Chapter 42

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I ended the call, furiously. I know I'm the bad one here, but I just couldn't take it. He's being a total A hole with a severe; attitudinal problem.I was prolly mad because he didn't run after me, but what was I expecting anyway? That he would chase after me and apologize? Well that didn't happen.

I snickered as my phone's screen lighted up, indicating the call from Jamie. I glared at it and passed it to Melissa. "You want me pick up or what?" Melissa looked puzzled.

"You decide." I crossed my arms. Melissa nodded and I saw her clicking the green button.

-Melissa's phone call with Jamie-

Melissa: Hello

Jamie: Mels, pass the phone to Tia. I need to talk to her. I have to explain. I real-

Melissa: Jamie, she's um.. not in a good mood right now. (whispering)

Jamie: But I have to explain. It was just a small matter though. Why is she making a big deal out of this!

Melissa: Jamie!  Calm down! You're not supposed to be mad over this and blame her! At least not right now!  

Jamie: Listen, I just-

Melissa: No you listen to me! You left her just like that. You let her go. Who knows if she didn't ran into Chord she might be lost!  But I know she's wrong too. She's making a big deal out of this. You guys just need to talk.

Jamie: You tell her that. (He let out a sigh)

Melissa: You just need to give her some time. She felt devastated you left her like that. It's like you don't care about her anymore. 

Jamie: I was just so confused and pissed. 

Melissa: You need to be more gentle. I heard Ryan told her something, err offensive.

Jamie: Em, yeah he did. I'll just talk to her later okay. I..i'll give her time. You tell me when she's ready to face me. 

Melissa: I will, don't worry.

Jamie: Where are you guys going today? 

Melissa: Probably to some museum, or times square. I'm not sure. 

Jamie: Okay then, the boys and I are going to do some rehearsal for the concert tomorrow. Text me if anything happens. 

Melissa: Sure, I will. Have fun!

Jamie: Thanks Mels.

Melissa: You're welcome.

-Call ended-

Melissa passed me my phone and she smiled. I threw her my annoyed look. "He wanted to talk to you Tia, why are you avoiding him? He didn't do much. It was just a stupid matter!" 

I faked laugh. "It wasn't to me! Let's just let this slide okay mels? I came here to enjoy the fieldtrip, not to engulf all this drama.." I said as I start eating.

"You can't run away from him and you know that." Melissa glared at me. I smiled. "I'm not running away from anyone. Just shut up and enjoy your breakfast." 


 Melissa and I left the dining hall a few minutes later. My tummy hurts from all the food I consumed just now. I rubbed my belly. We're on our way to the bus, which was parked in front of the lobby. 

I still have Chord's sweater with me. I smiled at the thought of him. He was so kind to me yesterday, and I couldn't stop thing about him. Stop Tia! What are you talking about? A voice snapped in her head. 

The Distance - Jamie Follesé ( Hot Chelle Rae ) ON HOLD TILL DECEMBERWhere stories live. Discover now