Twenty Five

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Hagrid had returned to his position as a Professor a few days before the second task. He'd decided to continue with their unicorn unit, not like they could do much when only two skewts were alive. As the Slytherins headed down the usual hill, a few girls squealed at the sight of the two golden fouls. Lauren was impressed he'd managed to find two of them.

"Easier ter spot than the adults." Hagrid explained. "They become silver aroun' two years old and become white when they're fully grown."

They carefully approached the creatures, given the age it's apparent that they trust the males a lot more. Their eyes were half open as they munched on the corn Hagrid provided.

He clapped his hands together. "One at a time c'mon and pat 'em. Line up." He instructed.

Draco smiled as he remembered his and Lauren's last time touching a unicorn; he'd been more focused on holding her hand. His rings glimmered in the sunlight as he slowly patted the unicorn a couple of times. After Lauren had her turn, they resided into pairs as Hagrid made them take notes on their behaviour. It was pretty clear he'd just wanted to talk to Harry, but Lauren didn't care.

She sat beside Draco. "There's no real point making notes when all they do is eat corn." She laughed.

Draco smiled. "I'd much rather talk to you than this pointless subject, anyway. So," he shifted to face her better. "Any update from Estella?"

Lauren shook her head. "I know she's alive, your mother helped greatly. It's just strange to not hear anything from her, she promised." She bit the inside of her cheek to alleviate any emotion.

He squeezed her hand. "Hopefully we get answers soon. Terrifying having to wait around clueless. You nervous about the second task?"

Nervous was an understatement. The first task had been bloody dragons, who know what the judges have in store for the champions next.

Before Lauren could reply, Hagrid spoke up again after finishing his conversation with Harry. "Take some time ter yer selves. Class will be finishing early." He nodded as he momentarily left to calm down the skewts.


The last class before the second task happened to be Defence Against the Dark Arts. Mad Eye was on his usual tangent about constant vigilance and emotionally scarring some students by performing the imperius curse again.

Around halfway through a first year knocked on the door. She looked petrified of Professor Moody - her eyes as wide as saucers and her pale skin paled even more.

"Sorry sir - Professor McGonagall would like to see Lauren Evergreen. She's not to return and to go straight to the second task afterwards." She said.

All heads turned around to look at Lauren, she blushed as she hated that much attention. Quickly, she packed her things and promised to save a seat for Draco on the stands. Daphne chuckled as Draco looked so lost without his best friend; she really did bring out the best in him.

Lauren followed the young girl towards McGonagall's office. "Do you know what it's about, by any chance?"

The girl gave a small smile but shook her head. "You'll find out - I don't know for sure but a few people were heading to her office. Harry Potter's friends included."

This made Lauren even more confused. Usually anything important happened to Harry and his two cronies tagged along - what could it possibly mean?

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