Chapter 4

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"Welcome to your new home" Keith and Adrienne turn opened the car door for me. Omg. I'll be living in this house for the next 3 months? Do I deserve this god? Keith took out my luggage and leads the way. Anna took my hand and smiled. "Don't be nervous. I'm excited to share my room ! I'm finally getting to do something girly with a sister !" I let out a happy sigh, they are too nice. Finally entering the house I've been seeing on twitter. That lounge, the dining room, the couch, the kitchen , it's perfect. I've never dreamt of getting into this house. Let alone living in it. Anna showed me her bedroom. It's decorated with pink walls and their family photo hanging on the wall. Weird thing is there's no bed. "The bed's coming this evening. Mom ordered a king sized bed just for us!" Anna answered my confusion. Omg, they're buying a new bed just because I came in? Awhh! Keith came along with Adrienne. " How's the room, Tia? Big enough for you? " asked Dad. " Yeah, Mr, Foll...Dad. " I'm still having trouble calling them by dad and mom. Mom smiled and gave me quick hug. "You're going to be a part of this family okay? I'm loving you already. Are you hungry? I made lunch." I'm so fluttered. Anna and Dad are grinning so widely. I can't believe I'm actually living here. " Sure mom. " I told her and put my hand around her shoulder. Anna joined in too. We walked down to the kitchen. Mom made lasagna today. My Favorite ! I took a sit beside Anna and looked around. "This house is pretty big, and It'll be noisier once the boys get home" Dad noticed my excitement. "I'm a huge fan of Hot Chelle Rae ! I can't believe this is happening." I tried to sound calm and it worked. I'm scared they would send me back to my country if I would freak out & fangirl right now. They could be thinking I'm a psycho-fan who might do anything. I guess I'm freaking out already. I took a bite of the lasagna. "Mom, this lasagna is so good." I told Mom. She looked up and replied " I know it's your favorite. " Anna punched me in the arm, "Lucky you,Tia. You got so much love today" I laughed and we continued eating while chatting about school and my new life here.

After lunch, I took my shower and got into my PJs. Mom made me wear them because she thought I would be jet lagged and I should sleep soon. Its early though, it's only 2pm. Anna said she's got to practice for the upcoming game and she'd unpack my bag for me. I told her not to but she insisted. Dad made me sleep in one of the boys room because the bed wouldnt arrive till 5pm. Mom asked me to get into the room with a blue colored wallpapers. I took my phone and snuggle myself in the bed. I'm guessing it's Jamie's room because there's drumsticks and football jerseys all over the closet when I first walked in. His room is decorated with a pale blue wallpaper and a queen sized bed with a matching colours comforter. I DM'ed Melissa saying I've got a big news to tell her soon. But I gotta rest first. I have to admit I'm pretty tired after the long flight. I played on some Hot Chelle Rae's songs. and then minutes later, I feel into a very long sleep.


I can't handle this fatigueness. I am so tired. We got home from our last concert in Japan at 3am. I am so drained and I should get some sleep. Ryan's already making his way to his room and so did I. I opened my door and saw a girl sleeping on my bed. I rubbed my eyes, -' Am I hallucinating or this is real?'- I walked to her, slowly, trying not to wake her up if she's a human, pacing my way to her, -' Okay, she's real and pretty'- I walked out of my room and took a last glance. -'wow,she's cute when she's sleeping'- I went to Ryan's room and laid my body on his bed. He barely knows I'm laying beside him because he's too tired and probably asleep already. I took my phone out and tweeted - I saw a girl sleeping on my bed. Am I hallucinating or it's real? Whatever, I'm sleeping with Ryan tonight. Too tired to investigate. - After a number of yawns , I fell into a deep long sleep.

The Distance - Jamie Follesé ( Hot Chelle Rae ) ON HOLD TILL DECEMBERWhere stories live. Discover now