Pool scene

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When it was almost closing time, Ichinose proposed that we head back before the crowds got worse. We all agreed. While everyone got changed, I slipped away and waited for my visitor by the pool.

"Ah, I'm so drained," I muttered.

Soon Karuizawa appeared, slapping my back as she walked up behind me.

Shinohara: What are you doing there karuizawa-san?

Kei: Well, it was kiyo-ayanokouji-kun called me there for a reason.

Shinohara: And what's reason that?

She saw me in disgust as she saw me doing terrible things to kei.

Kei: Well just watch the video.

"Good work. How'd it go?" I asked.

"It's just like you said. Honestly repulsive," she replied.

"Come on, don't say that. Its just youth run amok, right?" Karuizawa gestured as though she was going to vomit, then scanned her surroundings.

"How was it? Being at the pool, I mean," I asked.

"Whatever. I don't feel much of anything, but..." Karuizawa looked around once more, as if worried about prying eyes. "Even though it's fake, I'm still supposed to be going out with Hirata-kun. If I'm seen alone with you, weird rumors might spring up."

"Really? Well, maybe they would if I were a pretty boy like Hirata. Sadly, I'm completely lacking in hotness. At best, people will think your part of our group," I told her.

Aynokouji fangirl grp: Senpai is handsome.

Ichika: I agree. He is smart and handsome also cooks well.

Haruka: Yeah, kiyopon you are top 5 in good looking faces in boys.

Asahina: You are ayanokouji as you have already snatched heart of some ladies here.

Kei glares at him after ashaina said.

Hiyori: Yeas ayanokouji-kun is good looking person.

Ichinose: I also think he is good looking.

Horikita: Well, he has looks I must have to say that.

Kushida: I agree with horikita-san.

Many boys started glaring at him. He sighed.

This was an innocuous place to be alone with a girl. It would have been a different story at night, on a secluded park bench, but not here. Hirata, Karuizawa's fake boyfriend, was nowhere to be seen. He was probably busy with club activities. I didn't know much about the soccer club's schedule, but he seemed like an active guy.

"We were allowed to wear rash guards today. You saw them, right?" I asked.

Akito: Why do you hide your body man?

Ayanokouji: I don't like to show my body that's it.

Sudo: But you got a perfect body man.

Ayanokouji: Well thanks for the compliment.

Ichinose: Yeah ayanokouji-kun you have a superb body.

Shibata: How do you know that?

Ichinose: Well before this video when we both went safe sakura-san I noticed his breathing when he was running which was so perfect and before this I also touched his body in the pool.

Kei: (She touched what even I don't have touched his body she has already defeated in this part. After this I will definitely ask him to let him touch his body.)

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