Chapter 37

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"Only to a girl like you" That sentence kept repeating in my head. Did he really mean that? Because if he did, I'm actually going to do a lap dance. "Hate the shirt by the way, Why don't they make one for the Lead Guitarist?" Nash complained. My head turned to him, Oh my god, seriously? What is this? Is he jealousing over this? "Too bad I do fancy the lead singer and not the lead guitarist." I don't know what gave me the courage to say that out. "Oh girl, you need to get over Ryan, he is Morgan's." Nash answered, sounded pissed. I sighed, what the hell is wrong with him. That offended me a little. "As if he'll even look at me. I know I'm not pretty and perfect Nash. I get it." I looked down, staring at my shoes. That was very insulting though. 

The way he said it was like I'm the most ugliest girl in the whole world and I should stop dreaming on marrying the most handsome guy in the world. "That was not what I meant. I was just joking." He rested his hand on my shoulder while the other hand is on the steering. I didn't bother to look up. "Whatever you say Nash. I'm just a fan , i know" I looked up, but not to look at him. Instead I looked out the window. We're almost there. I just can't wait to get out of the car and run to see Tia. 

Nash had stopped the car in front of the lobby and I got out as fast as I can. I don't know what's wrong with me. I guess I'm being annoying. I didn't bother to even look behind if Nash was catching up with my pace, I just wanted to see Tia. I ran to the elevator and quickly press the close the button. I hope Nash won't be able to hopped into the same lift as me. "Mels, Don't do this." I could see a hand stopping the elevator from closing, which I know it's Nash's. I sighed, Oh no.... He got inside and the door closes. I tried avoiding his eye contacts which he does a lot, He tried gaining any eye contact with me. This time, he stands in front of me. I looked up, and our gaze locked. 

"I'm sorry okay" He pulled me close. "You're very beautiful to me." He stroked my hair, pulling me even closer. I can feel his heart beats fast. I wonder if he can feel mine too. "I'm sorry for being a little too emotional. It's just very sad to hear that from you." I looked down, trying to avoid his eye again. "Hey, It''s okay." He pulled my chin up and I got lost in those sparkling eyes again.

He's leaning in, I can feel his warmth breath hitting against my cheek. He's getting closer inch by inch, and finally his lips sets on mine again. His warm lips never failed to make my heart beats ragingly faster than usual. He had his arms around my neck and stroked my hair slowly. TING !  That indicates that we're already on the floor where the boys's rooms are. We were still in mid kiss and my jaw dropped as soon as I saw Ryan standing in front of the elevator.

I pulled Nash away and pretended to be fixing my hair. Nash cleared his throat and grabbed my hand. We walked out of the lift and leaving the laughing Ryan. "Ehem.." Ryan cleared his throat, trying to get us to look at him in  the face. I could hear Ryan's footsteps speeding up, right behind us.  

"What took you guys so long huh?" Ryan asked, raising his eyebrows. "It wasn't that long you see.." Nash glared at him. "Nice shirt by the way, Mels. Do you want me to sign in for you, since it says 'I fancy the lead singer' you know" Ryan said, laughing and smiling irritatingly at Nash. "Great Idea, Ryan Thanks" I chuckled at their immaturity. "Guess Nash let you wear that one huh?" Ryan asked. "Bro, I've got my fist ready for ya" Nash replied and showed Ryan his fist. I laughed again.

We finally stopped at one of the rooms and I turned the door knob since the two boys were still fighting. "Hey girlfriend!" Tia jumped out of the bed and hugged me. I hugged her back. "Heyyyyy" I said, sitting on the edge of the bed. Jamie was on the bed, sleeping. Well, I don't see any sign of Ian. Maybe he's in the other room. "Babe, have you showered?" I asked Tia, she's still in her PJs. She grinned and shook her head. "Jamie wanted to shower together, but he's still sleeping." Tia pointed at Jamie. I just smiled at that. Tia and Jamie are the most perfect couple ever, they looked so cute together. "It;s almost 1 pm Tia.." I glared at her. "Okay okay. I'll wake him up and shower." I grinned as she walked to Jamie, and tried waking him up. Which reminds me of Nash. Oh wait, where is he? 

I looked around and I don't see any sign of Nash and Ryan. "Looking for me?" I could feel a strong arms just grabbed my waist from behind and pulled me closer. "Nash! Where have you been?" I asked, Dang it. Now Tia's looking at us. I blushed. "Well well well, Nash and Melissa, brilliant" Ryan suddenly came in from nowhere and interrupted with a british accent. "That failed you." Tia sticked out her tongue at Ryan. Nash still hasn't let go. I wonder why he's doing this. Do you think he really likes me? "Ah, you don't say!" Ryan did it again, in Bristish accent. this time it's me and Nash who couldn't stop laughing.

After forcing Jamie and Tia to shower, they are finally clean and dressed now. Nash has been talking to me since then, and I couldn't help but smile to each and every questions he asked me. This way, me and Nash are getting to know each other better, and who knows maybe this might bring us even more closer. I know, it's impossible, but hey, I can dream on right? At least that'll make me feel better inside. 

It's almost 3pm now and we're just sitting around chit chatting with each other. Ryan , Jamie and Tia were cuddling, they said they need more sleep. Tia is such a lucky girl. She get to sleep in between the Follese's bro. Isn't that amazing? 

"YO people !" Ian barged inside the room. Nobody responded to him. "Hey Mels" He greeted me as he joined me and Nash on the couch. "Hey Ian." I smiled. He winked at me and asked, "What have you guys been doing?" Ian pulled out his cellphone. "Just talking and not sleeping like them" Nash said, tigthening his embraces. "I'm gonna instagram them!" Ian get off the couch and snap and picture of the three sleepyheads. "Let's do something fun!" I said, as I got up and stretched myself. "Where to?" Nash asked , eyeing me sexily. God. he's doing that again. Well, I have something in mind. I'm sure it's going to be very fun. 


Hey pretty :) Thanks for reading ! I'm reaching 3000 reads already ! Wow! kndksfkjabkf I'm so happy! SO basically this chapter is all about Nash and Melissa, I hope you guys don't mind ehehehehe, Vote me maybe? Or Comments? Its all precious to me. Thank you guys ! :D

-Tina XD

The Distance - Jamie Follesé ( Hot Chelle Rae ) ON HOLD TILL DECEMBERWhere stories live. Discover now