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Lauren's first night had been amazing. She didn't mind sharing with people, aside from Pansy who was getting on her nerves. But Daphne was there to loosen the tension thankfully.

Draco took his usual seat beside Lauren. "Seems somebody forgot to wait for their best friend." He pretended to act hurt, Lauren knew he was happy for her to have found a friend.

Daphne was in the middle of buttering her toast when she gave him the finger. "Your girlfriend is my new best friend and you just gotta deal with that, daddy issues." She grinned as Draco burst out laughing; along with the others.

Lauren turned to him. "I was going to wait but Daphne insisted the best food is served first. And you slept in." She nudged him. He gave her a pouty look, and she rolled her eyes as she handed some bacon off of her plate and onto his. Bacon was his favourite breakfast food, the guy loved it.

His eyes lit up at her gesture. "Take all the time in the world." He mused as he began eating.

The screech of the owls halted all conversation, as hundreds of them flew in. Draco's silver coloured owl dropped a few packages, followed by a white one dropping a couple of packages on Lauren's lap. She smiled as she recognised Narcissa's handwriting on one of them, and her grandmothers on the other.

The others had some packages to open too, and Blaise had the Daily Prophet mailed to him. Flicking through the few pages, he zoned out the others.

The others couldn't wait to open up their gifts. Lauren quickly tore hers open from Narcissa first, revealing all of her favourite candies; Bertie botts every flavour jellybeans, fizzing whizbees, chocolate frogs, exploding bon bons and pumpkin pasties. She truly knew her so well, and it warmed Lauren's heart. She snuck a glance at Draco, whose parcel revealed the same contents.

Draco nodded to her collection. "She knows you too well." His smile widened.

Lauren laughed nervously and nodded. She focused back on her parcel from Estella. The paper tore away to reveal a journal, bright green with a Slytherin crest on the front. Her heart skipped a beat, it was beautiful and she couldn't wait to write in it.

She opened the letter from Estella next. It read:

Dearest Lauren,

Family are very happy with the Slytherin sorting - though we all knew it. Do you like the journal? I picked it out myself - it will help you keep track of all the assessments.

I wanted to warn you about this year. The tournament is a dangerous Avenue, there are things on the horizon that not even Dumbledore is aware of. Be safe, stay away from the tournament as much as you physically can.

The rumours are true, it's only a matter of time before You Know Who returns; Dumbledore will keep you safe.

I hope your first day goes well, write back to me soon as I'm old and impatient.

Love you,
- Estella

Lauren wrinkled her eyebrows together in confusion. What does Dumbledore not know about? That seems more concerning than the tournament. Is it involving the Dark Lord? Will he return?

Lauren decided to push that out of her mind and instead, open Narcissa's letter.


How was your first night? Did you sleep okay? Do I need to enchant anything for any mean girls yet? Only joking, I hope your first day goes well love. I expect to hear every detail about it asap!

I will also be your designated candy sender, it's what made my schooling bearable back in the day. I hope you're feeling okay, remember to breathe and think things through slowly.

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