I Won't Give Up Zarry<3

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Okay so I loooovvvvveeedddd! writing this. And thank you to @necciboo for requesting it an being so darn lovely. She's so sweet. So here you go my darling! Here is your Zarry. And thank you for requesting it love.





I couldn't believe it. Was Harry dumb? He had to have something wrong with him. How could he be with her? She is nothing but trouble.

"Harry, mate are you sure about this?" Louis asked.

"Yes, I like Taylor. And we have fun together so why not?" He said, with a cheeky grin. My blood boiled.

"Fun? You have fun? Oh right. She let's you bang her whenever you please. She's no good Harry. Haven't you seen the rumors? And her ex boyfriends' speak for themselves Harry. EVEN JOE JONAS SAID GOOD LUCK! That is a red flag!" I cried. Harry furrowed his eyebrows at me.

"Calm down Zayn. It's not like that. Taylor really likes me. And I like her. It will work." Harry said. I growled. He wasn't comprehending what she will do to her. She'll chew him up and spit him out. Then take that experience and make it into a love song about how it was all Harry's fault. It's been done countless times before. And it will happen again.

"I'm warning you Harry. She's going to hurt you and make you seem awful." I said. He frowned. And I could tell he was getting angry. I'm trying to help him! He'll only get hurt. And I love him too much to sit back and watch it happen.

"I think you're just jealous." Harry said, nonchalantly. I widened my eyes.

"What?" I asked.

"Yeah, you're jealous, that I'm finally finding someone who'll make me happy, and you aren't happy, so you want to sabotage my happiness." He said.

"Harry. No. I want you to be happy more than anything. Literally. But she is not a good person Harry. She's just using you." I said. And that one thing set him off.

"OH FUCK OFF ZAYN! You have no idea wha kind of a person she is! You barely speak to her! If you can't be happy for me, then we can't be friends." He boomed. I gasped. He didn't honestly mean that. Did he?

"Harry, I'm just-." He cut me off.

"You're just being inconsiderate. You don't care about what I feel. You don't care about what I want. You care about you. You're vain, and you always will be. Stay away from me Zayn." He said. I felt my world crumble into dust. He couldn't do this.

"Harry please-." I said.

"No. Leave me alone. Don't come near me, don't mention my name, don't even think about me, Zayn. We're no longer friends." He said. I felt tears fill my eyes. I gritted my teeth. I wouldn't give up. He meant everything to me and I couldn't give up. But he hurt me and I needed to be by myself. I walked past him hitting his shoulder hard as I walked away from everyone. I left the flat slamming the door. I trudged toward the lift, and pressed the down button. It dinged and opened and Taylor stood there with a smig look on her face. She knew I loved him. And she knew that I knew what she had planned.

"Ooh, Zayn, sorry babe. You look awful. Had a fight?" She asked. I narrowed my eyes at her. She chuckled.

"Leave me alone." I seethed.

"Ooh! Harsh tone. Don't be so hostile. I'm just being nice." She said. I walked past her into the lift. She laughed and walked away. God did I hate her. She was manipulative, and greedy. And those things never make for a good person.

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