Chapter 45

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I never knew loving someone would be this bad. To be honest, I didn't even believe the existence of love in the first place. Like ever. I hated love. But now, I'm currently in the midst of a love crisis. It has been months since I knew them. And it still felt like a dream.

"You okay Chris?" Melissa asked, bursting all my bubbles. She calls me Chris only when she's in a happy mood and probably when I seemed so down and there's like a freaking sign on top of my head saying 'Do not disturb'. 

I don't think he even knows my second nickname. I sighed before getting up and leaned my head against the headboard. Melissa whose been standing since Nash left, joined me on the bed. 

"I don't know. Everything feels wrong. I just wished I could end everything." I murmured. "What are you saying Chris?! Are you serious?" Melissa practically screamed under my nose.

I heaved out a long sigh before nodded. I was really sure of my decision. After all the dramas. I just need a break and probably some space to catch my breath. But is this the only way out? I'm not sure myself.

"Christia, you don't spit out nonsense like this after a long day. You're just tired and once you get up tomorrow, I'm sure you wouldn't fight the urge of kissing Jamie. Go to his room and makeout or something." Melissa rolled her eyes.

But the decision I made was something I was really sure of right now. I'm tired of these constant fighting over stupid stuff and I bet Jamie at some point, got annoyed by me too. So I guess, a little space would really help us out right now.

"I'm sure of my decision Mels. I'm tired of this. I knew it wasn't working out from the very start." I said quietly. The truth was hard for me to even say it out.

I know there's ups and downs in a relationship and those little arguments were the ones making us even closer and stronger. But sometimes, you just need a break to get some air and think about everything throughly. I loved Jamie, so much and I still do despite everything that ever happened.

I'm just not sure if being together right now would help me regain my composure. You might think I'm being lunatic, we just got back together and what the hell am I doing? Letting him go once again? You could say I'm not very good in relationships, that was probably the reason I've been single since I met Jamie.

"I need some air, I'll go out for a walk at the park okay?" I got up and smoothen my clothes. There's a park nearby the hotel and I just need a time for my own. Melissa gave me an approving look and nodded. "You want me to come along or this is the period when you needed to be alone for a moment?" She smiled, which totally made me feel better.

I could never find a better friend than Melissa, she understands me in every way a friend could and I love her so much I'm glad she's in good hands. I was really doubting if being with Nash was considered 'Good Hands' but I trust him. He might look vulnerable but deep inside he's as soft as a fluffy animal.

"Yeah, I'm just gonna walk alone" I managed to put up a small smile which was the best thing I could ever come up with tonight. "Okay then, be careful" Melissa waved her hands at me and I quickly walk towards the door after grabbing my iPod with me.

I rode the elevator and walked briskly towards the park. The way the winds were brushing against my skin made me feel better and making me realize how much I missed Adrienne and Keith plus Anna. I remembered the first time I was there, I didn't know how to react, when the first time I saw the topless Ryan who just came out of the shower, I became speechless.

I remembered those late night movies times we used to have back in Nashville, and Adam. I missed Adam Keane. I don't know if you guys still remembers him but he has been nothing but sweet to me. 

The Distance - Jamie Follesé ( Hot Chelle Rae ) ON HOLD TILL DECEMBEROnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora