Beside You Larry<3 (Alternate Ending)

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Here it is! The alternate ending. Hope you like it! Lol




"Louis. We have to go." Niall said. He was hiccuping and sniffling and trying to stop and be strong. But whether he tried to hide it or not, I would know he was dying inside, just like me.

"Nialler. Don't choke it back. It'll be worse if you do. Let it out. That's what you're supposed to do. Cry Niall." I said. As if on cue, he sobbed uncontrollably. I nodded. I knew he would break like a damn any second.

"We have to go Louis. Zayn and Liam are waiting in the car." Niall sobbed. I reached out and grabbed his hand not looking away from it.

"Niall. Go home. Don't worry about me. I'll be home later, okay? Tell Liam. And make sure that you stay with Zayn, okay? He was the last to speak with him, and I know it'll haunt him. Take care of him. It has to be you Niall. Liam isn't capable of taking care of anyone right now." I said caressing his hand.

"W-what about you, Louis?" He cried. I took a deep breath.

"I'll be here. Don't worry about me Niall. Go take care of Liam and Zayn. They need you, okay?" I said. He cried again.

"Okay, Louis." He said softly before walking off toward the car.

Not once today had I cried. Not a tear. I hadn't cried when I heard what had happened. I hadn't cried when they said he wouldn't make it. I hadn't cried when the gave me the time; 1:43a.m. I didn't cry when I had to make the arrangements. I hadn't cried when I went to pick my outfit for today. I hadn't cried when it finally set in. Not one tear had left my face. But now, it seemed infinite. I screamed. I tangled my fingers in my hair and let out and ear-piercing scream, everyone, and anyone could hear. The tears streamed down my face. I rocked back and forth. No. No. This can't be. This can't be happening to me. You can't be gone. You can't leave me. You promised me forever! This isn't forever. This wasn't long enough. I needed more time with you. We were supposed to grow old. You told me we'd grow old together. You said we'd raise kids and sit in the garden watching their children play. I sobbed loudly. So bad to the point I would lose my breath and then start over again. I gripped it. I couldn't believe this young I had to let you go. Please come back. Please wake me up from this dream- nightmare. I held myself, while I rocked back and forth again.

"Harry, please. Tell me this is a dream. Wake me up. Tell me it's not real." I whispered. I even pinched my arm. This was all real. He was gone. He was really gone. I felt the cool stone once again. I never imagined this. I never even thought it was a posibility. Him going before me. I always thought I would go first. I always thought that he would be mourning me. Not the other way around. I always thought we would be in our old ages, holding each others hand, as we lay peacefully next to one another as we remembered our amazing life. But now we can't. I looked at all the flowers left here. White roses. Red roses. Lilies. Tulips. All that you could imagine. He would have loved to see all the different colors.

"No! No! No! No! Don't do this to me!" I begged. I felt a cool breeze. And it washed over me.


I looked around. I heard someone call me. But there was no one in the cemetery besides me. I was empty. Reserved for the funeral.

'Louis don't cry.'

There it was again. No one was here. Who would be talking? That's it. I'm going mad. It's because of all of this. All the stress and all the crying. I sniffled as more tears slipped down my cheeks.


"Who's here?!" I cried loudly.

'It's me Louis.'

"W-who?" I cried again.

'Me Boo. It's me.'

"It's you?" I asked.

'Yes Boo.'

"Where are you? I can't see you." I said.

'You don't need to, you just need to feel me. I'll always be with you, Louis. No matter how we're separated, I'll always be right beside you. You just need to feel me.'

"No!" I screeched. I sobbed again. I covered my mouth.

'Boo. Listen to me. I'll always be as close as you keep me. Keep me in your heart Boo, I'll be there forever.'

"Please don't go. I need you. Please. Please." I broke.

'I'll never leave you Boo. I'm here now, and I'll be here always.'

"Oh god. I can't. I need to be with you. I can't live without you." I sobbed softly.

'Yes you can.'

"No. I can't." I said.

'Yes you can. Don't ever say you can't do something.'

"I can't live without you." I repeated.

'You're not. That's the thing Boobear.'

"What do you mean?" I asked.

'Whenever you feel the wind blow, it's me moving around you. Whenever you get a chill, it's me sitting next to you. Whenever you smile for no reason, it's me looking at you. And whenever you're laying down, and you wake suddenly. It's me protecting you. I'm always here you just need to feel me.'

"This is going to be so hard without you." I said fighting tears.

'Everything in life is hard Boo. But you can do it. I know you can. And one day you and I will be together again. I promise. And for now, we're just in different places. It doesn't mean I don't see you. I do. And you can feel me. I know you can. Where am I touching you Louis. Tell me.'

"Your touching my shoulder." I said sniffling.

'I knew you could feel me Lou. I'll always be right beside you.'

"Wait! I love you." I said quickly.

'I love you too Louis. I love you more than anything. Always remember that.'

"I know." The wind blew, and I bit my lip. I smiled without knowing why, and I knew he was watching me.

"I love you. I always will." I said.

"Boobear. Who are you talking to?" Harry asked.

"Kevin." I sniffled again. Harry patted my shoulder.

"Come here Boo." Harry called holding his arms open. I stood from kneeling on the ground and hugged Harry.

"Kevin loves you and he'll always be here." Harry said kissing my forehead.

"I know. He told me." I said. Harry smiled at me and kissed me.

"I love you Harry." I said. He caressed my cheek with his thumb.

"I love you too Boo." Harry said kissing me again.

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