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Draco had apologised profusely to Lauren, a day had passed and after a long talk; they'd decided to put it in the back of their minds for now. She did explain why she'd felt so sick about the idea, he listened intently and reassured her he now understood. If there was anyone in the world he didn't want to hurt, it was Lauren. And both of them now knew that for sure. Lauren had insisted it was alright, yet Draco couldn't shake the feeling of guilt. He put in extra effort to make her feel listened and appreciated. He'd even tried making a daisy chain, turning into a rather stunning necklace.

They were now on their way to Care of Magical Creatures, one of the only lessons with the Gryffindors; it was the first one since the dramatic reveal.

"Take some deep breaths." Lauren reassured Draco quietly as they arrived near Hagrid's cabin for their lesson.

Draco pretended to applaud as they neared Harry. "Look everyone, the Hogwarts champion," Lauren face palmed as she should have known Draco wouldn't be quiet. "Got your autograph books ready? Doubt he's gonna be around much longer. Probably wouldn't last ten minutes into the first challenge!" Nearby Slytherins laughed obnoxiously.

Their attention was drawn elsewhere as Hagrid handed out leashes to everyone and advised them that they'd be walking their Skewts today.

Draco recoiled. "Take this thing for a walk? Where should we put the leash? Around the stinger, sucker or exploding tail?" Everyone from slytherin snickered.

"Round the middle." Hagrid said flatly and dismissed them into their groups.

Lauren wrapped the leash around the middle of the skewt, wearing the thick dragon hide gloves Draco had leant her. She groaned as the skewt took off unexpectedly, just about dragging her in the process. Daphne cracked up at the sight before running after her. Draco grinned, somehow Lauren always managed to brighten the mood with her goofy antics.

Lauren cursed as the skewt ran head first into one of the others. A sour looking Lavender Brown glared at her, Lauren apologised half heartedly. Not like her skinny arms could hold anything that ferocious back.

After a tough morning, they'd ended the day on double Potions with Snape. Draco and Daphne designed these obscene "Support Cedric Diggory - the REAL Hogwarts champion" and as the badges flashed they changed to "POTTER STINKS." Draco was most proud of them, wearing two of them on his robes.

As the Gryffindors entered the dungeon, the slytherins began laughing as they pressed all of their badges to display "POTTER STINKS."

"Very funny." Hermione Granger said sarcastically, glaring at Pansy who was cackling with some other Slytherin girls.

Draco sneered. "Want one, Granger? Plenty to give away. Just don't go touching my hand, I don't want any mudblood filth on me." At this comment, the Gryffindors went silent. Harry stepped forward.

His wand rested in his hand, Hermione warned him not to use it. But Lauren could tell there was no backing down.

Malfoy said quietly. "Go on then Potter - Moody isn't here to protect you. Go on."

Their eyes flashed angrily. Both of them pointing their wands at the other. At the same time they yelled.

"Furnunculus." Harry yelled.

"Densaugeo." Draco yelled back.

Their spells rebounded off of one another, Draco's hit Hermione square in the face and Harry's spell hit Lauren in the chest and sent her flying backwards. Daphne and Draco both lashed out, about to hit Harry with counter spells.

Snape intervened. "What's going on here?" His dull voice cut through the tension.

Draco spoke first. "Potter attacked me sir - and he hit Lauren." He was now supporting his best friend stand upright.

Snape's eyes softened as he examined her injuries. "I have an antidote inside, Lauren." He whispered to her and Draco.

Ron Weasley spoke up. "He got Hermione too!"

Snape examined Hermione's injuries - which really were just her teeth growing at an alarming rate past her collar. "I see no difference."

This set Pansy off again as she laughed harder than ever. As Harry and Ron began yelling at Snape he ushered them in. Right after taking away fifty points from Gryffindor. He quickly gave Lauren some chocolate to snack on; slowly regaining her strength. Draco helped Lauren stand and walk, and Daphne had placed her book and cauldron on her table.

Draco had ensured he would be partners with his best friend. Daphne and Blaise sat behind them too, followed by Crabbe and Goyle. It was the first class they'd had with Pansy nearby and it was awkward. All she did was glower at Draco and Lauren, who were always laughing about something.

"Antidotes!" Snape exclaimed. "You all should have prepared your recipe with your partner - at the end we will test it on someone." He glanced at Harry, who looked very uneasy.

Draco and Lauren set to work. Potions was Draco's best subject by far, he worked carefully with each ingredient. Squishing the figs and crushing the beetles. Lauren added the plig flakes into their cauldron and slowly stirred it anticlockwise.

"Are you feeling okay, Laur?" He asked quietly. She nodded, she'd finished the chocolate already and was getting better by the second.

He cursed quietly as the cauldron smoked slightly; Lauren was always a distraction. They got it back under control.

As the lesson continued, Collin Creevey - a young Gryffindor obsessed with cameras - knocked on the door. "Harry is required to see Ludo Bagman, sir."

Snape glared, he was hoping to feed a nasty antidote to Harry Potter. "He has another hour of potions to complete. He'll come when it's finished."

"Please - Mr Bagman is asking for him. He has to take photos with the champions."

Harry turned bright red and a few slytherins cackled. Trust Harry to be handing out autographs.

"Very well - get out of my sight, Potter." Snape snarled.

Harry basically ran out with his belongings. After that fiasco, the class droned on. Lauren and Draco received top marks for their antidote.

After class they went back to the common room to relax and unwind. Draco had insisted on carrying her book bag. Although she could walk on her own, he wasn't taking any chances. His mind was already reeling with revenge ideas on how to get back at Potter.

Daphne was the first to speak. "Hey Draco, has your father mentioned what the first task is?"

"Dragons was all he said. Not entirely sure what it's about." He shrugged.

Catch Me if I Fall {Draco Malfoy}Where stories live. Discover now