Chapter 6

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I can't believe he tweeted that picture. The whole fandom will be mad at me. OMG. I forgot about melissa. She'll scream that's what I'm very sure about. I reckon there's a lot of hate from the fans. I decided to leave Jamie laughing at what he just did. I got up and make my way up. Bzzzbzzz. That was my phone. I have a notification. I used to turn on the notification so, it'll be easrier for me to know when the boys are actually tweeting, I clicked at the noti and saw my picture in Jamie's tweet. -This is the girl who slept on my bed. She's pretty isn't she?- I almost dropped my phone. I made my way to Jamie's room where I had left my toileteries in his toilet, I grabbed them all at a super fast speed to avoid eye contact with Jamie because I heard footsteps coming towards this room. I bet that's Jamie. "Still mad at me, Tia?" I dropped everything I was holding. Bram! you can see my phone, face towel, tooth brush, face wash, and my earphone scattered on the floor. "Oh my god. Stop doing that! You could give me a heart attack ya know?" I was already on my knees, picking up every single thing I'd dropped. -'Okay now I have to clean this mess and apologise'- I looked up to him. He's still standing at the door, and now he's making his way to help me. "I'm sorry, that picture I took was a really a good one okay? I wouldn't do such things okay, Tia? Sorry?" he's on his knees too, picking up my phone which went under his bed. "I'm sorry. I can be a little dramatic at times" He's laughing at me. I can't believe Jamie Follese' is currently laughing, infront of me. that pair of eyes. kills. "you're cute." he pinched my cheek again. "Oh stop that!" I got up, all my stuffs are safe in my arms and walk to the door. "I'm not lying. I swear" he even got his right hand by his side. "If that's a compliment, I should say thank you" I winked and i'm out of the room. 

That night, me & anna are making dinner for everyone. It's my second day here but i'm feeling comfortable already thanks to the undying love the follese's gave me. Ryan is such a nice brother and Jamie is like my other best friend besides anna. He would always joins anything me & anna are currently doing, like going for a walk that evening. Even skyping with Melissa. Yes, speaking of Melissa. First, she yelled at me because she was worried sick. Second, she can't take in the fact that you're at the Follese's, Third, she didn't believe it was Jamie Follese tweeting your photo, I could list hundreds of things she said on skype. Anna was just laughing at Melissa's excitement. and lastly Melissa hung up because she was too shocked when Jamie joined in. It's a funny story! Haha. Back to our dinner, we made spagetthi with meatballs today ! I made the sauce and Anna made the meatballs herself. I did help but I was just following her lead. "Okay, Dinner's ready!" Anna slips off her apron once she put the last plate of spagetthi on the table. "Tia, ask them to get down. Dinner's ready!" Anna signalled me. "Mom,Dad.Ryan,jamie ! Dinner is ready guys!" The table was packed once everyone got seated, Ryan was sitting next to mom who was sitting next to Dad, and I am sitting between Jamie and Anna. Dad complemented our cooking skills which made me and Anna feel so proud of ! We did our little secret handshake and hugged! I can literally see Jamie and Ryan doing their brofist just to show us they've got something too. Wuh boys. They just hate losing. 

After dinner, me and Anna decided to watch any horror movies. We chose to watch The Exorcist. Mom and Dad went to bed already. So, it's just me and Anna watching downstairs. They boys are in their room so it's a little creepy ehehe. "We've got two bowls of popcorns ready, 2 glasses of cola and some nachos. okay All SET!" Anna laid back and gave me my bowl of popcorns. We've switched off the lights and the only light is from the TV. Me and Anna sits close next to each other since both of us are not that brave. "BAAAHHHHH!!!!" Me and Anna covered each others eyes with a pillow and screamed."AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!" hahahaha then we can hear laughter coming from behind us. We saw Ryan and Jamie was trying to scare us and now they're laughing so hard. "Very funny huh boys?" Anna looked pretty pissed. "Yeah.ahhh" Ryan's mocking our scream. I didn't talk, I'm still shaking because I was still too shocked. They came at us and joins. Jamie took a sit beside me and Ryan's beside Anna. "Okay girls, stay calm, let's continue with the movie" Jamie said, and he could probably feel my shakes. He put his arm around me and made me feel safe. the movie continued until I don't know where it stops I was already sleeping on Jamie's lap.

The next morning, you got up and looked around. You're in Anna's room. You turned to your left, Anna is still sleeping. Then you remembered, the last thing you did was watching a movie downstairs. Who carried you up? 

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