Please Don't Leave Me Zouis<3

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So here is the Zouis I promised. And I am running out of ideas now, so please request so this book doesn't die out.. Anyway here you go. :)





How could he say that? How could he stand there in my face trying to tell me that?

"You're a liar Zayn!" I cried.

"Louis I'm not lying." Zayn said, nonchalantly. I growled.

"How can you say that to me?! How can you tell me that you don't love me?" I asked. My heart was broken. I knew he loved me. I know he did. If he didn't then why would he break up with Perrie? Why would he be spendin so much time with me? Why would he get jealous when Harry and I hang out?

"Louis I don't love you. You're making things worse." He said. He was still calm and I couldn't stand it.

"NO I'M NOT! You're making things worse! I know you love me. I can see it in your eyes. I can feel it when your close to me. I know you do Zayn. Why won't you just admit it? You're killing me." I said. Tears were sliding down my cheeks and I was now sobbing.

"Louis. I'm sorry but I don't love you." He said. More sobs wracked through me. No. I wouldn't let him see me cry anymore.

"If that's the case then Zayn. You won't mind if I move out right? I mean a single lad like you needs a bachelor pad. And I don't need to rain on your parade. I'll see if I can stay with Harry for a bit and I'll get out of your way." I said. And there's another reason why I knew he loved me. He asked me to move in with him. He said that he had extra room and wanted a roommate. So I accepted his offer. I looked at Zayn and he was stoic. I knew that was just his way of hiding his emotions.

"So, I'm gonna go pack some stuff. And I'll see you at the interview tomorrow." I said walking close to him but not close enough to touch him. As soon as I got to my room I shut the door and slid to the ground and cried. I couldn't control myself. Even if he heard me I could care less. He hurt me. He really did. And if he was going to keep denying his feelings then I couldn't stay here. I couldn't sit around and watch him hide his feelings. It would hurt me too much and I didn't want that. I calmed down enough to where only the tears slid down my cheeks. I pulled out my phone and called Harry. He and Liam were probably at his place. He answered after three rings.

"Hey Boobear, what's up?" He asked.

"Hey Hazza, can I uh, stay with you for a couple of days?" I asked. I sniffled and sighed.

"Of course Louis. What's wrong? Why are you crying?" He asked nervously.

"Just... Zayn said he didn't love me. I told him that I loved him today and he said he didn't love me back. I know he does though Harry. I can feel he does." I said.

"Oh Boo, I'll be there in a half an hour okay? Get your things and Li and I will pick you up. Okay?" He asked.

"Okay. Thank you Hazzabear. Love you." I said.

"Your welcome Lou, I love you too." He said and hung up. I felt so tired. But I needed to get out of there. I stood up and packed a bunch of clothes. I grabbed a few more things and shoved them into my bags. Then I sat on my bed waiting for Harry and Liam. I have a feeling bunking with Lirry is going to be saddening. They're so in love and happy, and I'm so depressed. I need to find a place quick. I sighed once again before getting up and grabbing my things. I went to the lounge where Zayn had his head in his hands. I cleared my throat letting him know I was there. He looked up at me.

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