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Lauren was far too excited to sleep and this resulted in her being fully dressed an hour before they needed to leave. They were only staying at the camping grounds for one night, which shortened the packing process considerably.

She'd decided on a pair of nice black pants and a dark green sweater. Lucius had warned her that there will be some effort walking to their camping grounds so she'd chosen her black combat boots to get her through it.

Her hair was straightened from the other day, and being too lazy to style it otherwise she'd left it natural

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Her hair was straightened from the other day, and being too lazy to style it otherwise she'd left it natural.

Just as she was about to lie back down, a knock on the door pulled her out of her zone. "It's open!" She called out.

Draco's platinum hair appeared around the corner and he looked surprised. "Lauren Evergreen ready early? What a delight." He smiled.

He was dressed in a black wool sweater with black jeans. His fingers ran through his hair absentmindedly, his Malfoy ring glimmering from the sunlight.

"You're an ass, Dray," Lauren laughed as Draco feigned hurt. "Oh come on, doofus, you know deep down I love you."

Lauren failed to notice the slight redness to Draco's cheeks as she said the words so casually; of course she meant it diplomatically. Would be nice if it had that other meaning.

Before she could question his silence he picked up her backpack. "Let's head downstairs before we're both late, Laur."

Lauren agreed and they made the familiar trip down the two flights of stairs. The other death eaters were still around as well, many of whom they'd passed on their way. Draco put an arm protectively on her back, as if to shield her from their vision.

Lucius was waiting in the parlour with Narcissa already. "Perfect timing, you two." He sent Lauren a small smile.

Narcissa pulled her and Draco into a tight hug. "Be good and stay with each other. Have the best time, you two." She whispered.

Lauren thanked her as she let them go. Even though she'd expected nothing from her own parents, it would've been nice to have a send off from them.

Lucius led them to the front courtyard, where an empty bottle of water sat on the ground. The three of them held onto it as the world was whisked away.

It felt like an eternity of falling as a mosaic of wild colours flew around Lauren. Her hair being pulled in every direction.

She groaned as she'd landed on her stomach, Draco had the same unfortunate outcome and she helped him up.

"You get used to it after a while." Lucius mused as he began walking towards a stressed looking bald man in a yellow overcoat.

"Ah Mr Malfoy! A pleasure, you'll be in the first field a quarter of a mile that way." He pointed to the side. "Ask for Mr Roberts."

Lucius nodded, he refused to touch muggle money and was adamant on obliviating the receptionist when the time came. It disgusted him that they'd even be near muggles.

The walk was fairly pleasant, Draco was adamant in carrying Lauren's bag so she could rest her shoulder. As well as the desire to carry her bag for her regardless.

They'd eventually made it past Mr Roberts, who merrily waved them through to the site. The two followed Lucius towards their large tent space. With a wave of his wand, Lucius set the grand tent up. With its wallowing features of green and black and a silver lining, it was simply stunning.

They'd each gotten their own moderately sized room, a classic expansion charm causing the inside to resemble a small cottage. Draco set Lauren's bag down in her room before retreating to his own.

Lauren looked around the room and smiled as she'd noticed Lucius include mint green walls, for her.

Before she can look around much longer, Lucius calls out. "I have some colleagues to meet with. Don't stray too far from the campsite and I'll be back in plenty of time before the match." He nodded at the both of them before exiting.

Draco grabbed her hand. "Let's get exploring, Laur."

She laughed as they quickly headed out the tent, their location was right near the woods and both of them were eager to explore.

Seemingly millions of rows of trees clouded their vision, oak and chestnut filled the air. They hopped over the tree trunks. Draco made sure to pick a pink rose.

"Wait there." His voice was soft as he approached her slowly, sliding the flower behind her ear carefully. Once he was satisfied with his work he nodded.

Lauren blushed and thanked him before they set off again. Her eyes scanned every possible nook and cranny of that forest, Draco spent more time studying her facial features.

They both stopped as they heard hushed voices, what sounded like middle aged men having a rather heated argument. Lauren peered around a tree trunk and gasped as she recognised two of the men from the death eaters meeting at her home.

"Let's hurry back." Draco whispered. They silently crept back, and when they deemed it safe; sprinted back towards the tent.

"What do you think that was about? They didn't travel with us, and Lucius said we'd be the only ones going?" Lauren quietly asked him once they were safely in the tent.

Draco shrugged. "Whatever it is, it can't be good. We will have to be careful."

They were interrupted by Lucius reappearing. "You two ready to head up? They're selling some merchandise, and we will have to get through the huge crowd."

Lauren quickly grabbed a small brown handbag to take with her. Draco's father led the way to the stadium, Draco held Lauren's hand as to not lose her in the bustling crowd.

Draco squeezed her hand. "We should get some binoculars, the view from Top Box will be amazing. And we can get you a scarf too if you'd like."

Lauren's space green eyes lit up as she grinned. They said goodbye to Lucius as they lined up for the merchandise stand.

Draco stiffened. "Harry Potter is behind us. With his friends." Draco subtly whispered.

Harry Potter. The boy who lived.

She turned around slowly to get a better look and sure enough, the skinny bespectacled Gryffindor was in plain sight. His messy hair hid his green eyes fairly well, and beside him were Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. Lauren heard enough about his friends to recognise them. Weasley's could be spotted a mile away, and Hermione just looked like a know-it-all.

She shook off their presence, it spooked her that the boy who defeated Voldemort was literally behind them.

They'd managed to get to the front, Draco picked out two pairs of binoculars, a scarf for Lauren and a beanie for him. They'd also decided to share the animated Aidan Lynch. Dozens of small moving figurines of him lined the tables. Each whizzing around on a mini broomstick. Lynch was the Irish seeker and captain.

Once they'd received their items, they set off towards the Top Box. Draco made sure to stop so he could put the scarf around his best friends neck, and adjust the rose.

Lauren fitted the beanie on his head comfortably and smiled at him as she noticed his cheeks redden.

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