Twenty Two

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Lauren felt an itch. Her nose crinkled as she wearily opened her eyes. The sensation kept going and she bolted upright.

Daphne was standing in front of her bed wearing festive pyjamas and a Santa hat perched on the edge of her blonde locks. "MERRY CHRISTMAS, LOLO!" She yelled as she tackled her best friend.

Lauren groaned at the force. "How long have you been watching me and why in Merlin would you use a tickling charm to wake me up?" She squinted her eyes and yawned.

Daphne laughed and grabbed her hand, pulling her up before Lauren could fall back asleep. "You look cute while sleeping! And you also sleep like a log I figured that would heed the fastest results."

Lauren murmured "Ass" under her breath as she followed Daphne down the stairs. The Slytherin common room had been decked with decorations courtesy of the house elves. A fresh fire was burning as Lauren could see snow falling out the window. Lauren rubbed her eyes sleepily and groaned again as she felt another force barrel into her, hugging her tightly.

She caught a glimpse of platinum hair and grinned. "Glad sleeping beauty decided to wake up. Merry Christmas, Laur." He whispered.

Lauren laughed and they sat down. "Merry Christmas to my adopted Hogwarts family." Everyone awed at the sentiment before dividing up their gifts.

They all had respectable piles, pureblood families tend to exaggerate holidays. Lauren smiled as Narcissa and Lucius had sent her a large assortment of candies and a dozen new outfits. She was delighted that majority of the items were jeans and sweaters, and not the frilly dresses that her mother forced on her. They truly knew her. Crabbe and Goyle opted for Montrose Magpies merchandise, the Scottish quidditch team that Lauren adored. They'd gifted a sweater, jersey and a scarf. Lauren thanked them wholeheartedly, and they thanked her for the candies and recipe book in return.

Lauren moved on to the pile from her biological family. Estella had sent a box of homemade cookies and a stunning pair of emerald earrings. Lauren was touched, her mother had stolen her last pair of earrings and lost them so she was very happy to have a new pair. Speaking of her mother, Prudence had sent five dresses that were so puffy, Lauren didn't dare pick them up as she knew she'd never be able to tame them. She reddened as Daphne laughed.

"Do they even know you?" She asked. "Could've at least made them black and not hot pink." Daphne gave her a quick hug when she realised Lauren was slightly upset.

They were her parents and they didn't know her, or didn't care to. She shook it off and examined her gift from Blaise; quidditch cleaning supplies.

He smiled. "Wasn't overly sure what to get you but I figured you can never have too many supplies."

She smiled back. "It's awesome, thank you."

As everyone was examining their piles, Draco handed her his present. "Open yours first, then I'll open mine."

Lauren nodded and carefully unwrapped the box. Her jaw dropped as she took out the black glittery clutch, with a bright gold opening. It was the most beautiful bag she'd seen.

"It's a Malfoy heirloom, mum considers you a daughter and wanted you to have it. Look under the wrapping for the next part." He whispered.

She murmured a dozen thank you's as she looked under the wrapping of the box. A large photo album came to sight, filled with their memories. From holidays, to relaxing at each other's homes and a few snaps in their Hogwarts uniform; everything was carefully placed. She could tell he'd taken a lot of time with the styling.

She pulled him into a hug, taking Draco by surprise as he hugged her back. "This is perfect." She pulled away and faced him again. "Open yours!"

He laughed at her enthusiasm before tearing apart the paper. The Falmouth Falcon Quidditch jersey was the first thing to fall out. His eyes lit up as he set it aside to put on afterwards. His heart skipped a beat as he saw his favourite candies, she knew him well; some of the things he hadn't even shared with her before.

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