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As the days ticked by, Draco and the others were feeling under the pressure with the amount of work thrown on them. Lauren kept to her promise and helped Draco wherever needed, even writing a few lines when his hand had cramped badly.

Pansy was proving to be real annoying by this time, if Draco and Lauren were sitting next to each other she had to join, usually causing Lauren to fall off the chair or forcefully move down. She demanded all of Draco's attention which frustrated everyone else in the group too.

Draco told her off every single time, so Lauren was secretly glad that he wasn't entertaining the idea as it was hard not being able to talk to her best friend for a long period of time.

As they were lining up for Defence Against the Dark Arts, Draco snapped once more at Pansy. His silver orbs radiating anger, to the point where it scared Pansy off.

As his eyes met Lauren's friendly green ones, he calmed down. His anger got the best of him sometimes.

Lauren was about to say something, but Moody cuts everyone off. "Alright get inside and sit down, quickly now!"

That set everyone off, the man was terrifying in his gruesome glory. As everyone was seated, fear flew around the room. Moody never truly looked happy - but today he wore what could only resemble a smile. With all the scarring on his face and half his nose missing, it looked more like a painful cry.

"Dumbledore wants you to experience what it feels like to have the curses on you. Now reminder to practise constant vigilance-"

"Aren't they illegal?" Lauren asked, rather loudly.

Mad Eye paused, and Lauren thought for sure she was a goner that very second. He shook his head. "I've had enough with the know it all's thinking they're the teachers. You'll be the first volunteer and should pray I don't use the Cruciatus Curse on you." He snarled.

Lauren gulped, she hadn't even meant to say her sentence out loud. Both of his eyes were focused on her as he rapped on the desk, beckoning her to stand up.

"Don't think that I don't know your parents are very skilled in these curses." He said as he continued glaring.

Lauren let out a shaky breath as she nodded dismally. She really wanted nothing to do with her parents - yet nobody knew that.

He pointed his wand and murmured 'Imperio.'

It felt as if she was on cloud nine, not fully in her body. Her stomach did a small loop as a voice rang in her head. "Jump on the desk."



But why? That desk is far too high for my unfit knees. People don't stand on desks either thats rude.


No thank you, I appreciate the offer though.

Mad Eye exclaimed. "You see how she's fighting it? Pay close attention her her stance and facial features."

"Spin around three times?"

Three is oddly specific, why?

"Do it now."

How would one even spin in front of the class?


I thought you said spin?

All of a sudden she was brought back to reality. Moody and the rest of the class were in shock. Lauren hadn't even expected herself to be strong like that - yet she didn't even attempt to follow that voice.

"Many, many adults fail at passing that. Sit back down." He instructed, Lauren walked to her seat as her legs felt like jelly.

She rested her head in her hands for the remainder of the lesson, it had taken a lot of power to execute the counter curse.

Unfortunately Draco and Daphne weren't quite as will powered. Both of them failing to resist the voice, causing Draco to smack his head and Daphne to injure her back by falling on the ground. Moody didn't care as he made his way around the classroom, tormenting everyone in turn.

In the end, only Lauren had passed. A few showed potential.

As they were walking out, Pansy spoke up. "Lauren's probably only good at it cause her mum and dad taught her. They aren't death eaters for nothing, they probably torture people together as a family bonding activity-"

"Shut it before I curse you, idiot. Stop being jealous of Laur, because you'll never come close to the wonderful person she is. I've a half mind to leave you in that classroom." Draco angrily said. The rest of the walk back to the common room was awkward.

Lauren crashed on one of the couches, Daphne cuddled up beside her. "Nap time." She yawned and they'd fallen asleep in minutes. Draco cackling with the others as he carefully brushed the hair out of Lauren's face.

They talk quietly amongst themselves for an hour as the girls napped on the sofa.

Classes were really beginning to pile on the expectations and work load

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Classes were really beginning to pile on the expectations and work load. McGonagall gave a lecture every lesson on how they need to shape up. She'd walk down each aisle making sure all attention was on her.

And if anyone dared to complain she'd turn on them. "Imogen Sanders your goblet was so unpolished I couldn't even put water in it without a flood happening! You'll need all the help you can get now before it's too late next year! And when you're working as a janitor in Hogwarts I'll be around to say I told you so!"

Needless to say Imogen Sanders didn't speak a word in that class ever again.

Snape was also a wreck with homework loads. They were to memorise four potions perfectly with the methods down, identifying each ingredient with the scientific name and deducing which ones were laced with poison.

"The wrong answer has to drink it." He said one lesson. No one could tell if the gothic man was joking. He didn't usually make jokes, so this alarmed everyone instantly.

Blaise, Crabbe and Goyle looked exceptionally nervous as neither were advanced in Potions.

Professor Binns gave them six essays to write in three days at one stage. Claiming all these historic events were stepping stones to the main criteria. If these were the stepping stones, every student would rather drown.

Even Hagrid was still carrying on with the stupid Skewts project. Regardless of the burns, scratches and blood loss the half giant carried on. Draco had a half mind to release them all onto Hagrid.

By the end of the fourth week, everyone was emotionally exhausted.

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