Chapter 11

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I don't know why Adam's following me around all day at school. I couldn't run away from him, Anna's with Jason and I'm stuck with Adam. Today couldn't be better when I saw Katie in the toilet. She said she'll do anything to get everything she owns. I knew this was her doing and i don't know what else to do. Why is my life so complicated? It's not this complicated back at my homeland. Now, since Jamie and I didn't even look at each other's face, Ryan's the one who've been so close to me lately. He picks me up at school everyday and he would make me hang out with the boys since Anna's busy with her practise and I'm all alone at home. BzzzBzzz I got a new message. I slide unlock my phone and checks the message. It's from Adam. -Babe, Can I come over today? I was thinking maybe we can practise our dance steps at your place? Jason and Anna are planning to do so too. Should I?- and Adam is trying too hard to catch my attention. Should I try out with him? He's not that bad. By that i mean, he's sweet, romantic, caring, what else do I want? -'He's not Jamie, Tia.'- Noo, Jamie hates me, I should just forget about him. So after thinking so hard, I decided to let Adam come over today. Anna and Jason will be there too so, it won't be so awkward. I texted him -Sure adam! Couldn't wait to see you. :)- I should just go with the flow.


I hate Tia. I hate that bitch. Why did she do such stuff? She's been liking me all along? In case I didn't notice, I thought she likes Ryan. She's quite close with Ryan since that incident. I can't stand it when she said she wanted me for fame! I really thought she was different. Thinking about it again made me feel so ashamed of myself. Why do I have to get so emotional about this? I could have just let it go, maybe, I've fallen in love with her? No. That's not happening. In fact, she likes me because I am Jamie Follese and not the real person i've been the whole time. That message she sent, was a mistake maybe? But why would Katie lie to me? It's clearly from Tia's number. And the moment I barged into her room, I saw her smiling at her phone. She's been holding them so how would Katie creates stories? I should just forget about her, I deserve a better girl. BzzzBzz New message. -Baby, I'm feeling so sad today. I need you.- Katie's feeling down  today. I should be with her. Maybe she's the one for me? At least, she wants me for who I am. -Come over today after school. I'll pick you up. Missed you already


-Come over today after school.I'l pick you up. Missed you already


I saw Jamie driving his car, coming towards me. He's picking me up? No, he went to Katie. Oh yeah, i forgot. He hates me. Honk Honk. Me and Adam turrned to that honking car. "Ryan's here. Let's go Adam." I grabbed his hand and walked over to Ryan's car. He opened the car door for me and sits beside the driver seat. "Hey guys. So, Adam! Hey bro!" Ryan said hey to Adam and they did some sort of brofist. I rested my head and looked outside the window. "Hey Ryan. Never thought I'll meet you up close. Thanks for giving a ride. Tia insisted me to leave my car at school." Adam said and looked behind at me. I smiled. He's perfect but why can't I say yes to him? He wanted to be my boyfriend but I'm still hoping for Jamie? I should stop. Ryan looked at me through the mirror and smiled. Sneaky. Haha. "Nah, It's alright. So, you guys are dancing partner or something? Tia told me you guys wanted to practice some dance steps." Ryan asked. "Yeah, She's my date to the prom. She's very hard to get and finally she said yes to me," Adam laughs. "Yeah, she's having trouble getting over something. She's in doubts." Ryan answered and looked at me again through the reflection of the mirror. "Not now ryan..." I shot him that look. He nodded and Adam looked over, confused. "Nah, it's nothing. I reckon she'll accept you soon" Ryan patted Adam's back and he grinned.

The ride back home seemed longer than the usual. Anna texted me saying Jason's already at ours and made lunch for me and Adam. 5 minutes later, we've finally reached home. We got out of the car and made our way in. Adam took my hand and wrapped his arm mine. I was shocked, but his touch didn't give me that eletcric shock like Jamie's. No, stop thinking of your past Tia. When I walked by the living room, I saw Jamie and Katie sitting so close next to each other. Just like how me and Jamie used to. My legs would lay on his lap and I'd wrapped my arms around his neck. He didn't looked over at us, but Katie did. Adam was shocked when he saw Katie. He looked over at me but I shot him 'its nothing' look. Anna and Jason are already at the lawn, practicing their dance steps. To be honest, I have not dance that close to a guy before. The slow dance, only if Adam is Jamie. We ate our lunch and get outside of the house. Follese has a very spacious lawn and you can even see the lawn when you're inside the house because the door is transparent. I just hope Jamie wouldn't see me dancing around with Adam.


She's dancing so close to that guy. He's pressing his body on hers. I wish I could do that with Tia. NO, Jamie. She wanted you for me. Are you getting jealous over a kid? Look who's beside you! You used to like her didn't you? She's your childhood crush. You wanted her before this ! And now, she's all yours if you want to. I looked at Katie. She's pretty and she has that look. Should I ask her to be my girlfriend? At least she's honest. And I know her well. "Katie, would you be mine if I asked you to?" She turned to me and leaned in. I gave her a kiss and she bit her lip. "Of course baby. Will you be mine too?" Her eyes directly into mine. "Yes" She rised up and now she's on top of me. She had her legs around my waist and kissing me passionately. Yes, she's the one.


I came inside to get a glass of water. I'm feeling so exhausted after that dance practice. Adam, Jason and Anna are resting and chatting. So, I walked inside to take a glass of water. I didn't see Jamie and Katie anywhere though. I took my glass and was about to went outside, then I saw Jamie and Katie on top of each other on the couch. Prangggg. I don't know how my glass slipped off my hands. Maybe I was too shocked seeing them making out so hard, and so passionate. Everyone heard the broken sound I made. I saw Jamie looked over at me, worried, but then Katie distracts him. I was going to clean the mess but then I accidentally stepped on one of the broken pieces. "OUCH" My foot is bleeding. I can see Jamie's looking over again and Anna's with the boys, making their way inside, looking so worried. I was looking down, trying hard not to cry and picks up the broken glasses. Bloods are all over the floor. It's not that much but, it's looking bad. Suddenly, I could feel a hand, wiping my blood away. I looked up and saw, Jamie. Jamie is on his knees. but not looking at me. He's focusing on my wounds. I can't believe it's Jamie. Jamie Christian Follese', the one I adore, still has that caring feeling for me when i'm hurting or in pain eventhough I'm the last person he would choose to live with now. 


Tia and Adam dancing :)

The Distance - Jamie Follesé ( Hot Chelle Rae ) ON HOLD TILL DECEMBERजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें