Chapter 23

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It was a magical night with him, Jamie follese' laying by my side, caressing me with love, but tonight, I'm leaving him, leaving the house. I'm going back to my home, after spending three full months here, gaining so much love from the family. I don't want to leave, I hate leaving but what else can I do? I have no will power to stay, not even on his birthday. I woke up; staring at his peaceful face, no grunts and smiles; just his emotionless face. I'm going to miss him so much. My hand was caressing his cheeks and ruffled his hair. I leaned in to kiss his forehead. I kept that kiss long, warm, my last morning kiss. I wished I never came here, just because I am afraid of goodbyes. I knew this would come eventually but I just can't take it. I'm not good at handling goodbyes.

Maybe I should let him go, it's for the best. I don't want to leave him hanging, and I know I'm no good at relantionships, let along a long distance relationship like ours. He might find it easy to handle, but not to me. I don't want to hurt him, or anyone else. I know I'm not coming back. For real. 

"Good Morning" I smiled as Jamie's eyelids flick open. I gave him a sweet, momentous kiss on his lips, forgetting every single thing running through my mind. "Merry Christmas" He said as he pulled me into his embrace and kissed my neck. "I'm leaving today" I managed; his kisses stopped. "Don't start with that. Let's just enjoy our last day together." Jamie looked into my eyes. I'm going to miss that stare. that eyes, that smile, that laugh, that lips.. I don't know when tears started to fill my eyes. "We're going to be fine. I promise you, we will." Jamie wiped my tears off with his strong hands. "Thank you for everything." I buried my face in his chest. "I love you Christia, I really do, trust me. We'll make this work" Jamie hugged me back.

I really wished it will but, I'm really going to end this. I don't want him to suffer, if missing me will distracts him, then that's what I really need to do. 

We went downstairs, in our PJ's, went straight over to the Christmas tree and took out presents. Anna and Ryan came down too. They looked cute in their PJ's. "Merry Christmas" I greeted as they came to sit beside me. Jamie was just looking at the fireplace. I turned to Anna and gave her a hug. "Merry Christmas Anna Banana" She hugged me back. "I'm going to miss you..." she dragged the words. and I could hear her sniffed. I pulled back, wiped her tears off. "Don't cry. I'll come back soon" I said, trying to comfort her sadness. "Tia, who am I going to gossip with now? I'm suposed to sleep alone again? Who's going to prepare dinner with me? Who is going to lay on the lawn with me every evening? Who's going to comfort me when I'm sad? When I'm all alone? When I need a company?" She looked down, probably crying harder. I couldn't stop the tears from falling too. I failed to held them in. "Anna.... We'll talk on the phone everyday, skype or whatever but we are not going to ignore each other. I will always be your sister." I managed to reply, with a sobbed face. I hugged her for the last time. She finally smiled. 

I turned to Ryan who was sitting beside me on the floor, he was staring at the christmas tree. "Ryan, I want to thank you for everything. For being the great big brother, comforting me when I'm sad, lending me your shoulder to cry on, backing me up when I'm in trouble, sticking up for me everytime someone's accusing me for something I didn't do, Thank you. Never in my entire 17 years of living on this earth, have I imagined getting to stay in your hours for 3 consecutive months with so much love from you and your family. Never. And you guys, made my dreams come true. Thank you" I finished off; with tears on my face. Ryan pulled me into a hug, and kissed my hair. "Don't say that, don't thank me. I'm sorry if I did anything wrong towards you, maybe I've acciddentally hurt your feelings without noticing. Thank YOU for everything. One thing for sure, you are always welcomed to step back in the house. The doors will always be open for you. Thank you for coming in. We love you." Ryan cried. I break the hug and wiped his tears, he wasn't crying that hard but his eyes and nose were red already. "Stop, this is what I hate the most. Seeing a guy crying over a girl" I joked; trying to make things back to normal again. "Hey, I'm not leaving until tonight, save it for the airport" I laughed, humourlessly. Ryan and Anna smiled at me. Now, the hardest part, Jamie.

"Merry Christmas Christia Follese' " I heard Mom and Dad's voice, I looked up and they walked to sit on the couch. "Merry Christmas Mom, Dad" I laid my head on Mom's knees, and she ruffles my hair. "Mom, Dad, thank you very much for everything. For taking me in to your family, giving me undying love, treating me like a member of the family.." Tears started blurring my vision again. "I wouldn't know how will I repay back all your kindness." I looked down, not wanting them to see my teary face. Jamie is still keeping quiet at one corner of the room. 


GUYS GUYS GUYS !!!! I really need your help ! Should Tia break up with Jamie? She thinks it's for the best. Well do you guys think so? Tell me ! This time I'm going to let you guys choose ! :) Really really need you to comment ! Sorry for this short chapter hehe, I'm working on a new story, Btw, thanks for the votes and comments <3 Love you freaks so much !! *hughughug* 

The Distance - Jamie Follesé ( Hot Chelle Rae ) ON HOLD TILL DECEMBERWhere stories live. Discover now