Twenty Six

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March had come and gone in the blink of an eye - the group of Slytherins were trying to stay afloat the essays and quizzes they were handed. The second task hype had died down, the third wasn't scheduled until June and so school resumed to the usual stress.

The group had just settled into their Potions task at the benches, Draco and Lauren huddled over their cauldron. They were tasked with making another antidote for the various poisons Snape had outlined.

Just as Draco's steady hand sliced the Ploa Beetles, Professor Snape spoke in his usual dry tone. The Gryffindor trio had been speaking obnoxiously loud.

"Fascinating though your social life is, Miss Granger." He paused as he snickered bitterly. "I must ask you not to discuss it in my class. Ten points from Gryffindor."

The Slytherin side perked up as having the Gryffindors lose points was, for many of them, the highlight of their day. Lauren was just happy to take a break and watch the show. Draco laughed quietly as he shone his "Potter Stinks" badge in his rivals direction.

Snape's eyes glimmered for a second as he sneered. "Reading under the table, as well?" He snatched the copy of Witches Weekly out of Hermione's hands. "Ten more points from Gryffindor. Ah, but of course," his voice trailed off slightly as he skimmed the article they were reading.

"Potter has to keep up with the press cuttings." He let out a short laugh, which came across as terrifying considering the man barely smiles. The Slytherins joined in, even Lauren laughed at their stupidity. After all, why would you bother reading a magazine article under Snape's watch?

As Severus was recounting the article for their cohort, Draco leaned over. "Nott is trying to organise a house party, apparently he's gotten the elves in on it. Figured we should stop by?"

Lauren was taken aback for a moment, she hadn't bothered to socialise much with Theodore Nott considering he was a notorious womaniser. After hearing stories on his last few parties, she was also surprised he wasn't expelled.

"When is it?" She smiled.

Draco smiled back before answering. "Two nights time, just in the common room. Think he wanted us to help steal the drinks."

She raised her eyebrows skeptically. "You fully offered to satisfy some thrill seeking crime duo sensation, didn't you?"

He raised his hands in surrender, his Malfoy ring glimmering under the dim Potions lights. "You know me too well."

Lauren agreed wholeheartedly before turning her attention back to the instructions. One wrong step and the entire concoction is useless. And yet, Draco was persistent in talking to her. As if he didn't care about the fact they were in class at all.

"I know Nott is rather a sketchy guy, but we'll be there as a group and I figured it's better being included than shunned by the entire house." He whispered, upon seeing some nosy Gryffindors eavesdropping.

She put down her knife once more and turned to him, smiling slightly as she noticed his familiar smirk. His eyes always lit up and that's how she knew he was just playing around.

"Sounds like a fun time-"

She was cut off by the door opening, an odd occurrence as they were in the lowest part of Hogwarts. Professor Karkaroff, the Durmstrang Headmaster, stormed in. His large fur coat smelt musty and resembled dead fish. Even Snape grimaced at the smell.

Lauren focused in on the larger Belgian man. "We need to talk." He spoke quietly to Snape, foolishly not turning away. Lauren could lip read rather well after having to silently communicate with her house elves over the years.

Lauren couldn't see or hear what Snape was whispering, but Karkaroff's eyes flashed angrily. "No - you've been avoiding me. Not going to let you get away this time."

Snape asked to shut him up, yet couldn't get rid of Karkaroff; who stood behind his desk the remainder of the lesson.

Draco finished off the last steps to the potion right before they were dismissed. "Grab some more vials, and see if you can understand what they're talking about." He whispered extremely close to her ear, his breath tickling her neck. She nodded and crept to the cupboards as the students began filing out.

She distributed their potion and snuck it on to Snape's desk as the two middle aged men resumed their earlier quarrel. Lauren paled as she saw Karkaroff pull up his coat sleeve, she'd recognise the ink of the Dark Mark anywhere.

Cold anxiety chilled her veins, an overwhelming sense of dread consumed her. If Karkaroff was worried about his Mark, then that means serious trouble was coming.

She bit her lip as she hurried around the corner, barreling right into Draco. His arms wrapped around her to stop her from falling. "What happened?" His tone was unusually serious as he looked at her, concern etched into his eyes.

Daphne and the others had waited for her as well and they stood before her. Lauren hugged Draco quickly before she said. "Common room, where it's quieter."

They all nodded and their journey resumed at a faster pace. Whatever Lauren had seen, it clearly wasn't good. Draco had his arm around her shoulder the entire walk back and Lauren relished in the comfort he provided.

As the portrait door opened and they'd settled into their usual couch by the fire, Lauren anxiously fidgeted. "Karkaroff is worried about his Dark Mark. I-I caught a glimpse and the ink looked as dark as ever. As if it had been used to summon them all. He sounded really scared." Her eyes welled up with tears as her anxiety tore her apart.

Daphne's arms pulled her into a tight hug to comfort her. "You think You Know Who is back already? Or is he coming back?"

Lauren sighed. "If he's talking to Snape than it must mean that it's a universal message." She shrugged, none of them knew a great deal.

Blaise furrowed his eyebrows. "If he has been brought back now than why wouldn't he have come already?"

Draco scoffed. "He's the most powerful Dark wizard alive, he'd know to plan his reveal when the school and Dumbledore are distracted." He looked away as the obvious answer hung in the air.

"The final task." Goyle stated, his eyes wide as he processed all of the information.

Draco nodded numbly and Lauren buried her head in Daphne's shoulder. The mood had significantly darkened as the gravity of the situation sunk in. After soothing Lauren for awhile, Daphne let Draco hug her as Blaise found her a blanket. The only reason Lauren had felt somewhat safe was clinging on to the hope that Voldemort's return was just a rumour. But the Dark Mark doesn't get activated for nothing. Clearly the Death Eaters have a plan.

Lauren and Draco were the last to go to bed that night, both of them quietly discussing theories and solutions.

"You'll stay by my side, right?" Lauren asked in the darkness.

Draco smiled. "Until the very end."

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