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The first night with her parents had gone about as awfully as expected. Prudence had claimed the dinner was foul as Gerald berated the elves. Estella complained about Prudence to her face.

Lauren had made sure to sneak out once her mother and father had resided to their living quarters and take care of the elves. Although Plunky was her favourite, she cared for the elves and knew they'd be punishing themselves for the dinner. It had tasted heavenly, in Lauren's honest opinion.

Sure enough she'd walked in to find Plunky whacking his head on a plate as the small group of seven more elves were each scolding themselves.

Lauren moved swiftly to yank the plate away from her companion. She knew how to handle these elves.

She gently tapped on the plate to divert their attention. "Listen up, you lot. Tonight's dinner was remarkable. If you're to talk to yourselves let it only be in praise. That's an order from your master." She grinned at them as they all smiled and, to Lauren's horror, started crying tears of joy.

She held her arms out as the eight elves barrelled into her. Their little hands hugging her tightly. Plunky had a gash on his arm from his punishment which made Lauren's eyes soften.

She walked towards the cabinet drawers and grabbed the first aid kit. Purposefully ignoring Plunky's crying smile as she set to work on bandaging his arm. She hugged him again as she put the last pin in place. Plunky waved his arm about freely.

"Thank you, Master Lauren." As much as Lauren had tried to change it, the elves always referred to her as Master.

The other elves piped up in gratitude as they handed her plates of sweets, slices of pie and her favourite tea. She giggled and thanked them all individually as Plunky helped carry the plates. He apparated with her back to her room. Lauren wasn't registered in apparition just yet, although she was comfortable with the method already. She smiled as her room came into focus.

She had ordered Plunky to relax and eat something as he looked too thin

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She had ordered Plunky to relax and eat something as he looked too thin. A house elf's innate ways were to serve. They weren't allowed to be self serving, and this often led to neglect. Lauren respected their wishes though, as she knew the circumstances wouldn't allow them to be free so she found ways to help them relax here and there.

Usually it meant ordering them to, but whatever works right.


Lauren made sure to be awake and ready early, as the Malfoys and a few other families were arriving in the morning and stay for a few nights.

She'd straightened her naturally wavy hair and left it cascading down her back. Before her mother could scold her later, she'd made sure her makeup looked natural but covered her rosy cheeks.

Her mother had already outlined a plain black long sleeved dress for her to wear

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Her mother had already outlined a plain black long sleeved dress for her to wear.

As she was putting some more product in her hair, she heard her mother yelling for her downstairs

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As she was putting some more product in her hair, she heard her mother yelling for her downstairs. That could only mean the guests had arrived.

As she rushed down the stairs, she was silently praying the Malfoy's were the first to show up. She gave Plunky a thumbs up as she used the short cut in the kitchen and made it to the front door welcoming parlour.

She grinned as Lucius and Narcissa instantly pulled her in for a hug. They'd always treated her like family, much more than her real parents ever did. Lauren caught Prudence rolling her eyes and she straightened up.

"How was the trip?" She'd asked the adults politely.

Narcissa smiled. "We had a lovely time visiting our family, but we were even more excited to see you."

Narcissa walked into the house more, allowing her platinum haired son to enter behind. His silver eyes met Lauren's green orbs and they hugged each other tightly.

Draco had grown a lot taller since she had seen him last, he was half a head taller and had become more broad shouldered. He grinned at her as he noticed her looking a little longer than usual.

Lauren rolled her eyes and smiled. "You actually grew for once, Dray."

Draco snickered. "I see you haven't, Laur." He stuck his tongue out as she playfully sent him a glare.

Lucius smiled at the two before instructing the two elves nearby to take their luggage to the guest quarters on level three. Same floor as Lauren's bedroom.

Lauren led Draco towards his room, opposite her bedroom. Rather than walking up the sixty or so steps, they used floo powder as the guest bedroom had a fireplace.

His luggage was already neatly set at the base of his bed.

Lauren laughed. "You've been here enough times so you don't really need the tour. Some of the stuff you left last time are in the drawers." She pointed.

As she was about to turn to set off towards her own bedroom, Draco stopped her. "Do you mind staying and talking for a bit? I haven't been able to talk to many people in person since school."

Lauren smiled and nodded as she made herself comfortable on the bed. Draco smiled to himself before sitting down beside her.

"What's the Slytherin common room like again?" She asked him.

He smiled, he loved talking about the common room. "It looks pretty magical itself. It's underneath the Black Lake so there's this green and blue aura light to it. The furniture is all dark browns and blacks to suit the moody aesthetic. They have a section of leather couches near the fire and they're incredibly comfortable." He nudges his foot against hers. "Any more Hogwarts questions?"

Lauren thought for a moment. "Do slytherins all have the same classes together?"

"We have the basics altogether. Transfiguration, DADA, and all that. We have two electives though and sometimes we share classes with other houses. I chose Divination and Care of Magical Creatures. Two of the easiest subjects. Would be nice to have you there with me." Draco looked lost in thought for a moment.

Lauren gasped dramatically. "Crabbe and Goyle aren't enough for you? Or what's that girls name, Patty?"

Draco burst out laughing, a rare occurrence for anyone else to see but Lauren. "Technically it's Pansy, but please call her Patty. I just want to see that reaction."

He paused before continuing. "Oh and usually Potter and his Gryffindork friends mess things up, so don't expect to do many exams at the end of the year. There's usually some chaos that Potter causes. Especially this year."

Lauren bit her lip. "You think he's getting stronger too, don't you? There's no other reasoning as to why my parents are staying around. He must be stronger now." Her voice trailed off, sure she was bold enough to call him Voldemort but that didn't mean she wasn't terrified of him.

He leant forward and squeezed her hand reassuringly. "I have the same fear too. Mother is intent on keeping me away from it and safe but father is adamant that when You Know Who returns; he'll know who I am. I'll do anything I can to protect you." He whispered the last part, afraid of anyone listening in even inside of the enormous estate.

The mood brightened after it, as Lauren tried to push it out of her mind.

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