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The horse less carriages rode up the hills, considerably smaller than the compartment had been as she was just about on Draco's lap. They hadn't found one empty enough for the rest of his friends, and so they were stuck with a bunch of Hufflepuffs. The weather was also dismal, heavy rain thundering on the roof. Lauren and Draco were soaked already.

The girl next to Lauren sneezed and Draco looked away in comical disgust, Lauren edged as close as she could against him, not wanting to catch any germs. A young boy across from them blessed the sick girl, and they continued in agonising silence. The tension could be cut with a butter knife at this point.

Draco breathed a sigh of relief and nudged his best friend. "Have a look at the castle." He whispered.

The grey turrets on the enormous castle stood grandly upon the hill. Thousands of windows decorated with beautiful mosaics alight with lanterns. It was the most beautiful sight Lauren had ever seen, her eyes lit up as she scanned every possible area. The black lake, the forest, trying to get a better look. Draco smiled to himself as he observed her, he had gotten used to the sight.

The carriages came to a stop, Draco letting out a deep breath as if he'd been holding it the entire time. He despised being near the Hufflepuffs. He grabbed one end of his robes and held it over Lauren's head, trying to shield the rain. She gratefully smiled and walked closer to him.

"They have a whole gang of house elves who do the cooking and sort out our trunks. Yours will be in a seperate area I assume." Draco explained.

They made their way through the entrance, footsteps echoing off the stone walls and small puddles forming from their wet attire. Professor Severus Snape met them at the entrance. Lauren was fond of him, he was a family friend; part of the death eaters but he was adamant in keeping Lauren out of it too. Snape had also taught her a bit of potions in her homeschooling when he could.

"Professor Dumbledore would like to commence your sorting in his office, to save you from lining up with the first years." Snape explained as he hugged her. He really did care for the young girl, he knew she'd never wanted anything to do with the dark arts.

Lauren nodded and gave Draco a quick hug before setting off to Dumbledore'a office. Snape led the way. "I assume Draco told you all about the castle, I teach potions in the dungeon. Right near the Slytherin common room so if you have any concerns that's where I'll be. Be careful this year." He advised.

"Do you know much about the triwizard tournament, Professor?" She asked.

Snape shook his head. "I have no idea what is being planned from either side. Dumbledore is the only one who knows. And the rumours of the Dark Lord returning are circulating again." He whispered.

Lauren mulled over the new information. It must be important if Dumbledore didn't spill any information. Truthfully, the rumours had been circulating for ages so Lauren was unsure if or when the Dark Lord would come back. Although with the school in preparation for the tournament, it could be an easy time to strike.

She shook her head gently, getting an anxiety attack was not what she needed right now.

They'd finally made it to a large sculpture of an eagle. "Sherbet Lemon." Snape enunciated. The eagle opened his wings, revealing a narrow staircase winding up to his office.

They'd hastily climbed the stairs and before Severus could knock, Dumbledore bellowed. "Enter."

The elderly man was standing beside his desk, the sorting hat already propped up. His long, silver beard nearly styled, blending in with his silver robes. His half moon spectacles fell slightly on his nose as he looked at Lauren.

Catch Me if I Fall {Draco Malfoy}Where stories live. Discover now