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The Great Hall was alive with chatter as Dumbledore just announced the Triwizard Tournament. Draco and Lauren had already known, Lucius leaked the information so the pair would know what to expect in the coming year.

Alastor Moody, the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher had also made his grand entrance. Possibly the only person who had ever managed to slam the Great Hall doors. The Slytherin best friends had already known who Moody was - having parents in the ministry was beneficial. The middle aged man had a large chunk of his nose missing and wispy brown hair. In place of one eye sat a mechanical blue one, whizzing around the room as he stared at everyone. A permanent frown on his features.

Pansy crinkled her nose. "Why does he look like that."

"They don't call hun Mad Eye Moody for nothing." Blaise laughed.

Lauren zoned out, the enchanted ceiling showing the weather outside was very distracting. Large cracks of lightning kept fading in and out.

Her attention was brought back at the mention of the tournament again from Dumbledore as well as a loud booing predominantly from the Gryffindors. Lauren turned back to the headmaster.

Dumbledore cleared his throat once more. "The delegations from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will be arriving in October, and remaining with us for the greater part of this year. I know that you will all extend every courtesy to our foreign guests while they are with us, and will give your whole-hearted support to the Hogwarts champion when he or she is selected. And now, it is late, and I know how important it is to you all to be alert and rested as you enter your lessons tomorrow morning. Bedtime! Chop chop!" He dismissed them.

Lauren hadn't really thought of the idea that two foreign schools would be staying with them. Where would they sleep?

The Slytherin group got up and followed the prefects out of the hall. Blaise was talking animatedly about the entire idea, rather irritated he wasn't allowed to sign up. Due to the literal dangers of death, somehow the ministry of magic decided that seventeen year olds were allowed to partake in these insanely deadly challenges that had killed adults. The death toll was the reason it was banned in the first place.

Draco did mention that Dumbledore was crazy and usually made zero sense. This kind of proved that theory.

Draco's arm flew out right as Lauren's foot sunk on a step. She cursed as she clung to him out of shock. "Sorry - forgot to mention there are a bunch of trick steps on the moving staircases." He guiltily shrugged.

Lauren narrowed her eyes. "Might just forget to help you with your transfiguration homework." They'd made a pact to help each other with each subject right as Draco had learnt she'd be attending the school.

His eyes widened as he protested, the rest of the group and a few nearby slytherins laughed.

Finally they'd made it to the dungeons, luckily Draco had helped her identify the rest of the steps as not to repeat the near disaster. Whoever thought it was wise to put trick steps on a moving staircase was just plain cruel.

The prefect murmured the Pureblood password to the portrait as the rest of the house entered. The common room was exactly as Draco had described, yet Lauren was still taken aback by the gorgeous blues and greens illuminating the walls. There was an alarming collection of skulls along the tall, black wooden cupboards aligning the walls. The mosaic glass windows were a jade green, as the room was partway under the lake. The common room had low backed black and dark green button-tufted, leather sofas. They simply looked like the most comfortable and inviting sofas Lauren had seen.

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