you love me too." I said, with a smile. He caressed my cheek with his thumbs and kissed me once again.

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