Thirty Two

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The third task was a few weeks away and needless to say every student was on edge. For the vast majority, it was the anticipation of which school would conquer the rest and claim the victory.

To Draco and Lauren, it was the fear of the dreaded return of Voldemort. Neither knew any further details, Lauren had half hoped Estella would send another letter but alas, no mail. Narcissa's had dwindled down to once a fortnight check in, Draco assumed everyone had their hands full with Death Eater business.

Snape had also continued their occlumency lessons and they'd both progressed by a milestone; now reading each other's thoughts. They'd vowed to only use it in the lessons as both respected each other too much to even consider snooping. Would be handy in future if either were in trouble.

Cedric Diggory had also thanked Draco and Lauren for their help by gifting them each quidditch robes both from their favourite teams; the Falmouth Falcons and Montrose Magpies. The Slytherin pair had been ecstatic and shocked by the exchange, they'd helped Cedric because he was their friend not for some reward. Both Draco and Lauren had grown closer to Diggory.

Lauren subtly nudged Draco awake as he'd dozed off for the third time in Herbology. Her conscience let him sleep for as long as possible, however Professor Sprout kept a close eye on their work.

Draco sleepily opened his eyes and looked at her, Lauren smiled at how peaceful he seemed. The sleepy smile was adorable on him. "Did you sleep much last night?" She whispered and as Sprout walked past she made sure to remain shedding the bark off of her Wiggentree. Honestly Herbology was just a front for child labour as Lauren knew Professor Snape would be able to save the Wiggentree bark for his potions.

Draco shook his head slightly. "With everyone going on a peaceful night sleep is not easy." He murmured.

Lauren's eyebrows drew together, she worried for her best friend. "I'll stay up with you-"

"No Laur, then we'd both be tired."

Lauren scoffed. "I know you and if there's any method of help I can give it's the fact that you wouldn't want me staying up as late as you do."

Draco looked impressed by her logic. She was right, of course, he wouldn't dare give her a late night. "I'll write it you in our book and maybe that will help me drift off," he paused and grinned. "You should put me to sleep in no time."

Lauren whacked him when Professor Sprout's back was turned and Draco raised his arms in surrender. She handed him the knife and he set to work scraping bark.

The rest of the lesson passed by quick, Lauren was increasingly worried for Draco as he looked like a wreck. The bags under his eyes were enormous, his mouth hardly remained free of a yawn for long.

Luckily, History of Magic was next. Professor Binns, a ghost, was the teacher and he simply wrote on the chalkboard the entire lesson. In fact, the Slytherins had changed the title of the class to 'Nap Time' due to Binns' obliviousness.

As Professor Binns allowed them to enter, Lauren made sure to snag two seats in the back row. Unfortunately as luck would have it, she was sitting beside Daphne; whom hardly glanced in her direction. She could feel Pansy's smug smile from across the room and fought the temptation to flip her off.

Before Professor Binns could finish last lessons recap, Draco was already fast asleep beside Lauren. She brushed his hair out of his eyes for him gently, she failed to realise Draco's small smirk as he enjoyed their interaction.

Lauren couldn't wrap her head around how Professor Binns was failing to notice half the class were asleep. She was also amazed at how the ghost could drone on about eighteenth century goblin rebellions for the entire school year. Usually classes differentiate their topics but Binns was gunning for the one.

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