Thirty Four

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Memories plagued Lauren's nightmares. Never-ending loop of Cedric falling lifelessly to the ground replayed like the worst film in history. Sometimes her brain would spice things up and force her to imagine if he'd seen her.

Losing Cedric had proven to take a deep toll. Loss and grief were a burden to anyone but Lauren had never experienced the loss of a close friend. Sure, he was older but Cedric had protected her through everything. And now he's gone and Lauren knew it wasn't fair.

It should've been her.

The first few weeks after the incident were the roughest. She had stayed in her dormitory bed for majority of her time. Draco visited as often as he could, skipping most of his classes.

Dumbledore knew of her attachment and had Professor Snape send some potions to help with the nightmares. It took a lot of courage for her to take it as most nights she thought she deserved to understand the severity of her ignorance.

If she'd known more, she would have saved him.

Another huge groundbreaking discovery was Professor Moody. Or, more accurately, Barty Crouch Jr, Mr Crouch's son impersonating Moody the entire year in an effort to ensure Harry became a Triwizard champion and died.

It sounded completely crazy at first, but upon looking at his fascination with the traumatic unforgivable curses it made more sense. And it did explain how Potter was chosen.

As a result of the news, the real Professor Moody was recovered and had taken absence. There were no Defence Against the Dark Arts classes held. Basically every class, except for Potions and History of Magic, were for relaxing. The exams had come and gone and the end of the school year was approaching fast.

Lauren hadn't bothered to put much effort into her appearance. Throwing her hair in a messy low ponytail, she hurriedly got changed into her uniform before meeting with Draco downstairs.

It had been three weeks since the tragedy and Lauren figured she should at least make an appearance in class. Plus, she knew Draco was probably becoming overwhelmed with the anxiety and worry for her. And she didn't want him to crumble. He had been a real godsend during these times.

Her appetite had diminished and every night she'd find leftovers neatly packaged on her bed. And every time he saw her, he'd have a snack readily available. It did help, as Lauren trained herself to eat what he offered. She was going to live and fight on behalf of Cedric. That was the only way.

Draco met her at the foot of her stairs with a green apple in hand. "You missed breakfast, but if we head now we can be early to Potions. Here," he handed her the apple. "It's only Snape so he'll let you take it easy. And I'll do whichever potion is required."

Lauren gave him the tiniest smile and it made his entire day. She hadn't smiled since witnessing Cedric. Draco felt overjoyed that he had been the first person to receive a small fraction of a smile.

He didn't mind the silence either. Part of him worried deeply of course, but he knew Lauren would open up on her own accord. Grief was difficult and he knew that pushing her to talk would make her snap and possibly break down again.

As Lauren left the common room for the first time in three weeks, part of her felt deflated. As much as she tried to push it away, she couldn't help but ruminate on the fact that Cedric should be here walking the halls. The entire castle was grieving for the Hufflepuff boy. Details hadn't spread around just yet but for many of the Slytherins and Ravenclaws in particular with Death Eater parents, they already knew. For the oblivious and innocent, all they knew was that he'd died during the Tournament.

Lauren hadn't been paying attention and failed to realise Pansy had stuck her foot out in time. Her heart dropped at the sudden overbalance and she dropped her books. The stone floor was not a comfortable landing.

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