Payphone Niathan<3

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Okay so a bunch of people requested another Niathan and here it is. And I'm just letting all of you know that there is only one more one shot to this book before I close it. But don't worry, there will be a volume 2 of my one shots. Also my best friend wrote this one. I feel it's better than my work, lol. But it's Marion! Yay! Go check out his profile, and fan him! @topspinforehand04



I'm at a payphone trying to call home

All of my change I spent on you

Where have the times gone

Baby it's all wrong, where are the plans we made for two?

How did it happen? It was so fast I didn't even notice it. I thought it wasn't that serious till he hit me. How could I even let him do that? How could he even do that? He said he loved me. I thought he loved me. Apparently, I was wrong.

My name's Niall Horan and this is how my falling out with my boyfriend, errr. EX-BOYFRIEND, Nathan from The Wanted went.

"So where are we going, Nate?" I asked my boyfriend. It's our anniversary tomorrow. Our first ever and he said we'll be going on a three day vacation to celebrate it. He really did all the trouble of booking us a reservation and making sure that we will be able to celebrate since it's summer here in England and we both have commitments to take care of, being in boy bands and all.

"I'm not telling. It'll ruin the surprise." Nate said flashing me a bright smile.

"I'm hungry!" I announced with puppy dog eyes.

"Here, Nialler. Have some crisps. We've still got a couple hours' drive." He handed me a huge bag of crisps and pecked my forehead. His sweetness has never wavered one bit. S'why I really love him.

As we go along the drive, I keep on munching the crisps. I looked to my right see the passing views. Seeing that there are a lot of summer houses, I now have an idea where we're going: the beach.

T'was a good ten minutes later that I felt a weight settle down of my left shoulder. Turning my head, I saw Nathan asleep. He looks like an angel. I couldn't help but put the bag of crisps and brush a stray fringe of his brown locks. He wriggled a bit at my touch. I swear that was one of the most adorable things I'd seen him done!

This is going to be the best anniversary we'll have.

"Niall, Nathan. We've arrived." Our driver announced.

I woke Nathan and told him to get help me get our trunks. When I climbed out of the car, what I saw stupefied me. In front me of was a blue and white house that has windows with two windows each floor. It wasn't totally secluded yet it still has some privacy. My Nate has really outdone himself.

"Close your mouth, Niall. I don't want you to eat something foul." Nathan said as he lifted my chin with his right pointer finger. I didn't even realize I was gaping at the sight. This was only the front view of the house. I can't wait to take a look at what lies inside and at the back. I bet it has a seaside view and possible a veranda.

"If you need anything, you know where to find me." Our driver announced as he unloaded most of things. He went back into the car and drove to a house not far off.

I grabbed my bags and dragged my trunk into the house. Nathan was already opening it. I was right when I thought about what the inside holds for us.

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