I LoveHate You Louis/ Tom Parker <3

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Okay guys! So here is the second to last one shot in this book. Some requested a Narry some wanted a Zarry, and tere were a bunch more, but I got this idea in my head after Tom and Louis had that fight over Twitter. It was fucking hilarious to those who didn't see it. But anyway I hope you like this and I couldn't come up with a funky bromance name cause none sounde right lol. I hope you like it!



"Louis you have to go and see management today." Liam said. He walked across the room and sat on my bed. I groaned.

"I'm not going." I grumbled from under the covers.

"Louis you have to go. Besides uncle Si said it was important. So if uncle Si is there you know it's important." Liam said rubbing my back through the covers. I huffed.

"But whyyyy? Did anyone say what it was about?" I asked.

"No. They just said they needed you and only you to managements office. And they said you're to be there by eleven thirty." He said.

"What time is it Li?" I asked. My voice held a strong whine.

"Ten thirty." He said. I sighed deeply and flipped the covers off.

"I'll leave you to it then. And let us know how it went when you get back." He said.

"Sure. If you and Niall haven't gone off together again. And Justin and Zayn aren't in their flat snogging and banging. And if Harry and Ed are around I'll be sure to let you know how it went." I snapped.

"Louis. Don't be so hostile." Liam scolded.

"Don't be hostile? I'm all by myself! All of the time. I don't have four best friends anymore. I have four friends who spend two hours with me, and that's at concerts." I cried. Liam sighed.

"Louis we have lives too. Everything doesn't revolve around you all the time." Liam said. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Liam. Listen to yourself right now. I never ask anything of you lot. I let you be. But once in a while it'd be nice if I could have my friends back. I miss you." I said. He frowned.

"That's what growing up is Louis. You are alone. There can't always be someone there." He said.

"Whatever Liam. Go back to Niall and I'll just go to see Management. And then come back by myself. Like I always am. As an adult." I spat.

"Louis, you're being-." I cut him off.

"Look Liam. I have to leave soon anyway. I have things to do. Just go." I said. He frowned and walked out of my room. And soon I heard the front door close. I sat up, and tears started to pool in my eyes. I'm all alone in London. I thought we'd always be close. What happened?

I sniffled and got up from my bed. I went to the showered and got in. I hurried and finished quickly, getting out and dressing. I fixed my hair and grabbed my keys. I locked my door and went down to my car. Once I got in, I sighed deeply. I turned the car on and drove to Management's office. Once I got there I walked inside and the secretary greeted me.

"Hello Mr. Tomlinson, you can go straight in, they're waiting for you." She said with a smile. I nodded and walked into the office.

"Hello. You wanted to see m-. WHAT THE FUCK IS HE DOING HERE?!" I yelled.

"Have a seat Louis." Simon said. He pointed to the chair next to that prick. I glared.

"Not next to him I'm not." I said stubbornly.

"Louis. Sit down now." Simon commanded. I sighed, but obliged to his word.

"What is all this about?" The jerk beside me asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2013 ⏰

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