Chapter 41

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Ryan was being ballistic. I mean I was just trying to convince them Katie did change. I wasn't going crazy or badmouthed someone, I was just saying all the good things. It seemed like Katie being a whole new person was unacceptable and they were not going to get over it.

I stormed out of the restaurant, feeling kinda annoyed by their immaturity. Am i that childish? I think not. They're acting like a child who wouldn't bug unless I 'm going to stop telling them the truth. And now  I am the one who's acting childish huh?

Ryan pissed me off, at least I was expecting him to understand what I was trying to say, but then he's the one who was being so immature. I was expecting a more calming reaction from them, or maybe they would just get over it.

But they didn't and they won't. Maybe I should confront Ian or maybe Nash. I guess Ian seems like the one who will consider things evenly, and more mature than the others. I'm just walking alone the pavement of some streets I don't recognized.

I might get lost, thank god I brought my purse along when I stormed off. I took a quick glance behind my back, hoping either Ryan or Jamie would come after me. "I should've known." I snickered, as I saw no one was walking behind me. 

It was kinda chilly, the cool air breeze kinda shivers me. I'm still dissapointed in the boys. How could they act so selfish? I decided to call Melissa, so that we could have dinner together. I'm really starving. As I tried searching for my phone in my pocket, I bumped into someone.

"Ouch.." I said, as I rub my nose. That man who bumped into me was tall and both of us fell to the ground. "Sorry.." I heard the guy said as he offered his hand to me. I took it and stood up with his strong grip. "Christia?" I stopped rubbing my nose and looked up.

"Chord?" I shot him a confused look. How did he knows my name? The last time I remembered seeing him was when during my birthday party at the follese's. That was the first and last I could recalled.

"You, know me?" I furrowed my eyebrows. He gave me a small laugh. "Of course I do know you! You're Jamie's girlfriend! He talks about you all the time." Chord explained, smiling. My smile dissapeared. I'm still pissed off. "He did, huh?" I snickered. 

"Um yeah.." Chord stiffled an uncomfortable cough. "What are you doing here anyway?" I asked, while we started walking. "We were shooting for glee. What about you? Here for the concert?" Chord smiled. I couldn't take my eyes off him.

I mean I am a big fan of Glee. I would always keep an eye on him whenever I watch Glee. He's my favorite. "Couldn't stop singing huh?" I giggled. He nodded. "Well, it's my passion. Hey, you didn't answer my question!" He nudged me.

"I'm on a fieldtrip, and about the concert, I'm planning on skipping it." I finally said it. I was thinking about it since the moment I stormed out. I mean, why would I go anyways? They don't even care about me now.

"Did something happened?" Chord asked, I shook my head. "Nothing. Where are we heading to?" I finally asked, my head looking around. I don't even know where the heck we are now. "Let's eat. I'm starving. Are you?" Chord's invitation was like the best thing I've ever heard of tonight. 

I grinned. "I am! Let's go!" I screamed. He laughed at my excitement. "Okay then princess. What do you want to eat?" I smiled and went into my thinking mode.

"Burger? I really want a Big Mac right now." the thought of Big Mac made me drool and licked my lips. "Sounds like someone's hasn't eaten since last year." Chord joked as we made our way across the street. 

"Don't judge my big appetite." I glared, and he winked. "I won't!" He grabbed my hand as we cross over the road. It was very uncomfortable though since we barely know each other but Chord seemes relaxed. I mean what am I thinking? He's an actor. Of course he held handful of actresses before this.

The Distance - Jamie Follesé ( Hot Chelle Rae ) ON HOLD TILL DECEMBERWhere stories live. Discover now