Twenty Four

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February rolled around, hype for the second task was beginning to build as February 24th drew closer. Draco, Blaise and Lauren headed off of an afternoon of Divination; much to their annoyance. Professor Trelawney was an unfortunate looking woman. With frizzy, bushy hair, buck teeth and spectacles that covered half her face she was a sight for sore eyes. Not to mention her unusual attire of grey dreary robes mixed with warm yellows and pinks.

As they settled into the leather couches, Trelawney enchanted the fires; she looked worn and out of it. She'd instructed them to continue on with their crystal gazing findings as she sat at her desk grading.

Draco had grabbed the crystal balls for the three of them and took his seat beside Lauren. "Everyone have their sob stories ready to see?" Daphne and Lauren chuckled.

After twenty minutes of them staring into a cloudy fog, Professor Trelawney made her way around the classroom. She came to the Slytherin trio first and crouched down.

"What do you see, my dear?" She gazed at Daphne.

Daphne shifted slightly. "Erm, I saw myself saying goodbye to my grandmother." Luckily, Trelawney didn't know her family tree had already said goodbye to her grandparents before she was born.

She patted Daphne's shoulder. "You have the gift, it can be a burden. How about you, boy?" She faced Draco.

He tried not to laugh. "I saw Harry Potter suffering a tragic accident in the tournament." Draco was smart and knew mentioning Potter being injured was a sure way of acing the class.

She raised an eyebrow and nodded solemnly. "Very brave of you to share this information. The talent is imminent."

She looked towards Lauren and gasped. "I had a vision your family will come to know true pain. You'll die from someone you once trusted." Her blue eyes looked like saucers as she picked up Draco's crystal ball.

Majority of the slytherins snickered as they knew she was as trustworthy as Lockhart. Did she truly think they were that gullible? Even though Draco didn't trust the Professor or even like the woman; he didn't like hearing such grave things about Lauren. Nobody wanted to hear that their love was going to die. Lauren shifted uncomfortably and Draco cleared his throat.

"Can I have the crystal back?" His voice cut through the tension, hoping to divert it elsewhere.

She slowly handed it back to him and continued on with her rounds. Lauren laughed as Daphne mimicked the Professor. With her wide eyes and buck teeth, it was very comical. Draco added some dialogue and the three could barely contain their laughter.

Professor Trelawney clapped her hands. "You are to make ten predictions for your homework. I expect two pages on them all. Dismissed." She turned back to her desk as everyone hurried out of there; desperate to leave.

Draco leaned closer to Lauren and lowered his voice. "You know she's full of it, Laur. You'll always have me and the others to protect you."

She smirked. "Who will protect you then?" She laughed as he pretended to gasp.

He rested an arm over his shoulder as they walked back towards the common room. Daphne trailed behind them muttering something along the lines of 'rub my tired, single nose in it.'

Tension between Blaise and Daphne was still prominent from what had happened. They'd attempted to move past it yet refused to look one another in the eye. Even Crabbe and Goyle were fed up with it.

The group resided at their study table in the common room. With the exception of Daphne, who complained about a headache as to avoid sitting beside Blaise. Blaise sighed as he knew he was the cause of it all and slammed his transfiguration book open on the desk; his eyebrows drawing together in frustration.

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