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The sounds of the crowd in the stadium was deafening. Being in the Top Box felt even more exposed. The view was remarkable, they could see the entire stadium from their seating.

Dobby, the Malfoy house elf, had accompanied them and he sat proudly beside Lauren; his favourite person next to Harry Potter. Lauren treated him with kindness and hugs, as she did with every elf.

Although Draco had his own pair he'd insisted on sharing Lauren's binoculars. He laughed quietly as Lauren occasionally let Dobby look into them and he cheered loudly.

As the Bulgarian seeker, Viktor Krum, wrapped his fingers around the golden snitch; the crowd went roaring.

Even though Krum caught the snitch for an extra 150 points; the Irish had a large enough lead to still comfortably win as the game ended.

Draco and Lauren cheered alongside the crowd, they were rooting for the Irish. As Draco pulled her into a tight hug amidst the excitement, he pulled away not long after as he realised how close their faces were.

Lauren shrugged it off and started the station wide "Hoo rah!"

"And as the Irish team perform a lap of honour, flanked by their mascots, the Quidditch World Cup is brought into the Top Box!" Ludo Bagman, the Head of Department at the ministry and organiser of the Cup bellowed.

Blinding lights illuminated the entire Top Box as the rest of the stadium saw right into it on the four large screens around the arena. Lauren squinted against the harsh LED, as the Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge held up the Cup from beside Lucius.

The defeated Bulgarian team trudged their way up the stairs of the Top Box, barely acknowledging the crowd.

The Irish soon followed, Aidan Lynch had to be supported by Moran and Connolly, his fellow teammates.

After their next lap of honour, the crowd began to disperse. High on the adrenaline from the win, the chants were deafening still.

Draco slid his hand back into Lauren's as he led the way this time. Lucius was caught up discussing some work issue with a few men behind and insisted the pair go along.

"Oi watch it!" Draco cursed at the sketchy looking teenager who had barrelled into Lauren. He used his free arm to place on her back. The crowd was restless, distant cheering and bellowing echoing off each passerby.

As they finally approached their tent, Draco let go of her hand. Dobby was already in the tent with fresh sandwiches made for the pair.

"Thank you, Dobby." They both quietly chorused. Dobby beamed, he loved having Lauren around because Draco was extra nice and even Lucius laid off. Lauren was good. Harry Potter was good too.

They quickly had their sandwiches and Draco laughed lightly as he saw Lauren nodding off. He stacked their plates together and helped her towards her room.

She took off her makeup as he laid her pyjamas out for her. He pulled her into a quick hug goodnight and disappeared off to his own room.

Sleep very quickly enveloped Lauren as she hurriedly threw on her pyjamas.


"Lauren! Wake up....come on! Lauren!" Lauren was abruptly awoken by Draco shaking her.

She jumped up, alert and concerned as to why her best friend was crying and sweating profusely. "Dray what's happening?"

His hands were shaking and Lauren gripped them in an attempt to calm him.

That's when she heard it. The usual cheering had ceased, and screams had replaced them. "Death eaters." His usual level voice came out in a short choke.

She jumped up and grabbed her wand before rushing out with Draco.

The camping ground was in pandemonium as crowds of death eaters stood, Lauren's heart dropped when he noticed the muggles nearby that were being dangled in the air. A group of death eaters shouting obscurities as Lauren recognised Mr Roberts and presumably his wife and children. She turned away instantly as they flipped Mrs Roberts upside down, exposing her body to the onlookers.

Dozens of tents were catching fire and Draco gripped her hand once more. "The fires spreading." She yelled over the commotion.

And to their alarm, many of the pureblood tents around them were alight. Dobby had trailed behind them. "Get to the woods, Master Draco and Ms Lauren!" He yelled before apparating.

"C'mon." Draco murmured before dragging her quickly and weaving through the tents. He pulled her close to him as one of the nearby tents collapsed under the severity of the flames, alighting the grass around them.

"Aguamenti!" Lauren yelled as a jet of water dampened a pathway. She grimaced as the shouts and crying became louder. Children looking lost without their families.

Lauren paused as she noticed a small child looking injured. "Laur we need to get to the woods preferably as fast as possible." Draco raised his voice slightly irritated at her level of compassion.

She rolled her eyes. "She's injured, they're kids we need to get them to safety with us." She hissed back.

He sighed. "I hate when you're right, sometimes." He let go of her hand and scooped the little injured girl in his arms. Lauren darted to a small group nearby who were in hysterics. She carefully reassured them before giving two of them piggy backs and carrying a third, as the rest ran alongside them.

Draco began helping the kids they found along the way and pretty soon they had over a dozen with them trailing along towards the forest.

As they approached the forest line, Draco set the kids down before ushering them behind the trees. Footsteps nearby sent him into a panic.

"Wait here with them, I'll see who is near." He whispered to Lauren before slinking away.

Lauren turned to the first girl with the bleeding arm. Tears stained her little cheeks as she tried to wipe them, smearing blood on her left cheek.

"You're safe now, little one. I'll fix your wound for you." Her voice soothed.

Having Estella Evergreen as a school teacher had taught her a lot of medicinal magic. She had previously worked for St My go's and insisted Lauren be trained.

Lauren murmured a spell under her breath as the wound magically healed itself. The little girl's eyes shone as she clung to Lauren. Lauren moved slightly to inspect everyone else.

"Anyone else have injuries?" She flinched as every other child raised their hand.

Forming a line, she healed each of them. They looked at her as if she was a hero, deeming her "Princess Lauren!"

The screams crescendoed once more and Lauren nearly fainted as the Dark Mark illuminated the sky. Twists of green and black to symbolise a skull with a snake wrapped around it, the telltale sign of You Know Who. Her anxiety sky rocketed as Draco still wasn't back. If they were discovered helping people, well the death eaters wouldn't care they were pureblood that's for sure.

Lauren kept trying to calm the kids down, they were hidden fairly well just as long as they were quiet.

Draco appeared a few minutes later and crashed beside her, his arms pulling her close to him. "You saw it, right? I ran back as soon as I saw it. It was only Potter and his group nearby so I told them to lay low and get Granger away from here if they wanted to stay safe. It's getting closer." He whispered rather frantically.

She leaned her head on his shoulder and silently prayed the nightmare would end soon.

Catch Me if I Fall {Draco Malfoy}Where stories live. Discover now