Chapter 32

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No ones pov

Ginny: Are you sure about this, Harry? The Whomping Willow...

Blaise: That leads to the Shrieking Shack.

Harry: It's the only place that makes any sense right now. We have to give it a try.

At this moment, Cedric arrives and overhears as he gets off his broom to join the others.

Cedric: The Shrieking shack. Okay, then Harry led the way.

Harry: Okay, but uhh..., this is where the hard part comes in.

Blaise: What? What do you mean the hard part?

Harry: I mean, getting into that hole on the ground below right there, you see.

Theo: What's so hard about that?

Draco: yeah right just walk up to it and slip in like this.

Just when he is four feet from the entry gap, a branch swings out and throws him away from the tree. Sending him flying in the air and face first on the ground.

Draco: groans.

Blaise: bloody hell! Merlin, how do we even get in then. If that's gonna keep happening to any of us who try what Draco just did.

Harry: As i was saying, oh, and also thank you, Malfoy, for that little demonstration, you just showed the rest what not to do.

Draco: Shut up, Pottah!

Harry: Now for the next part. We need to stay low. This means we need to go unnoticed by crawling in, but remember, when we all gathered inside, follow my exact pathway. It's like a maze in there. If anyone gets lost, you may get hurt. Alright.

Murmurs of agreement.

Ginny: Now let's go save Hermione from that git of a brother of mine.

Hermione pov

I need to keep him distracted long enough to go with my plan. If this is the inside of the Shrieking Shack, then there are plenty of rooms to hide in. When Harry and i were here before, it was like a maze below. I just need to make it look like i made it out and escaped then when he is gone outside i go down bellow and try to navigate my way out to the whomping Willow tree from there i could easily run back to the Castle before Ron catches up to my plan. He isn't the smartest around after all this time, but when i am done and i get a wand back in my hands i am going to be so fired up in rage Ronald won't have a chance to get out when i am through with him. He wants to make me his housewife. I'll show him what a housewife i can be by letting out some of my rage on him.

Cedric pov

Blaise: ouff this place is a maze. How do you even get through clearly. My coat has so much dirt on it that i don't even think cleaning charms will work.

Ginny: Quite your whining.

Theo: Shh, be quiet. You'll get us caught.

Luna: He is right. You know, even the narggles around us can understand.

Draco: What the bloody hell is a narggle?

Blasie: Beats me to ask

Harry: You learn it's best not to ask after a long time of knowing Luna. It just leaves us more confused.

Cedric: Shh, i hear something.

Floor boards creak from above.

Cho: Someone is moving around up there. It could be either Ronald or Hermione. We can't tell.

Cedric: It's him. Hermione is light on her feet. That red head is loud and barbaric on his feet.

Blaise: Like a thudding heavy dragon stomping to its meal. Only less fury and more sloth like.

Draco: With the amount he eats. He should be the size of a thumping dragon.

Ginny: For the first time, I don't mind agreeing with you on something Malfoy.

Harry: Quite, we need to hear which direction he is heading towards, then go the opposite sides to surround him if we have to take him out before we can actually find Mione.

Cedric: Out of my way, this is taking too long. We need to get to her.

Harry steps in front of him to prevent him from going any further.

Harry: I know, but we can't risk him getting a chance to hurt her. He may badly wound her.

Draco: He is right, mate. We can't risk him laying another hand on Granger.

Blaise: Plus, we can't completely take out the red head git. I think Hermione will want to do that herself.

Ginny: Ohh... she is going to be so angry at him that he will probably end up unconscious for weeks if not months with the spells she will throw his way.

Harry: He deserves it. He hurt Hermione, and he has to pay for it. I just hoped maybe he would have changed, but he has only gotten worse.

Cedric: It's not your fault, Harry. These are his choices, and this is the path that he has chosen. You can't be responsible for him and his actions.

Harry: I know, but this isn't like him. He. He had never been like this before. We ...

Cho: Harry, this is not your fault. You are here. We are going to get Hermione out here. That is all that matters right now. Okay, just think of that.

Harry: (sighs) Okay, okay, but no wrong moves or our plan will be going south.

Luna: Why would it go south?

Harry: Oh uh, never mind, it is just a muggle term.

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