Thirty Five

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Anticipation crept up on the Hogwarts students as the last day of the school year fell upon them. Classes had been cancelled as a treat, that and the fact that no work would be getting completed.

This meant that Draco was adamant in making their last day memorable. He'd been working with Lauren through her anxiety and the grieving process and he was ecstatic when she agreed to him organising their day.

Daphne and Blaise had decided to spend the day with them. Tension remained high between Lauren and Daphne, neither interacting with the other. Blaise was a lot more outgoing and tried his hardest to make Lauren laugh.

Once breakfast had concluded, the group decided to play a fun round of quidditch. Due to the Triwizard Tournament concluding, the pitch had transitioned back to the sporting arena. And due to no quidditch season, it left the pitch empty most days.

It had been quite awhile since they had played the wizarding sport and Draco was insistent they needed something to brighten their moods. Not only with Cedric's passing, but Voldemort had returned and he knew that his and Lauren's lives will be forever changed once they arrive home. That was a change he wanted to put off as long as possible.

Lauren slipped her hand into his, she'd opted to wear his quidditch sweater and jeans. She hadn't returned it since the last wear, but Draco didn't mind at all; she looked way cuter in it than he ever did.

"Haven't been back since the task." She whispered so only he could hear.

Draco gave her a sad smile, he couldn't even fathom the pain she'd experienced. "I'll be right here with you, focus on the sport; maybe then you can beat me for once." He smiled as Lauren's jaw dropped.

They trudged through the dewy grass as winter was becoming to take over. Their footsteps crunched satisfyingly, each pulling out their wands to summon a broom. The distant whoosh came to a crescendo as six brooms whizzed through the air and landing in each students hands.

"I'll take Blaise and Crabbe for my team." Lauren announced, raising an eyebrows as Draco smirked.

He bowed. "As you wish, darling." The sarcasm dripped off his tone as they grinned, mounting their brooms.

Daphne rolled her eyes. "I hope you're aware I won't be trying, it's hard enough staying on the bloody broom."

Draco's smile faltered as he knew Lauren's tactic. She was well aware of Daphne's quidditch efforts. Or lack thereof. Whilst Blaise wasn't the best player, he could handle being on a broom and passing the quaffle adequately.

The lifted into the air, it was a beautiful moment for Lauren as all of her worries remained on the ground. Soaring through the air thirty feet above the ground made the world seem small. All of her problems were so minuscule. It did help not having the hedge on the pitch anymore, that was the worst reminder. She took a deep breath to stop the impending panic attack.

Cedric was not my fault. She repeated quietly to herself. It was her mantra, her and Draco had devised it. The repetition made no room for additional anxiety.

"Lauren!" Blaise yelled before throwing the quaffle. He'd managed to snatch it off Goyle somehow.

Lauren caught it swiftly, not skipping a beat as she sped towards the hoops. Just as the quaffle left her hand to the hoop, Draco intercepted and smirked once more.

"Better luck next time, Laur." He called out.

She rolled her eyes and gave a sarcastic smile before racing after him. Cursing quietly as he made the goal. Oh well, she'd let him score once to keep his ego intact.

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