Chapter 28

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Cedric pov

When I began to slowly gain conscious again and open my I noticed I wasn't back at Hogwarts and that I was in the middle of an unknown land surrounded by trees with only one thought in mind. Where's Moine?

Hermione pov

My head hurts so bad and my body is aching the wooden floors are dark and hollow. I try to move but my arms are tied up and attached to some metal collar on my neck. My body was cold and aching. I tried to scream but I could see a silencio border spell was surrounding me so no matter how loud I screamed no one would here on the outside.

I tried to look around in hopes of not seeing Cedric here I thought he had made it out or at least managed to escape. Longest he is not around also being held captive I know he is safe and that gives me hope.

I try to apparate out of this place but nothing working. Not even my wandless magic. I remained like this trapped for what felt like it must have five hours until i heard foot steps outside and they sounded like they were heading straigth towards my direction. When i looked up to see who it was i couldn't make out much but a flick of red from the tip of the person wand and darkness consumed me again.

Cedric pov.

I tried using locator spells in search of Hermione but it always back with nothing the best chance i have of finding her is aparating back to Hogwarts and gathering the rest. After that i am going straigth after a certain red head Weasley. If he so muched as layed a hand on her i won't even hestitate throw a crucoitus spell at him.

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