Chapter 8

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Two hours have gone by. I'm still at the carpark. What's taking him so long? Finally, I saw a car coming towards me. It's Ryan. He honked me. "Why aren't you home yet? I was looking for you!!" He came out of the car. "I was waiting for Jamie. He said he wanted to pick me up. And it's impossible for me to walk home. So i decided to wait until Anna's done with her practice." I told him. He looked very concerned. I'm sure Mom and Dad was worried sick. He took my bag and open his car door for me. I got inside and sighed. -'I can't believe Jamie didn't pick me up.'- "Didn't Jamie tell you he couldn't pick you up?" Ryan got into the driver's seat. "No. I left my phone." I looked down. Felling a little scared because Ryan sounded very pissed off. "That kid needs a lesson. Bad things could have happened to you" He drove us out of the school carpack and went straight back home. "Why didn't he pick me up?" I finally got the courage to ask Ryan a question. He looked at me and smiled. "It's nothing. He got a guest. I guess he forgot to tell you that. I'm not sure if you know who Katie is. She's Jamie's childhood friend. They're very close." I nodded. Katie? Jamie have never talked to me about her. Which Katie? I've never heard of any Katie. The only Katie I know is Adam's ex-girlfriend. She didn't really like me though. I think this Katie is really important to Jamie though, or maybe she is his girlfriend?! NO NO NO. I should stop making assumptions on my own, I could get hurt. and right now All I wanted to do is get home as quickly as possible. 

"Mom, Dad. I found her. She was still waiting at the carpark." Ryan told Mom and Dad after we got into the house. I was walking behind him and I dont see any Jamie. Where did he go? I was hoping to see him worrying over my safety. He always did that. Whenever I'm going anywhere even to walk the dogs, he would make sure he'd come along.And now? It's his mistake. and he's not even worried about me. I got up and went into the room. I was literally looking for him after i took my shower but Mom told me he went out with Katie. Who is this Katie anyway? She seemed very important to Jamie. I shouldn't forget the fact that I'm still a nobody to him. Why would I get jealous over a person I've never even met. I should be positive. That night, we ate dinner without Jamie. he usually sits on my left but now it's just Anna on my right. Where have he been? And when I scroll through my phone. He didn't even call me to say sorry. I should stop worrying so much. He could take care of himself. Me and Anna decided to sleep early that night because we're both tired of waiting. I'm waiting for Jamie and Anna's waiting for Jason. Turned out Anna likes him too, these lovebirds needs to confess soon. Adam did text me saying he couldn't wait for the prom night. And he even wanted to buy me a new dress for the prom. I ignored the text he sent me and went to bed early.


I saw her. That bitch. I saw Adam's looking at her. WTF?! He broke up with me last week because of that ugly bitch. I was too stressed out. I decided to hang out with Jamie. I missed him so much. I used to love him because he's got the fame. Yeah, who wouldn't want to date a member of the coolest boy band ever. Nah, their musics sucks. I don't care about that. Jamie is my childhood friend. He's a great brother, I could tell he had a crush on me before but now all his attention seemed to change. And I don't know what's so great about that bitch. Everyone likes her. Christia, o christia, you're messing with Katie now. I wouldnt give a shit if she'd date Jamie, but she took my boyfriend. That little boyfriend stealer needs to die. Im gonna crush you, CHRISTIA FOLLESE'. I didn't come to school today. I was too lazy and I called jamie. We were just chilling at the starbucks that day. I was about to say I'm too tired and I wanna go home tho, but plans changed after I got a phone call from Akkynna. She told me she overheard Adam asking Tia to be his date. Oh my that bitch really wanted to play huh?! I made Jamie forgot to pick her up at school by distracting him. We made out. He loves my hugs and kisses. That's his weakness. Now, I've got new plans.


I drove home. Totally forgot everything. I missed Tia. I hope she's not mad. I forgot to call her. I parked my car in the garage and went inside. The lights were out. I checked my watch, its only 8pm but they were all asleep already. That's weird, they would usually stay up late. they'd either study or watch movies. Bzzzbzzzz. I got a message from Katie. -Baby, Can I come by tomorrow? I wanna meet Mama Follese'- Awh, she's so sweet. Katie is so sweet, and pretty. She's pretty and she has that model kinda look but my Tia is beautiful You can't compare her beautifulness with anyone else. I used to have a huge crush on Katie but then I heard she's got boyfriends all over her. So I decided to get rid off my stupid childhood crush. I replied her with -Sure honey. You can come by anytime. Besides, tomorrow's Saturday. Wanna bake with me? I love your pavlovas'- She replied with a yes and said she would love to bake tomorrow. I threw my phone on the bed and got into shower. I don't know how to apologise to Tia. I should ask for Katie's opinions tomorrow. For now, I just wanna rest and have a good night sleep.

The Distance - Jamie Follesé ( Hot Chelle Rae ) ON HOLD TILL DECEMBERWhere stories live. Discover now