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Lauren Evergreen was considered pureblood royalty. The Evergreens boasted a fortune and everyone thought they knew them.

They were considered one of the most powerful wizarding families in all of Great Britain.

Her parents, Prudence and Gerald Evergreen were two of the most loyal followers to the Dark Lord. Having fled for a few years when infant Harry Potter had weakened the Dark Lord, they couldn't bear to put their daughter through danger.

Lauren had spent a great portion of her life in hiding, with her parents fleeing she was forced to hide with her dying grandmother. She had seen some pretty foul things and knew her parents were some pretty foul people. She resented her pureblood status.

Alas, as He Who Must Not Be Named became stronger once more, his followers returned to Britain. Eventually, it was deemed safe enough for Lauren to transfer to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Where she would be an informant with her best friend (and only friend) Draco Malfoy.

Draco was a boy in her exact position. Absent parents, luxurious yet cursed life pushed upon them and a gravitating force trapping them on the dark side.

Beginning fourth year in a new school is daunting enough, however with the threat of war uprising; Lauren will need all the help she can get if she has any chance of defying her parents and defeating the Dark Lord.

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