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A brute force startled Lauren awake, her chocolate coloured locks messily framing her face as she bolted upright.

Draco smiled sheepishly as her bed stopped shaking. "Good, you're awake-"

Lauren pretended to whack him as she was still in the process of waking up. Her room came into focus. Draco sat, already dressed in nice black jeans and a green and black sweater.

"You better have woken me up for an emergency." She yawned.

He smiled and she suddenly noticed his hands were behind his back. She raised an eyebrow at his manner and he grinned wider.

"Surprise! Dad got us tickets to the World Quidditch Cup! You're coming too - so I don't annoy him with his Ministry colleagues. Best seats in the house. Bulgaria vs Ireland." He revealed the two brightly coloured tickets.

Her eyes widened as she pulled him into an excited hug. Quidditch was something Draco and her had first bonded over when they were little. It brought them closer and him and Lucius had taught her everything she knew. He dug his head in her neck as his arms gently squeezed her.

They pulled away and Draco spoke up again. "The plan is to leave here tomorrow morning, father has exclusive access to a portkey so we won't need to leave till around 8am. We'll set up our tent and then get ready for the match. We just have the one night booked as it's usually over fairly quick." He explained.

Lauren nodded as she tried to register all the new information. Draco smiled and swept a few strands of hair out of her face. "Go back to sleep, goof. I'll go ask Plunky for a snack." He whispered.

She smiled and nodded slowly as she shut her eyes. Draco was careful to make sure she was asleep before leaving.


"Really, Lauren, you must present yourself better." Prudence fussed around her and sent her daughter a look of disgust at her outfit.

Lauren bit back a remark. She thought her outfit was fine. Even the late August weather didn't allow many days for flowing dresses.

"They're jeans mother, Draco said lots of purebloods wear them." Lauren protested.

Prudence scoffed. "Only the ones that don't care to look nice."

Rolling her eyes, Lauren had tried to walk away but froze when Prudence laid a hand on her shoulder. Subtly digging her nails in, causing Lauren to quietly cry out in pain. That seemed to encourage Prudence further.

"I'll have one of the elves lay out an appropriate outfit. If you're cold then wear some stockings and deal with it. We have guests." She hissed in her ear.

Too scared to talk back, Lauren nodded and a small sigh of relief washed over her as Prudence let go of her now aching shoulder and allowed her to pass.

Draco was waiting in the next room, a look of concern evident on his face as his eyebrows furrowed in thought. He'd always been afraid of Lauren's mother and father but what he had just overheard and saw was wrong.

Lauren cursed as Draco appeared, she hadn't realised he was near. And from the look on his face, he'd seen it all.

He hesitated before speaking up, he wanted to reach out for her but was afraid of shocking her after what her mother had done.

"Can we go to your room?" He whispered. Lauren nodded in response, it was only fair to let him in after what had happened.

The walk up the stairs was silent, each of them mulling over what to say to one another. Draco was extremely concerned. He cared for Lauren more than he did for anyone else. Hell he'd fancied her since they were introduced at the age of five.

They'd finally made it back to the third floor and down the hall to Lauren's room. A wave of sadness overcame Draco as he noticed her hand shake around the doorknob.

They both sat on her bed. "How much did you hear or see?" Lauren asked solemnly, half afraid of the response.

Draco stiffened. "All of it, Laur. How long has it been going on?" It seems the two of them were afraid of each response.

She bit her lip nervously. "Well you know they never really raised me. But they'd visit often and the first I remember it being was when I was eight and had gotten muddy footprints on the marble. Their visits became shorter and less frequent. That was the first time it's happened in over a year."

She tried to look somewhat confident but Draco knew her better. "She needs to be put in her place. No mother should ever act that way. I'm staying by your side the rest of the summer. We'll leave for Hogwarts together." His tone was final, he wouldn't take no for an answer.

As Lauren nodded he quietly asked if he could hug her. A simple question that touched Lauren's heart, that he would ask to make sure.

She nodded again and he pulled her into a tight embrace. Her head rested on his shoulder, his hair smelt like peppermint and it always made Lauren feel at ease.

Neither of them pulled away until a few minutes later as a soft tippity tap resounded on her door. "Come in." Lauren composed herself quickly, she'd stupidly let a few tears free hugging Draco.

He kept an arm slung around her shoulder as Plunky crept into the room holding a tray of waffles; one of Lauren's favourite foods.

"Plunky is very sorry for what's happened, Master Lauren." He set the tray beside Draco on the bed. Lauren held her arms out and Plunky gave her a hug. She'd made him a little pantsuit years ago out of bed linen and his large blue eyes shone at the girl ever since. Draco thanked him too, Lauren had scolded him into treating the elves with respect.

Plunky bowed and apparated. The satisfying pop made Lauren smile.


"Ha! I win once again!" Lauren cheered as she danced around her bedroom. Draco huffed and threw his exploding snap cards on the floor.

They'd played five rounds of the game and each time Lauren won in a matter of minutes. Draco couldn't help but smile as he watched her dance, and just about trip over the carpet at every opportunity.

He took the time to study her art hanging up on the wall closest to him. Rows of incredible landscapes, portraits of the elves wearing Christmas hats and sweaters comically and a few portraits of Draco and his family. She had a real gift, Draco could see the detail so carefully placed.

His attention was drawn back to Lauren as she called out. "No witty comeback after I just whooped your ass at snap?" She grinned.

Draco laughed, a rather beautiful sound. "I was just enjoying the free dance concert."

Lauren smirked and sat back down. "You love my awkward dancing, you're just too shy to admit it."

Draco raised an eyebrow in amusement as he sarcastically replied. "Want me to proclaim my love for you already, Evergreen?" He laughed again as Lauren aimed a pillow at him.

"Come on, goof, round six. And this time I'll beat you for once!" He continued.

Needless to say, he did not beat her the sixth time, or the seventh. Or the eighth.

Catch Me if I Fall {Draco Malfoy}Where stories live. Discover now