Chapter 18

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Hermione pov

When we all finished our trip around muffle London and did some Christmas shopping we went back to the the Winx and Munx store and said bye to everyone as they took turns and disappeared into the flames of the floor network. Cedric and I took a cab back home sincing our hands were already filled up with all the gift shopping we had done.

When we arrived back home and entered the house we found that no one was around. My mother was in the kitchen humming a sweet melody as she cooked like she always does.

Cedric and I quitely went to our rooms and hid our separate sets of gift bags in our closets. I changed into some more comfortable clothes and Cedric went down to the lounge to retrieve a book he was reading before and left behind.

Cedric pov

As Hermione went down to help her mother in the kitchen and I went down to get my book I noticed that Mr Granger Hermione father was already in the lounge read the muggle newspaper. He noticed me and asked me to take a seat next to him.

Hermione parents have been nothing but warm and very welcoming to me so I agreed instantly. I knew mr Granger wanted to speak to be about something so I waited for him to finish up his newspaper.

When he was done and placed the newspaper on the coffee table in front of him. He gave me a look that he had kept for three minutes until he began to speak.

“ I see how my daughter looks at you, how she lights up when you enter the room. I also see how much you really care for my daughter. So I am asking you now. Can I trust you not to break my daughters heart?”

When those words left mr Grangers mouth I felt a wave of happiness go through me and all I could do was give an honest answer to him. “ I promise to break your daughters heart sir. She means the world to me. These pass few months have been hard for me but Hermione brought me out of my dark time and showed me into the the ligth and for that I will always be grateful to her for. I... I love her. I really do and I promise to keep her safe and happy for the rest of my life”

With those words being said mr Granger nids his head in approval and ask Cedric to call him Henry instead of sir from now on. They continue to talk as the afternoon goes by Michael soon jions them and they start to play cards. That is until Mrs Granger Hermiones mom call out for dinner being ready and everyone to join.

The rest of the evening I had Hermiones annoying cousin flirt with me and use there legs to brush against my knee under the table.  By the time I finish help clean up in the kitchen I was exhausted but as I was sleeping I had another nightmare and let out a scream of terror and pain remembering how my life was being sucked away from my body with Voldemort spell. Sincing I didn't put the silencing charm spell around my room Hermione heard my scream. Both or rooms are soundproof but sincing our rooms were jiont she could hear everything.

Me begging for the pain to stop, screaming for a way out. I didn't know what was happening until I heard a Gentle vioce say everything alright just breath, breath Cedric. I opened my eyes to stare directly into Carmel brown orbs. Hermiones eye. The same eyes that brings me comfort and makes me feel safe. She holds onto me and I embrace her into a tight hug not willing to let her go. We stayed like this for the rest of the nigth holding onto each other and falling to sleep together.

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