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The next week flew by and soon enough, they were back in Care of Magical Creatures. The skewts had killed more of each other, leaving ten remaining. They'd grown to six feet and still would rather eat flesh than any vegetables. All in all, it was an awful assignment.

Hagrid had the dim idea of testing their hibernation skills. It was in this moment Lauren and basically everyone else realised that Hagrid was learning about these animals at the same pace they were. Which was alarming.

The skewts did not like being coerced and shoved in a box, turns out they don't hibernate. Some of them broke their crate with brute force, and others had managed to escape quickly enough to rampage through Hagrid's pumpkin patches.

Draco quickly dragged Lauren into Hagrids cabin with a bunch of other slytherins and some gryffindors. It was quite terrifying hearing their screeches and the occasional banging on the door.

Loud noises were detrimental to Lauren's anxiety, as well as jump scares. Sadly this was a combination of both and she desperately tried to remain calm. Draco silently wrapped an arm around her, he'd known her long enough to remember her anxiety triggers and ways to calm her down. Physical touch was one of the easiest solutions as she clung to him. He didn't mind in the slightest, he truly cared for her.

Daphne kept watch for them as Draco believed having Lauren away from the door and window was the best option.

"Coast is clear they got them all rounded up!" Daphne said excitedly. Draco let go of Lauren and allowed her to exit before him.

They headed out, Hagrid dismissed them ten minutes early as there was no real use continuing after that fiasco. Gryffindors headed off to Divination as the slytherins had Herbology with Professor Sprout.

"The only thing I learned this year is how to dodge the skewts attacks. Blasted things are a lawsuit waiting to happen." Daphne sarcastically stated as they headed towards the greenhouse.

The group laughed quietly, the laughter soon died as over a dozen skinny plants aligned every seat. They sat down and Professor Sprout entered after them. No matter the season, she was covered in layers of the same grey fabric, causing her plump figure to look even larger. Her smile was always friendly and she was one of the nicest Professors.

"Alright! We'll be collecting bubotuber pus from the bubotuber plant. Anyone know what the pus is used for?" She glanced at them all.

Lauren raised her hand and she called on her. "Notoriously used for acne treatments, Professor."

Sprout smiled at the response. "Ten points to Slytherin! Excellent. Now it's important to wear dragon hide gloves when touching the boils on the plant. You'll need to squeeze them into the tubes in front of you. Your textbook will outline different uses too and I expect a three foot essay on the benefits and drawbacks." The class quietly agreed and she let them begin collecting the pus.

Malfoy turned his nose up at the smell. "This is disgusting, who wants to squeeze a plant? There are better uses of my time." He complained.

Lauren chuckled as she began working, the sooner she did it the better. Her fingers moved quickly, carefully squeezing into the vials. The pop was a little satisfying, and pretty shortly her plant was bare again.

Professor Sprout walked around, correcting some students on leaving parts of the boil on the plant, critiquing their speed and quizzing them.

She smiled at Lauren. "Excellent Ms Evergreen," upon inspecting Draco's untouched plant she sighed. "Perhaps you could teach your friend a lesson."

Draco rolled his eyes and was about to retort until he caught eye contact with Lauren and decided against it. Together, they finished his project. Draco had no enjoyment with the satisfying pop as it was an off putting lime green colour.

As they'd finally finished with Herbology, they headed back to the castle for lunch.

"Double Potions with Snape this afternoon will be interesting, wonder if he'll poison any of the Gryffindors." Blaise cackled wickedly.

Daphne scoffed. "As if we'd be that lucky, he's all talk."

Daphne an Blaise's debate continued all the way through lunch, and the walk down to the dungeons.

Draco and Lauren sat at their bench, the scraping of the chair had become a familiar sound. The Gryffindors sidled in not long after, Neville Longbottom looked exceptionally nervous. His lack of common sense in Potions always made for a laugh.

Snape's lifeless features bored into the students "Today, we will be brewing the potent poison, Weedosoros. Take great care to keep this concoction away from your hands and mouth. If you do swallow some of this poison, immediately proceed to the Hospital Wing. The rest of us shouldn't have to be bothered with your convulsing." He gave a wicked smile before dismissing them to their work.

Everyone opened their Potions book to the recipe for Weedosoros. "Snape seems more tense than usual." Draco whispered.

Lauren glanced at the teacher, he was sitting at his desk marking some essays. Behind his usual stony features, Lauren could sense the anxiousness. He was usually much more composed, it worried the pair. If Severus Snape, the death eater, was worried than it cannot be good news.

Lauren leaned back to Draco. "He looks tired as well." She remarked.

They moved along to the next ingredient, slicing up Arnolious Figs delicately. Halfway through the lesson, Snape diverted their attention.

He cleared his throat as all eyes were on him. "Hogwarts will be hosting the Yule Ball, a tradition for the triwizard tournament. It will be held on the night of Christmas Day, starting at 8pm. Wear your best dress robes and do not embarrass the school. We will be holding dance lessons in future. End of discussion." He snarled as a Gryffindor was dumb enough to raise their hand.

The class began whispering excitedly at the news. A Ball? Lauren, Draco and a number of slytherins had been to plenty of Balls in their life. Lauren was still looking forward to the event. Not really the dance lessons, as she'd had plenty of lessons over the years.

She turned around to Daphne, who gave her a thumbs up and a grin. In her peripheral vision, she saw Pansy becoming overwhelmed with excitement and some concerning squeals.

Draco gave their concoction one last stir. "We did it, Laur. It looks great!" He grinned. Draco was undeniably thrilled at the Yule Ball idea and his mind was already reeling through ideas on how to ask Lauren. They'd go as friends, he wouldn't want to push anything more on her. What with the impending doom looming ahead of them at the prospect of the Dark Lords return, it felt strange to begin a relationship.

Once Potions had ended, and Snape had assessed their results; the gang headed back their usual couch in the common room before dinner.

Daphne and Lauren were talking in hushed whispers about the event. Lauren had never really had a girl friend to enjoy these things with. Draco was her closest friend and incredible, it was just difficult to talk about hair ideas with him. Although he did try last year at one of his families functions.

Daphne already had a draft of ideas on Lauren's hairstyle and makeup. Crabbe and Goyle groaned about having to dress up.

Blaise laughed. "Come on, lads, I already have a ton of ideas on hair and makeup!" He screwed up his face and mimicked Pansy Parkinson; who could still be heard in the distance boasting about her outfit.

The group laughed and changed the topic to guessing the next task.

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